Well I'm gonna go with Company of Heroes. Love that game, played it almost exclusively for a year. Most every other RTS got boring pretty fast. CoH is the most dynamic, exciting RTS to date hands down.
davemanrex2's forum posts
-So been curious, this has been a dispute with my friends for a while on how they complain how the head box is twice as big as the character models head or something. I'm not talking about not forming to the character models face perfectly I'm talking about a head box within reason compared to the character model. Just curious.
-Well considering Crysis and Orange Box went so fast I'm curious as to what is a good RPG to get into. Basically here'stheRPGs I've played in the past starting my favorite: Morrowind, Pokemon, Knights of theOld Republic, hmm..... wow I really haven't played a whole lot of RPGs. Well the one's I didn't care for are Oblivion andBioshock (if thiseven counts as an RPG).
-SoI've been consideringMMORPGs andGuild Wars peaked my interest considering it has nomonthly fee as I'd hate thefeeling ofwanting to play just tojustify theprice I pay per month and I've heard plenty of good things about it. I haven't written WoW off quite yet asif its as amazing as I've heard I might be able to make an exception about the wholepay per monththing. Umm... yeah I've heard really good thing about the Witcherso this was also on my possibility list.
-I guessI just don't knowenough aboutany of these games or hell any other RPGs for that matter. Just pretty picky about what games I play and well little things can kill an RPG as what I believe happened to Oblivion (enemies leveling up with you, LAME!!!).Just not sure if I wanna take that step into MMO games or not but from my experience of switching fromSP FPS games to playing competively onlineI'm kinda excited for a change in the RPG genre. So basicallyI'm asking is GuildWars some where around the lines of Morrowind/pokemon, is there exploration,is leveling up significant? IsWitcher a safe route to go or should I give WoW a shotconsideringthegames I've likedin the past.Thanks for your time.
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