datret's forum posts
Resistance: Fall of Man
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Metal Gear Solid 4
Ratchet and Clank
Heavenly Sword
There's soom
[QUOTE="Adrian_Cloud"][QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"][QUOTE="Adrian_Cloud"][QUOTE="manny280"][QUOTE="-Spock-"][QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"]ratchet and clank isn't an AAA seriesmanny280
The first was AAA... :roll:
yea the first was AAA but its a series thts been rapidly declining ever since up your arsenal deadlocked was horrible Imo
No it hasn't , rofl.
yes it has. Up your arsenal was great...but deadlocked didn't even have any platorming. And due to the psp's gimpy controls R&C size matters was crippled, at least from whatI playedrofl thats like counting FFX-2 as an actual standard FF game. Its not a regular RAtchet game if it has no platforming, thats just a side game. you guys are nuts.
i dnt get how deadlocked was a side game plz inform me how
Well, for one, it wasn't a Ratchet & Clank game. Just Ratchet.
I really care.
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