Windows 7 key notes: .. XP vs w7
Have you ever got a PC and/or Labtop and had it say it was not genuine? Well now it can be. Windows 7 has a friendly gpo which infact is the audit system for tracking. This GPO is so user friendly it can falsify tracking services under administration. That means if you put a false negative under the positive it will block any access to your PC. That includes genuine notifications. On top of that the It is much easier than XP actually. XP has it so the GPO is more business orientated ie their is plug and play on xp, not on win 7 (only on win 7 ultimate which is infact a gpo version of xp for business). Make sure to turn off the notification service first though! If possible you want to delete the notification update as well. However, doing just those may not guarantee a genuine windows. You need to audit controls under security in windows GPO (gpedit.msc) as well. Maybe even take your time in reading the 1000 group policy list, and config each one to your liking. It won't harm too much, ie active x controls can be checked for malware etc. Then you can not get weird messages etc and your pc should run fine. You should probably not turn the windows notification security service itself off though. XP is infact superior for business if one doesn't have ultimate because the gpo can control the system more effectively. XP is also mod friendly, and lightweight with sleek new designs. I was able to stop 404s on xp, where as normally the server could reject users. Its fairly less complex than win7. However, win7 can easily become customizable as well in the near future, its a given choice if one wants XP for business, and servers or Win7 for games. Win7 is great for games, because its less customizable. Can't play video files? Did your web browser slow down? Was there a missing button or added tool bar when you were gone for that one day? It basically has an unstable corruptible registry like every other windows o/s since 3.1 came out. Ever want to get a Game only O/s? One that is not complex and fairly simple, and uses default, sam, security, system and software from the windows xp system effectively...for a cheap price? Oh, the pc broke, just click refresh...and its back to normal, 7 is extra protective for the gay empire, it has keys upon keys so you will always have an illegitimate windows system...secretively...shhhh. It also blocked cmd quick commands which fixed winxp within seconds. That 5 dollar a month xbox live o/s is even more simple, yet you would be paying for windows 7 in a year or two via that horrible disconnecting service. Or how bout the o/s being built in? Well guess what?!?.....You can't! Microsoft is too greedy and stupid. They keep piling crap on their original o/s which is default, security, sam etc. Btw I just put a password on netlog on service by filling in the name then making a password then disabled computer browser and it seems to stop browser errors which are manipulated under services. Internet traffic and even viruses are regulated this way. This simple security settings tweak is the key to preventing fatal errors in operating systems via the web browser on all windows op systems. As for games, windows 7 is better because its direct x 11 and built faster. Ever get pages loaded badly in the first place? Like you know the html on the page streams wrong? That's computer browser service not functioning correctly or using older signatures..idk it just never loads correctly anyhow. Just put a password and half of your PC web browsing problems will not occur, you can literally go anywhere on the web (you can still get viruses though, they won't effect the system much i think, which is why gpo etc may be useful). Unfortunately, I did not manipulate this important entry after doing tests with the system, and downgraded therefore gave it an F for failure (simply because I hav no disc or way to back up and repair the system). Win xp is also a maintenance nightmare, where everything is automated in win7...for instance if you install a driver, you don't manually uninstall it in device manager. It detects it automatically, if you need defrag it does it automatically and silently in the background somehow. Win 7 is no way rec to buy basically because of its hefty price tag, yet it is rec to use and may infact be worth the 100+ dollar price tag offer. Hence, windows 7 is def rec to preinstall and send back to the store give or take if the computer you buy is a labtop or uber stable and expensive computer with preinstalled win7 that you accidentally destroy by installing something like iobit malware 2, I say that would be fair. Windows 7 is not 20 bucks or 30 bucks, no its 119 dollars or 140 idk a decent sized labtop is the same amount. An upgrd to windows 8 is another 80 bucks. This article telling everyone outthere they can get it for free...priceless.
My take on what went wrong on my o/s which was for free built into the computer:
They should have improved upon windows xp and have had this setting preconfigured, however they did not so it is infact an F grade because this open setting is worst than a virus, it can distort the registry and make your web browser not load ever if simply scanned by a tracer service built in (i installed io bit malware 2 which causes irq problems on win 7) or an automated service crashes. To alleviate I had to use their service (can't remember at this time), and it automatically checked files..nifty, however it manipulated the registry a bit...and computer browser was the service it manipulated greatly. If this service was locked these problems would not arise. This IRQ error in regards is also susceptible to a ponsy scheme, because it makes users think they need to buy the disc, however how come it only occurs with Iobit malware etc? Strange bizaare even, because the program is soo popular&millions use it. An IRQ conflict is not hard to do infact.
Second Attempt: Apparently the Serial number on the PC ended up working I must hav done GPO too much or edited something I shouldn't hav touched. So its genuine again. What happens is I used windows live and updated via home edition. Its now downgraded to 64 bit, but I kept the tutorial below incase someone doesnt want to use a crack or needs just to lock down their pc for unknown reasons. So after all this mess I regraded in reality Windows 7 to an A because its much faster and can be downloaded from any location. I do however use Easeus partition manager for xp first. Easeus is the only partition manager for xp and works better than shrink volume on w7. I noticed though, w7 is much faster in general. DX 9 is equivalent to xbox 360 and at times worst. It even loads akwardly, so its not rec. XBCD is rec or XBCD64. What else...drivers, the drivers gave me a bunch of viruses because I typed in the mb in google and got viruses, then I typed in the bios name optiplex meaning windows xp was too decentralized, these new windows versions seem to be more centralized. The advantages of that is the hardware is less different, whilst last generation had ati coupled with intel, it would cause more problems, and more different cards were released. So I noticed I can upgrd back to win64 7, and that's some good news. However I still hold my opinion of a B, because of the problems which occurred through thin air before the viruses happened, ie no sound, no drivers auto dl'd or even computer browser scripting pages wrong (which I disabled upon reinstall). All in all these new o/s are faster for gaming, yet their updates still need be tested. Upon set up I give it an F for not fully automated repair, or discrete connections which means setups can go wrong. Also programs like io malware destroy the o/s for some reason or give it irq blue screens. I give it an A for functionality after everything is setup. Its apparently not plug n' play and that's what you would expect with a nice interface like these. The performance in general by windows 7 is overall better, and rec for those people whom still use XP. Below I listed a possible way to get around SAM without a product key. As for the Games download and internet features of Windows 7, I would give it an A for the fact that so many games are available free, I would even give it an A because of the fact that the games are so cheap, howver I give it an F because my computer, once again, has a virus...from thin air, making my decision making process to never buy games sooo much easier. So I enabled all access to outcoming connections on the fw. No. However, since viruses do nothing to win7, I decided to keep it to avoid a third attempt dl.
1.) Audit settings in gpo to failure in order to not be tracked. Delete SUI in system32
2.) SLrg rearm etc in CMD and delete the popular kb update
3.) Open regedit and individually delete the Windows protection folder...its HKEY somethign something, if its not there it can't show up. Can't remember at the moment. Its in there somewhere. Then turn off automatic updates, restore, possibly even background services if you're good etc in gpo.
4.) Go to Security settings in Administrator and navigate to computer browser, type in a user name and password you want. Click apply.
5.) Nonvalidated windows is validated or not checked. If no disc is available, or no program updates etc it should dl, upload games fine. If validation network via sam still gets through...I rec using windows 7 as a game computer. Like I said, if its off, its off.
This is a short article, because PCs shouldn't be controlled, but mainly because people's private lives shouldn't be tracked either. If I pay for my xbox service, i don't want disruption. If I pay for my PC and/or its games, I don't want viruses, and I don't esp want to be tracked, its as simple as that. If you are in the same position as me and get stuck with a PC without a disc, you too, would not want to be tracked...however so that's the nature of plug n' play o/s. Sometimes you just have to go for the better one that suits you. A backup PC is a must. Also you might need an o/s with a disc, so they don't lose all together...sometimes people want the disc for the o/s. For instance, if I have backup work on this computer, it will be lost forever if say my harddrive crashes on a hot day. Or it may be that I accidently delete a file, or download a file which curropts the registry...idk, a backup disc is fairly important and that's why people do infact buy operating systems. I am only for the O/s being built in as free...for instance, i don't pay a single cent for xbox, ps4, or any other lightweight o/s. If I am to purchase win7, I would do so at less of a price or even for free. From my interaction with this o/s it had no set backs. Its basically xp built with firmware, fairly nice and easy to use plus or minus tweaking the bots and automated live controls. I may keep this one, for games only though. As for a rec, i do rec highly this o/s because it is virus safe, and even checks for viruses with bitdefender or without a virus scan. If you get a virus, its less likely to damage your system as it is with XP. XP does have some advantages though, and that is the advantage of locking down your pc and encrypting it without a smart card or hard-to-earn knowledge of c++ etc. Both are built upon system, sam, default i don't see a big deal or upgrade either. I just see an easier user interface with win 7. If I really wanted to test my hardware i'd go ahead and get win8 beta for free though. Below are some free programs designed for windows 7&8. The fact is is that all PCs are built with the web browser first, then the operating system and hardware, consoles are exactly the opposite. Game platforms will always be more effective. Proof is just the other day my windows 7 web browsers started working slow, I checked xbox 360, nope, nothing...I checked my other PC still nothing. Then I remembered I was one of the few million lucky winners to click on the green checked virus icon under google search...that's right you can land a virus just by searching for popular terms as "windows 7 uninstall office service pack 2" updates. Clicking on the first link or so, will land you, that's right..a virus. The gay empire has a lot of work on their hands, destroying such good technology as the pc and making it uttery a pyramid scheme. That's why I have a back up PC, and also installed win xp and win xp 64 bit under windows 7 in a separate partition.
Unfortunately, this is also a review. I give Windows 7 O/s after using it for 2 weeks a gradual cool F for Failure. I was able to use XP for a few years without major disruption, whilst w7 prevented me from navigating to any web orientated sites and slowed me down on a crawl. I used the same service on two other computers to double check its legitimacy. It is infact true, the myth that we degenerated from the sumerians and Bill Gates or walking sh1t is living proof of their computer, an unstable technicality upon civilization for the sake of secretive monetary goals. Windows 7 is literally sh1t. The true reason is XP can be manipulated and learned, if I had a W7 cd and a year with the program, this rating would infact rise. However, I don't, neither do I have the time of elementary behaviors or to decipher new o/s. It is infact a glamorized interface or o/s even built upon xp. As I suspected two weeks earlier, I would be downgrading within a month, and rec anyone else without the cd to do so. The automated systems are nice, yet they don't do anything to fix that big internet explorer dump they took, the one where they built the explorer program first so everyone and their mother can get inside your pc. Its called Windows, and regedit etc is infact a must. If I use the XBox 360 browser, or my modified winxp on another pc and its load time is not a 56k after navigating to certain websites, you would understand too. Here is to bypass the config below, for all those Win7 free users who don't have a disk yet for some reason shelled out lots of money on a pc. So you buy an O/s, and everythings set for gaming but wait...oh no the graphics on your graphics card jumps, that small jump will render an unknown (on win7 64bit, the graphics jump due to intervention of an unknown, even on minimal settings, when you rotate the camera angle it jumps...BTw whats a snap-in? Its a root directory from an outside source only available on windows machines to be virtually controlled by this outside source...DO NOT WANT DNW). On a console, the game will not be built with this glitch...ever online or offline. However, some lucky individuals (rich people) who own a 1000 dollar machine can hold their breath for a few months before maintenance issues arise. Here's the problem, if you have windows 32 bit instead of 64, you need some program tweaks for games. You also need to change the ram size of the o/s. Say the ram size is 4 gigs, you need to change it to 8gigs under virtual memory tab (the PAE tool, basically microsoft..millions of people want to play those classic games on 32 bit systems and still be able to play a new game without stuttering via a desktop etc...more ram is just better). Windows is byfar much more improved than XP, however you will run into the same problems if you don't know what youre doing. Windows is by far the worst performance machine on the market. Goodluck on configurations.
Here are some programs specifically designed for windows 7&free:
*Advanced Uninstaller pro ii, Windows Defender, AVG (virus scanner), Direct x 11
Here are some programs designed for the benefits of increasing gaming performance
*Avast (lightweight, Silent gaming mode virus scanner), CCleaner, ASC with gamebooster and/or game assistant 2, drivebooster, defraggler, etc DO NOT dl Io bit malwarefighter it causes IRQ conflicts on win7/win8. DL microsoft essentials instead.
Benefits of Windows 7&8: Almost everything is automated for instance, if your files are damaged they can be fixed in sfcscannow tool, etc. You can basically totally enable all gpe edit settings without any fear of damaging your system.
You can delete almost everything. However most regedit settings, naturally should always be left alone.
-Its rec to only use maybe 2 or 3 background programs, but you may opt for 2 of something the same as long as the company doesn't conflict with it (eg two virus scanners are usually bad news, yet 2 registry cleaners may be beneficial). CCleaner for instance is a lightweigh registry cleaner, but fast whilst Advanced Uninstaller can save up to 10 gigs in its operations. Ever get a download icon to a new web browser and have it become a virus? Oh yeah, try and delete those pesky root signatures, windows 7 unlike xp has a way to do it. Fraudulent signatures are a plague to the internet. They are infact the root cause of spyware & why the gay empire is so strong on the internet. However Windows 7&8 broke their back or diminished their powers just a little. Manually deleting these fraudulent sigs every now and then in *google chrome*, mmc etc are a must. Direct x 9 is good, direct x 11 is infinite times better, giving you trees, and an environment in most games. On warthunder you get grassy knolls instead of a 1998 flight simulator. For a gaming PC the bottom list is rec whilst for a business pc the top one is, both virus scanners have a good reputation so its up to the user to choose.
Video cards advice: If you want to put a new video card like an nvidia or radeon 1gb video ram on your pc, make sure its not something from like 2007, also make sure to plug it into the powersupply via a new 6 pin. You also need to make sure to put v-sync on. V-sync doesn't do anything to games like cs:source, however, it benefits greatly to the newer games. It gets rid of bumps and kinks, with a loss of fps. If fps is standard 60 frames, the eye can not notice and it works pretty much as well as a console. You also want that 8gb system to compete with ps4 and xbox one. You need 1 gb free on your gamecard, that's 9 gbs being used.
Xbone one vs PS4 vs PC specs analysis and comparison.
What's higher than the Ps4 and Xbone's 8gb is infact PC video ram or GPU. As for the below article (which i think is a mess), yes PC cards are hdmi cable ready. However, they need more space. An 8core ps4 won't do what a quadcore pc will do because of space ie videoram or GPU. The GPU is infact really large on a pc, and it does most of the work, so that's why a PC is more powerful than a console. That with including performance issues, will infact decimate the competition in games like gta v or call of duty etc. And yes, we all know Xbox one is more powerful than PS4, here is a link. A hyperthreaded icore3 PC is 4 quadcore at 3.30, so its twice as much as 1.6 (2.20 errr see chart). An icore 3 will be more powerful than a ps4 basically, or on the same level. Notice, the amd cpu is 1.75 gz each (8 core) whilst the amd cpu on ps4 is 1.6, a little less. The Xbox one is infact faster with 853 mhz directly to its APU. Don't expect blue ray or nice double layered discs for cheap gamers like us though. Consoles will usually have more disc space and easier maintenance operations. With game programs like gamebooster nowadays I thought the icore 3 was the best competitive solution, opting over the amd quadcore because of hyperthreading or widepipelines from mb-to-graphics card (wider pipelines=faster boottime). Some mbs never do get widepipelines, the amd soyo did, the amd 64-bit boards didnt. Some may get a blue screen, however that is simply because of vertical refresh not being on. The Ps4 however outshines all three consoles in gaming performance with a peak of 1billion pps. These are the cards with the most and best effects afterall.
Below I made a chart:
System | Specs |
Ps4 | gpu cpu: 1 gig AMD Custom ATI Radeon GCN 256mb ddr5@1.61 (3.22) 8core AMD Jaguar + 256 mb ddr3 background ram@1billion pps |
Xb1 | gpu cpu: 8gb ATI Xenon ddr3@1.75 (3.50) 8core AMD Jaguar + 853 mhz APU 512 mb interface ram@770million pps |
Icore3 gpu cpu | 8gb ddr3, 1gb ddr5 (ATI radeon 5750)@3.30 or AMD quadcore-to-8core can be compared@around 725million pps (standard) |
PC still wins before xbox and ps4 was even released. Xbox one wins in speed. However, 9gb gpu defeats its 8gb, and the system needs that apu/gpu ram on a heavy duty videocard to keep up. A 2010 Icore beats the ps4/xbox one, just barely. If you need to know evolution of videocards, the Dreamcast outdid its competition, the PC back in the day. The truth is the console makers, simply couldn't afford something that revolutionary it seems. Technology has its limits afterall. However, the xbox 360, ps3 seventh gen was a little better. Its Ps3/xbox one defeated its predecessor, the amd 64 bit chip series on the PC upon release only for a short time. The gen before this did so, for a few years. PC could not handle the ps2/dreamcast/gamecube/xbox1 generation in terms of graphics and capabilities. Dreamcast did test drive le mans, better than any pc or even ps2. It set the standard for arcade games being better on console as well (where as psone came close, the gens before this gen seemed to fall short technically speaking to the PC). Ps2 had the effects PC could never touch..and gamecube had ati graphics, it had rogue squadron which destroyed even the wii. An AMD back in early 2000 was infact poor compared to the xbox 1, with games like riddick or splintercell never falling short and always outperforming its bland pc counterparts. Out of all the gens, the sixth gen is by far the best. It was infact the media and graphics which ran through the gpu that made the consoles revolutionary and unique in the sixth gen alone. Where as now there has become only two competitors (nope, no dc nec powervr2 or ps2's custom vector-based cpu graphics or even the introduction of pc graphics to consoles in gamecube and xbox1 hence ati&nvidia) nvida and ati. Although, its not entirely hardware but exclusives and how they make them that win. Ps4 may have more pipelines, yet this does not constitute as 50 percent faster, it just means that Ps4 has more tasks. Xbox one is more arcade efficient and has the ability ps4 does not have, which is infact rendering graphics faster. If one were to make a framerate comparison, xbox one would win. If one were to make a multicore rendering comparison ps4 would win (you know like planes on the screen at the same time, the human eye can not notice fine details, in warthunder for instance I could not catch the terrain detail difference with my eye no matter how I tried, the only difference I saw was frame rate and sharpeness...i think, u know like pop up with the small details). On top of that xbox one has 512 mb interface ram. Hence, one has yet to see a game as nice as driveclub on the xbox one. On a major note, I chose PC than xbox one than ps4 because Xbox one clearly can mimick direct x 11 more which means lightning differences are greater. Xbox one can do direct x11 do to its speed. To prove this analysis or statement I compared these games of far cry which was more near to the PC than the ps4 version for instance trees move on xbox one, they do not on ps4 (i could not compare gtav cus it was simply programmed poorly, when you miss bushes and shrubs and make the game look like a totally new one with what appears to be the same amount of ram, you would understand). Gamers just won't understand these machines are exactly the same though with maybe a few small percent error as different. Ps3 vs XBox 360 was a year apart, yet xbox 360's unified ram streamed games better than ps3 and was easier to develop for. It also made those arcady capcom games look better. It did better bump mapping, yet ps4 did better effects same as the previous gen. Ps2 had rain effects etc and custom hardware as well. Last gen though, xbox 360 won and was clearly a year apart. For instance bad company 2 has better bumpmapping than its ps3 counterpart (vector based custom lighting effects, that rain effect you see in ms2 on ps2 can not be mimicked, not even on the best pc emulator). And it was more fluid. Dreamast/gamecube vs ps2 was the same story. Except ps2 was so powerful as to destroy the competition in polygons. Xbox one vs ps4 however is a different story. Both were released the same time, and the specs are identical. Game wise, PS4 is more compatible then xbox one. It comes in second place, because it has shown what its hardware can do, and proved it. Xbox one, has shown only what xbox 360 did, which was maybe a better framerate. With multirendering capabilities, better frame rate, better specs or a different developer doesn't always win. Ps4 is slightly ahead of xbox one, in games and specs. It seems to be inactuality sony's messiah so-to-speak. Its infact the best console since psone, hardware wise the best console sony ever made. Xbox one, however still has room to prove itself with its faster processing power (the xb1's xenon is infact harder to develop for too, yet it may prove itself with exclusives like halo 5). Xbox 360 infact beat ps3 imho last gen, not in graphics but in all around playability and bump-mapping being a year behind. This time around hardware wise, microsoft made some crucial mistakes. Both consoles are equal yet ps4 seems to do better in performance levels. Xbox 360 is microsofts holy grail for now, whilst ps4 is sony's. Xbox loses even if its the faster machine, ps4 is built faster. Xbox one can lose or win, basically having advantages and disadvantages in their hardware makes the competition equal. However development and game design show its losing (driveclub etc has not been done on xbox as of yet...let alone a pc ;P). Both hardware can infact compete. Yet if capcom releases a game that utilizes some aspects of bumpmapping let me know. PC wins this one and all around basically. Technically, Ps4 has faster pipelines or hyperthreading yet Xbox one may be faster in arcade games, however Xenon is harder to develop for (cooler, and more silent what I heard, yet harder like the ps3 in last gen). Xbox one wins in its exclusives which are mainly unreleased right now and ties in graphical translations (minus gtav, a big flop imho). So because of its speed, and its exclusives, I still say its a tie with technical aspects, wider pipelines and faster bootimes don't always help. Game development wise Ps4 is coming in a smooth first, above even the PC. PC wins in overall performance with its hardware of course, with outdated pcs from 2010 outclassing both consoles in resolution, detail, and framerate. Whilst PC is good, games nowadays are fairly equal in appearance, for instance nba 2k series retains that photorealistic feel which only videogames can derive (cgi has not entered this form of art). However, EA games NBA live retains it even further and it being only on console has a slight advantage over PC. This feel can be seen as far back as dreamcast with its test drive le mans game, making my point in this article on the margin. Yet the scale of detail Ps4 delivers in a microscopic level is uncanny to what a PC can truly do, one example is driveclub's zooming in feature built for the system hence PC still has to proove it can do spec graphics to the 'T'. All 3 game platforms and/or consoles are infact equal. For now, the games released on ps4 can be done on PCs from 2011-2010 in resolution and certain effects (batman arkham city, warthunder, etc would look better on pc than console though).
Wot Xbox one thoughts..
Its cool that wot was released on xbox one by some wargaming not gaijin.'s wat the xbox 360 version stands out for that the PC version lacks. 1.) arcade play 2.) speed&flat terrain 3.) upgradables 4.) joystick. The PC version has these but to a certain extent. The fact is is that the PC version also lacks teamplay which can be played via squads or tier 6. However, not worth the wait. The XBox one version if upgraded from the 360 elements of course, will be good. However, I doubt team play and new international announcers on the xbox 360 version works. The fact is no one wants to play team play on a sim like in warthunder. Its fun and realistic, but you won't get players. The other fact is I just watched waltzing with wait take this waltz or watever and seth rogen's voice as the announcer is getting to me. PC is infact upgraded for the sim player, xbox 360 could add an element here or there. As hoped, xbox one has not those avoid. However, have yet to know if xb one is teamplay as to the fact i have no xb one and its expensive. K later.
*Currently am earning 30k a day to make a tier 10 for free&proove tier 10 is safe to play. How?!? 61 out of 81 achievements...double xp on best team player achievement for instance sniff. Its all good. The jpanzer knows.