dbz001man / Member

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So here's my opinion of the Nintendo Ds, now that i've been playing one for a while. it's a damn good system, for what you pay, 150 for the system plus mario kart, the games you get (mario kart, nintendogs, animal crossing, advance wars, pheonex wright ace atourney) it's a good value, great mobil games system. In terms of psp, everyone is toating how awesome it is at doing other things but games, buy a stinking PDA if you want a system for movies pictures and web browsing, get like, a tapwave zodiac! it's sexy, it's the same resolution as PSP (i own one) and plays movies just as well, batteries longer, and it's a palm device, so it can do SO MUCH MORE! that's better cause it's designed EXCLUSIVELY for that stuff. you can get away with paying 150 online for a tapwave zodiac, and 150 for a nintendo DS with mario cart and you'll have paid less then if you'd just bought the psp and 1 game. PSP is big and klunky, if you drop it it WILL break, and think about this, you're riding a bus somewhere that'll take 30 minuets to get there. you turn on the PSP, and wait for 3 minuets while your game loads... 27 minuets left. you play for 27 minuets, and realize, crap, i'm out of time my bus has stopped but i haven't reached a save point, that's 27 minuets wasted. either that, or as you're getting off the bus, someone runs up to you and takes your sexy psp. With the DS, you can play it for 10 minuets, practicaly any game, and still DO SOMETHING in the game. yay DS! jeez.. The psp has alot of sex apeal, but that's pretty much it. if you want to play crappy ports of games, or sup standard console experiance on the road, and does a few other things that a PDA could do better, go with psp. if you want a mobil gaming station that has decent mobil games, go with DS.