On May 14th 2009, Engadget.com posted some pics of what is purported to be a PS3 "Slim". Essentially the same PS3 that we all know and love, but in a smaller, cheaper and more energy effiicient package. Woah momma - could it be true?
On the 18th May, Engadget were asked not so politely to remove their pics of said machine further fuelling speculation that the Slim will indeed be upon us soon.
A few short weeks later, Sony's head honcho dismisses the story and the speculation whilst questioned at E3, despite the pics displaying packaging very much like that found with the now confirmed PSP Go.
We all know that a PS3 Slim will eventually be released, but could it be upon us now? The recently launched PS3 80gb bundles have spirred a new round of rumouring so I thought it was about time I jumped on this bandwagon and stated categorically wether or not a PS3 Slim is about to be released.
I for one say yes. Yes, the Slim is just around the corner. It will be released within the next couple of months and will effectively be a re-launch of the PS3, along with some new partnership announcements and at least a moderate price drop.It will be backed by TV adverts and a significant marketing push, in line with the run-up to Christmas.
You cannot convince me that this isn't going to happen soon. Furthermore I strongly believe that the Engadget pics are spot-on and that our slims will be smaller, matt and with a 120gb hard drive.
So Sony you can forget about me buying your gigantic PS3, with or without an extra free game. It aint gonna happen no more. Frankly I'm quite annoyed with Sony for not allowing me to pick up a PS3 at a reasonable price long ago, but the only saving grace is if I get to enjoy the space saving benefits that the new model will allow. So don't friggin delay it Sony, you hear me. And keep the price reasonable, or there will be trouble.