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davidwwone Blog

finally im enjoying the Wii


When I brought my wii I was so excited to have it. I pre ordered the wii, wii sports, monkey ball: banana blitz, Zelda: twilight princess, red steel, 3 nunchuks and three wiimotes. All was fine and happy in the world or was it?

After a couple of weeks of Zelda and wii sports I kind of lost interest in it, red steel was terrible its buggy the graphics are terrible and the controls are the worst thing I have ever played with! (Calm down, deep breathes) so anyway monkey ball was ok but only when there was enough people around who wanted to play it which wasn't that often, so I just didn't play on it. I waited until some games came out on the system so I could trade red steel and monkey ball in, fortunately for me gamestation were offering £25 trade in on both games and fortunately call of duty 3 and need for speed had just been released so I traded the old games in and went home a happy boy!

I think I played on the wii for about 9 hours the first day and about 11 hours the day after I couldn't put the wiimote and nunchuk down. I wasn't just playing on the new games I started playing on the old ones again getting new high scores on wii sports getting past temples in Zelda happy times again.

I recently brought heatseeker and ssx blur both are superb! really good game play on both of them and finally more games with good wii controls.

Here is a list of games which im looking forward too.

My sims

Resident evil 4 wii edition

Super paper Mario

Pokemon battle revolution

Spider man 3

Resident evil : umbrella chronicles

Mortal kombat

Mario galaxy

Metroid prime 3 : corruption

Fire emblem : goddess of dawn

Final fantasy : the crystal bearers

Mario party 8

Battalion wars 2

Wii music orchestra

Harvest moon wii

Donkey kong

There are probably plenty of games which I have forgotten about, all I know is that its going to be an expensive year.

xbox live

Recently i have noticed some people on live are being complete idiots, not letting you enter games and if losing just quitting without any warning this really annoys me as i like to think that im going to get the best possible online experience that i can. mostly i go on pgr3 and battlefield 2 for my online play both highly recommmended if you get the right group of people in the game.

I have also recently started to use microsoft points which even thought they cost me quite a bit of hard cash i think that its worth it because you get extras for games (i.e cars, armour and new locations) which you would never get without xbox live. all in all xbox live gets a 10/10 from me. lets see what the ps3 and the wii's online hub is like. happy gaming! 

free time

i work in a electrical store so i get my hands on all sorts of new technology which is very good because i know what is coming out and what features they have. but there is a flip side my bank balance is almost always hovering around the £0 mark because i see and i want so i must have it. recently i have been thinking to myself "Dave why do you need all these lovely shiny metal and plastic things when you never have anytime to use them." 

well you will be pleased to know that i do have the time now my lovely girlfriend is on holiday for 10 days, 10 days people. i just play with all my lovely technology all day and all night. life is good!

oh yeah, lauren my sweet, if you are reading this i cant wait for you to get back. but not just yet. (joking)