Its the 19th and ive done 2 of my exams!! only 2 to go... Ive played 60 hours now of FFX. Im up to going inside Sin after he crashes on Bevelle. I know what your thinnking and yes, its a hell of a long time to be only up to there. BUT in my defence i have been catching fiends, getting sigils and PLAYING BLITZBALL! its such a good minigame. My teams on level 13 and all my guys are on like level 35 up. im trying to learn all the techs.. anyway off topic. i went out last night with a mate. started off at a pub then went into town. It was such a good night except there was the 2 foulest strippers ever. entertaining , yes. hot, not a chance. so with exception to the strippers and the mad headache i had thismorn, it was agreat night.
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