The dull mainstream chats are always useless. People use it to compromise dull emotions in games. These popular paraphrases may be realized in certain aspects of games such as the term 'lol' 'asl' or 'rolf' The harsh and popular terms are usually 'noob' 'owned' or 'pwned' Rare are the terms actually used in games to effect gameplay in case no mic arises. These terms are a given in certain strategy games, one in example will be Zerohour. This game has the most fluid lingo to date without mic and fps gameplay or with strategic positioning. The terms in the game listed below will compromise an action. To find games easily as well is a given. These are actually useful terms to obtain skill quickly.
Rush - to rush a base
Sac - to sell a command center and earn money
Norush, No base Rush or Oils are free, bunker, no bunker - to not rush a base, only rush center, oils or supplydepots
GW/GWAR/NO AIR/NO SW/ 5min10min15min - only ground units, ground war units with No AIR can play, mainly airforce gen and super weapons are left out (unless with swgen it limits to one sw because of the no aurora/tanks part). The standard rush time is 10 minutes, i find air highly effective with any usa gen because of mh helis and stealth bunker busters. When in stealth in large norush maps, its not always effective given the inf money thing.
AOD NO LIMIT, $$$No Money - art-of-defense, team vs ai maps, custom maps, or maps with computer units
No Stat, No money- small maps, custom, no money, no stat worldbuilder maps
NO DEMO/NUKE/UPGRADE - This goes for china and gla although i think these rules are useless because they can be stopped past a 5 min rushtime.
PRO RULES/2BUS/3H/no nuke/1sw/swgen/etc - Pro rules are rush rules with limitations
NOOB RULES/NO SW/10min no rush - Noob rules are no rush rules without limitations
Pro Rules, Noob rules - no spam, no rush 2b3h (2bus, 3humvee) usually implies bunker game. Noob Rules are 10 min no base rush. Pro rules are everything goes, usually 1 sw per swgen, no nuke upgrds, no aurora unless highly organized.
Swg and auroras - Super weapons gen, often they make secret super weapons cheaply under nuke gen or swgen. Auroras can take out sws, one in particular is the swgen aurora which takes out warlords.
NO GLA - GLA can easily rush and often cover large maps quickly. The key attack which makes gla cheap is easy funds to gain, and it can slow down a non-gla opponent rather quickly by drop offs and easy bomb targets to make equal.
Bunker Noobs - Bunker noobs arent nec easy, sometimes they are as good as pros. Usually, in a game of chess you checkmate, while playing against bunker noobs, they check mate you. For instance, twilight map with airforce gen against inf, gives inf the possibility to bunker and therefore gain easy upgrds. One upgrd can easily win the game, if strategically played.
RLS - I seen this term around, it may mean teamspeak? Maybe Real-Life Strategy tactics? Same as aod. Not really sure.
MM/DC/MH/FW/SPAM/Scudbug - Mismatch or disconnect and spam usually to gain a win, maphacks are just spamming quickly or spammers who replay the same map constantly , messing with your opponent usually on a win-win game, or not following rules, scudbugs in GLA are often incorporated in older versions of the game. Firewalls are usually by first time players who do not configure there computer correctly.
Secret strategy lingo - Usually certain armies do good on certain maps against others, which is why a 4v4 or 3v3 will kick any player with a certain army. For instance, China nuke kos gla easily, mostly when no sw is on. Air gen kills during rush time. IDK, USA gen seems to be worst esp against lasergen, except it kos china nuke easily when 1v1. It also kos gla. GLA is the best army when it comes to cheese tactics or control of map most quickly, + money build up. Usagens are useful in large areas or maps which can spam almost as effective as gla if your intuition (as to finding how your player is playing) is good enough. Chinainfgen beats usa easily though. I prefer china gen, which kos oils and can bunker warlords for even play against gla on pro rules. Small things, like certain jeeps against hit and run tactics or wat not can easily make a game challenging. Except this implies a rebuilding game that can last up to 8 hrs if that evenly matched. It has unusual teamspeak to say the least. Basically it all depends on how you play the map not the game :-/
Relevant command keys: Q,W,E,X & F and crtl+0-9. These inhibit the ability to cheese or do things quickly. Q selects every unit available, W selects every air unit, E selects every unit of a type. X disperses units from air attacks when spamming. F creates a formation and finally crtl+numbers selects groups to attack in that formation. This is a quickfix to an unsteady learning curve in the game and usually gives you the ability of a quickwin without rushing. A few relevant aspects to a pro air player.
My Complaints on fake pro gamers AND EA
I, personally find the rules irrelevant. The game itself does not need rules. It just needs cooperation from the massive amounts of hackers involved. This game in particular is very well-balanced. The more even the opponents, the more fun the game is, intuition is also a key factor. 4v4 is extremely fun yet rare. Here are some replays and maps of fairly good game saves on C&C zerohour. It is highly organized at times, which make it an around great osg aka known as the rts genre (online strategy game? lol i made that one up). I am really just fed up with EA on this game actually. It has god-like hacks ONLINE to people who have certain versions such as 1.4 instead of first decade. Many know of the DC genex hack or watever. This is the exact reason why these emotional fascist fascismo **** (the fff. made that one up too) who play this game made rules like no auroras in the first place. I mean personally hello?!? Basically god doesn't need elitists and pig **** like this. Because they know u can stop them in a totally balanced game. Zerohour is fun because of hidden tactic and artsie strategem not **** beaters. If you want to be pro, why not use the ctrl number keys and force selection? Half pro gamers don't even know how...and if they do they do it with the gay hack to select offscreen vehicles. Watch here perfect cheat game in progress where the user uses control hack and spam. They can't even read the manual right...for instance, W means select air units americanos. Actually just ignore this whole article AND the stupid rules i listed, I'm wasting your time anyways. Why would anyone re-release a game and completly encrypt it? Duh, derf let's make realife or irl formations in CCG useless. And say good buy to no $$$$$. Unfortunetly, the germans also use a new money hack to let the americans cheat even more online (for zerohour v1 and not fd, so therefore to make the germans looks stupid by late encryptions albeit at the same time ruining the game online which is made with a BIG mistake by EA completly). See a gay tag like [ggx] Viper? Just ignore. I P3RSONALLY play cs source sometimes, so here are some sprays. And best of all it has AH or anti-hack/anticheat. The game is full of holes and up for sale on Ebay.
So herer's the list of quick matches and easy typos. Well thats it, there are a few other useful terms which I will get back at.