Well, I've set myself on a goal to re-read each of the Harry Potter books in the 5 days leading up to the release of book number six. I can gladly say that I have successfully completed my first day task, as I expected to. The real challenge comes on Thursday and Friday when I attempt to tackle books 4 and 5, with page counts over 700 and 800 respectively. Wish me the best of luck in my lofty goals.
I've finished Chamber of Secrets as of 1:30 AM today. I'll be starting tomorrow on Prisoner of Azkaban. It's going to start getting more difficult now, as PoA is almost a 100 pages longer than CoS.
It took me a little while longer than the previous two books, but I finished reading Prizoner of Azkaban. I'm starting to think I'll go cross-eyed if I read too much more. I'm going to attempt to read as much of Goblet of Fire as possible, but its very likely I will end up conceding defeat and read at a much more leisurely pace
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