So I finally managed to try to configure my server without, you know the router access password...chu...anyways. I found out a great improvement in the gameplay on most games, the servers on gta v never dc. The Halo 4 game I sold because of server problems, would probably not either. The WOT servers don't have menu glitches. I figured it had to do with my xbox 360, and streaming problems, hence its an old model. Or maybe streaming ram Idk. Anyways, the games with lots of players online would always be unfavorable because the environment lagged out. Until now, the nat servers infact fix this issue 100 percent. Because the gay empire made this cool thing where they can destroy the reputation of hackers. Any unknown devices that you call up on your website watever will be identified. So that game that holds like 50-100 players or so on a server will be identified. Since PCs don't need this and consoles do, its highly beneficial, just like my PC virus removal tutorial down below (I MEAN HELLO, DO YOU REALLY WANT TO GO TO THE PC REPAIR SHOP EVERY so AND so months FOR PC SCAM REPAIR?). Anyways, the Nat servers are useful, rec, and don't always require a router log on. These tools should be automated in the router. Just change you know, gateway, subnet etc a little with like adding the number 10 i guess. Works much better then a google DNS even. Great performance hike, downplayed publicity, all your games will run much more fluidly. Tell your parents to do it for you if you have not accessed a way to your router. GL. Down below is a test on two games which I noticed.
No Nat configs or unknown devices to even the GOOGLE dns change solution:
GTA V: constant server to room dcs, fps drops, bad pings, bad contact. Bad streaming.
WOT: constant menu glitches, room glitches, games are entered poorly. Bad reinstalls.
Halo 4: Large room dcs, bad sniping pings, ingeneral random logoffs.
Nat servers:
GTA V: no server dcs, higher fps or streaming. Higher 3 mb ratios. Greater pings.
WOT: Good contact, great pings, no menu problems, no update problems.
Halo 4: No large room server glitches, DCs, or bad pings. No bad sniping pings
Here's a tutorial on xbox 360 Nat settings
Anyways to avoid making a tutorial here, subnet numbers are usually google's 8888 8884 and this will slow down games like cod bo2. The lag will still be there after manually using the IPs config numbers. You need to set automatic, then copy the subnet manually to Use the subnet's second # on your browser that was automatic. Or you simply won't log on at times with the console. Don't even bother with google's subnet. Its slow. Don't call. The point being, both google and your device will have bad DNS which can lead to DCs. Its not necessary a moderate NAT or Open NAT. The Cable company only allows one port selection per device and usually they are all moderate. However an UNKNOWN device will lead to dcs on servers, mainly because the device is an unknown, and is routed to a poor server.
Anyhow, if you can get into the your mom's router or watever, enable port forwarding and plug in these numbers (88, 3074, 53, 80) with the device labeled as 'other'...make sure to copy the IP from the console and not the actual device list. On games like COD BO 2 you will COD the NAt server status as 'OPEN'. That's good. Each number is an account on port forwarding with your device's IP, name it XBOX or seomthing. No lags, no server dcs. It will be valuble, but I doubt kids will care. One thing is known though, the ping tool on games is an illusion, it doesn't actually mean you have a good connection like you do with your PC. Basically, ignore filling out the IP6 addy. Just make sure IP4 is the console.
8GB vs 4 GB windows 7 32bit PAE tool: the war conts.
Basically, ive been using 8gb for a year or two now. The only problem i found is that it doesnt like browsers too much. It always crashes the browser. I reverted back to 4gb to finally get the notion of why dev abandoned going for that in the first place. 8 GB simply does not work well with browsers on windows 7 but if u play games or use browsers less, then it is def rec. Which makes sense in a way, the video graphics driver is already a whopping 1gb. Thats 5 gb already. The games will run faster with 9 gb but will crash browsers UNLESS you dont mind casual maintenance on registry repair (casually meaning monthly-to-yearly, depending if u like the flickering effect).
How to fix:
DONT DELETE ANYTHING IN ROAMING, just the Crypt folder under Microsoft in appdata or it will crash PAE tool 8gb. Everything happens in APPDATA but ROAMING controls the user icons and desktop. Go ahead and delete that in your virus scanner's crypt asap. Delete everything in local, and localow...cus thats low. Leave out what you can't delete in local and localow.
More reasons why PCs suk BALLs in terms of maintenance:
As I noticed a library computer being used run so smoothly I wondered how, so I managed to locate my malware blinking effect. I had a forfiles deletion list of over 100 entries on apps, you can find these entries using programs like ccleaner. I then got annoyed at not finding the PUP, so my videodrivers cont. to blink every now and then. I deleted windows live apps...I then noticed that putting permissions in registry folders such as WINSAT was a bad idea. Good idea for the computer lab, becus nothing gets in or out, but bad idea for computers at home. It will disable your o/s's gaming card. So I fixed that using the program made for free. It also found apps, but it also made me realize that PCs are naturally faulty. The PUP can get into winsat, and you will never know...and no clearing videocache wont do shit. You have one option, live with the malware or reformat so u can get the malware back. Try's repair works great, but I gaurantee you, it won't last forever. As for my fulltime maintenance job, I don't get paid for here's wat I hav to say CONSOLES RULE, and I think XBOX 360's game life is strange, kicks PC out of the water. The truth is computers have standby mode issues, where the registry gets damaged over time if you use standby mode. This may be prevented by discheduling tasks. However, you have to be pretty stupid to have an irq conflict with 2 or 3 different malware scanners. Disable anything in task scheduler, even if it is a malware scanner.
Overtime this does not prevent registry curroption. Computers just suck, esp for games.....THE REGISTRY SIZE IS TOO LARGE. So I managed to lock all services under my username only. Basically about zero users whom buy computers out there will know about 10 percent of the o/s. Yes windows 7 is the best o/s out yet...but a user won't think about irq unless they grew up with computers in the modem 56k days. IRq blue screens occur with windows registry being curropted. After its curropted one needs to uninstall the pci bus driver in device manager. It basically reinstalls all the drivers on your pc without reformating or reinstalling windows. But how would the average person even go about doing that? As a matter of fact the virus scanner will create video card glitches, to irq errors. Esp if you repair your system without reinstalling. I don't even use virus scanners becus they create a major performance loss on any pc.