dbzfreak / Member

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Portable Ops = Portable Fun

I must say I am thoroughly enjoying Metal Gear: Portable Ops for the PSP. It's quite an enjoyable experience. It's a good thing too, the PSP needs a seller to push the handheld. This should definitely help push sales. I am glad I own a PSP and this game now.

The recruiting system is just a great feature. My brother owns it too, so hopefully I can trade some people with him. The Wi-Fi scan is a nice feature they added for getting recruits on your team. I haven't played nearly as long as I've played through MGS:3 but I can comfortably say it's just as, if not more entertaining than MGS:3. I highly recommend people pick it up if they have a PSP or if they have been debating whether or not to get a PSP they should give the PSP a shot now.