Another topic that I am losing sleep over is Vin Diesel's hostile takeover of my beloved videogame series. It's just stupid that he is now involved in the movie project when there are other actors that would suit the role much better, like Jason Statham for one, the other is David Bateson (who just so happens provides the voice of 47 in the game). Now granted Vin Diesel is bald so I guess that made him a shoe-in for the role, but I just don't like the fact that studios have to hire someone like him to play the role just because he's famous, when there are other more capable actors probably ready to take the role.
There's also another problem that for me is more serious and it is that he plans to take the reigns of the game series and hand them over to his own developing company Tigon Studios (the company behind the Riddick game, which was good). This frightens me because what would happen if the series was up-rooted from its original developer IO Interactive? The game would probably be radically different from its former self, that I would hate. Well that's just about enough of me rambling for me, by the way I like Vin Diesel but I think this is ridiculous.