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Red Wings are Stanley Cup Champions!!!

I know it's a little late to be blogging on this but I've been busy. :P The finals were a fun series and full of great moments. Both teams had flashes of brillance. I've been a Wings fan all my life and it was nice to see them clinch a 3rd cup in 11 years. I think Pittsburgh's age got the better of them. They became impatient at key points in games. Next year however they could be a top contender again for the cup if the management can keep the key players there. I think a very pivotal moment in the series is when the Wings were able to kill a 5 on 3 penalty in game 4. That was definitely the moment Zetterberg sealed the deal for the Conn Smythe trophy. The major killer for the Penguins too was the fact that every player on the Detroit side seemed to be contributing. This is evident when you look at the goals scored, it's all over the place. Sure some same players were scoring but for the most part the goals were pretty spread out. It seemed Crosby was the only player getting any goals for Pittsburgh. It definitely felt like Detroit had more depth as the series went on. Anyone watching could see though that some Penguin players just need a little more push and the depth could be there. It'll be very interesting also to see how the Wings handle Hasek retiring. Will Osgood still be the number 1? Will they bring up Howard? Will they grab a free agent in the NHL? I'm hoping the Wings can remain a contender next year for the cup and bring home another one. GO WINGS!!!

Dark Knight Banner

The new Dark Knight trailer has got me so excited about the movie that I put together a banner. The DMC4 one was still cool but it had been there for a while and I felt like making a change. :P

Welcome Back Commander!

I just got my hands on a copy of C&C:3 and it is amazing. Definitely makes me feel like a kid again playing the original C&C for the first time. Definitely a blast to play through. Already got through the GDI campaign, now I just have to get through the NOD campaign. Then I'll be able to play as the Scrin, that should be deliciously evil. :twisted:

Portable Ops = Portable Fun

I must say I am thoroughly enjoying Metal Gear: Portable Ops for the PSP. It's quite an enjoyable experience. It's a good thing too, the PSP needs a seller to push the handheld. This should definitely help push sales. I am glad I own a PSP and this game now.

The recruiting system is just a great feature. My brother owns it too, so hopefully I can trade some people with him. The Wi-Fi scan is a nice feature they added for getting recruits on your team. I haven't played nearly as long as I've played through MGS:3 but I can comfortably say it's just as, if not more entertaining than MGS:3. I highly recommend people pick it up if they have a PSP or if they have been debating whether or not to get a PSP they should give the PSP a shot now.

PS3...what's with all the negativity?

I'm just wondering why it appears day in and day out that it's nothing but negativity on here with the PS3?

Can anyone tell me why? I know there are fanboys out in abundance here on Gamespot, but it seems like the boards are absolutely crawling with people who despise the PS3. The sad thing is they haven't even touched the system and immediately claim it's horrible or have opinions based around one title. I think I'll avoid going into the System Wars forum all together. You go in there and you get no where any more it seems like. It seems impossible to carry on a logical debate as soon the 10 year old kid like arguments kick in and run the entire thread.

I just find it's funny that the system has been out, what a few months and people are already deeming it a failure. It cost too much, it doesn't have enough games, too many extra features that we don't need, boo hoo. If it was the other way around and it didn't come with all the extra features then fanboys would complain it had nothing on it and was a waste. It seems like a lose lose situation.

IMO for everything in the system and what I've played so far, it's well worth the price. Especially considering it's first gen titles look as good if not better then some 360 titles.

Bottom line is all 3 systems bring something great to the table and have their strengths and weaknesses. This whole doom and gloom thing for the PS3 is getting very old very quick though.

Okay I'm done ranting, just wanted to let some steam off.