In 30 years of gaming, it had the single most toxic community I have ever personally experienced in a multiplayer game. Some of the comments here give a taste of said community. Good riddance Battleborn.
I think that it is more difficult to care about a character when you know that there is no real consequence for them failing. When you see your character repeatedly killed, it becomes easy to stop caring about them, when you know that they will be right back at it after the continue screen.
I think that Tom McShea needs to stop playing video games for a while, he is showing the signs of a curmudgeonly critic with an agenda. This review seems to be written with the sole purpose of generating controversy. Gamespot seems to have cherry picked a game that was almost universally praised and ripped it apart, just for the sake of stirring the pot. I suppose one could speculate that it would rile folks up and generate traffic, but in doing so they have made themselves the story rather than the game.
For the record I couldn't care less what anyone else thinks of the game, as I know how I feel about it and don't need any sort of validation for my opinion. Bioshock Infinite wasn't everything I wanted it to be. For one to call of game of this craftsmanship poor however only indicates that perhaps Mr. McShea is working in the wrong field. He seems to have allowed his personal disappointment get in the way of an honest review of the game's objective merits.
daveyf03's comments