So, today I found out why PCs are infact trash after owning windows 7 for 3 months with no so-called problems. To my surprise, I found out the gay empire returned. They compromised their liability of penetrating privacy issues. Not too important, since my firewall is configured but strange, being a 10+ user on a xp (not win7, its ultimately controlled). Anyways, this PAE patch on the internet was blocked after a ccleaner mistake. Yes, I know I messed up being the trash xp owner user for 10 plus years, I thought maybe autoprograms are controlled by the gay empire ie I never use start up programs on XP. But now and then I will make a mistake and put ccleaner on. Bad one, the gay empire uses this infact program startup to you know, break your computer with updates (win7 is required for updates to run it seems, fairly uncontrollable..for consumers anyways). Anyhow my pae program was running fine, then i noticed an update. Then my PC didnt start because of ccleaner, they use programs like that to basically make your boot entry crash..or its just highly unstable to begin with. I noticed a big flaw here. I couldnt use the after the last 'backround' update (basically i gpedit the entries so only the required updates are installed, fairly impentrable). Except...the gay empire got in. The fw has no outgoing connections, but I noticed this one thing...the required updates themselves. They block now, PAE tool so you might end up just selling that 8 gb of ram for your windows 7 gay packet. That's right no more quick level cache. You have to wait 6 minutes for the level to load. How do I know they blocked PAE tool? Duh, because the rootsignature override command now says FAILED and nothing, not timetraveling, not mickey mouse, and esp not a thousand dollars will prevent that error from correcting itself. Failed means youre technology is broken basically. That's an error....even if I now have to use 4 gigs of ram for clicking the ccleaner's gaydar startup entry failed bad. Xp and 7 I give an F in my review after this emergency update that came out of no where. Yes preventing people from overriding signatures is infact a form of harassment. However I still have 7 running with 4 gigs of ram, they blocked it completely thinking its instability its just that people realize that maybe they need 8 gb ram and to shut off the start up entry sometimes. Its the start up entry configs that cause instability dumbass. I amazingly still have win7 after 3 months, but I will go back to xp, cant use 8 gb ram anymore....because some gaydar employer in the background thinks its safer to block the pae tool due to known 'stability issues'. Yes these issues come from start up programs, they need to be disabled, the end. No pae tool does not mean pay tool. No dude, no. Trash tool, yes. Next time, don't put adminstrator o/s startup in a little dos box. What am i in 7th grade? I have to learn things from the air? Win7 not trash? Yes it is. As for windows 7, privacy concerns, shear Trash also. T-r-a-s-h. Win 7 will crash if you touch gpedit by the way, I gaurantee it if not 90 percent of the time. BTW if you use windows 7, enjoy not having that extra hard drive that is, the vertical sync issues by ati cards are a given. Intel can't make good boards...but restore is a joke. No one on earth is going to have an extra 5,000 gigs of ram. Not by some centralized but 'not sure to last even another 10 years' corrupt government WHO PROBABLY MADE SIGNATURES so accessible..yeah every gov has a tank okay, they all use helicopters (and while were at it, yes you do die, abjihan in the ivory coast has maybe 40 bridges spanning across islands, that is an engineering feet not some clique new building on the wtc area). Esp not in incestial america, where every single thing one owns is controlled by sex and their mom. No one can not change the ram on win7, and no when i want to partition a hard drive..I don't want to partition 10 mbs. Most of 7s features are broken, or infact controlled by the gay empire, whilst Xbox 360, a paid service has an interface fairly invincible. That means I go offline and use it. BTW, Pcs are controlled by root sigs, so they are already broken, those commercials you see on your webbrowser or that liability crash on win 7? That means root signatures, that cache on games....root signatures, not software even if the software is smooth (had that controlled under xp gpedit without a smart card even). Even though I still use win7 with 3 gigs, hav xp as well bootable, I hav 0 confidence that this manipulated o/s will last another month on my terms. So not only does the gay empire manipulate computers it keeps on tabs everything that one copies to the C:\ what are you lonely? No dnw....go figure their religion is not even real its the occult. The big issue with this unstable piece of junk just can't use start up programs or more than one bots effectively, whilst on XP its safely controlled. No people do not want to disable there 3 shitty programs (asc, ccleaner, avast for instance). If you use one program you put on as a start up entry, I can guarantee it will destroy your pc because three monitoring services cause conflicts, esp to the gay empire. It okay, i don't need to play a videogame on a labtop at full no that bricking on your pda devices is infact umm....rain, its the rain. Macintosh is impenetrable..and a good idea. I may even go as far as saying the gay empire means exactly that, nothing is ever on and running for more than 24 hrs, whilst being the inventor of their birthright electromagnetic technology, by having something on for more than 3 weeks straight, WITHOUT A GRID, i think I deserve to let it fail. Jus go...Go away. Go Xp. Go group policy.
Does PAE work? Let's lie for them
For the above argument, I was just denouncing some issue that compromise windows 7's security is being bullet proof. In fact I was wrong, windows 7 is by far the best o/s ever built. However, we will move on to the Pae tool being reviewed. The pae tool is infact told to be useless. It is said to be a hack, and I am glad Microsoft decided to catch on. The tool itself infact prevents windows from caching, that means those winxp problems will occur, such as no boot, however increasing virtual memory bypasses this. For instance, if you have maybe 2 or 3 bot services (a standard user has that many, you know malware+maybe office/ registry cleaner etc) even if light weight, may prevent windows from booting if their is no cache involved. If you type in dxdialog.exe under system you can clearly see why not all of your ram is being used. Say for instance, I have 8gb ram on win32 bit...well the resources will infact put the ram in resource for pagefile cache. So all the ram is infact being used already, for cache services ie fast boot times, crashes etc. In games it will be used that way...through the page cache so no significant improvement or load time will occur. This all depends on your videocard. However, if you boot your system up with no ram for cache services. You will run into significant problems and that is why windows 7 is built that way. Albeit, this is not to say they made an error, however I prove to you they did not. For instance, doesn't work anymore so they blocked the review from being finished. The ram that is used for the system under dxdiag does not state the used ram being spent eg diax will only show the ram not being spent whilst windows itself will show the ram being spent. Pae tool DOES WORK. However, a security compromise is a security compromise ie a security risk should be evaluated. Like on windows xp, third parties can literally shut down your pc if they choose to, and unlike windows xp you can not customize the experience to prevent them from doing so (eg snap in, is a crucial part of windows 7). Bypassing sigs is infact an interesting windows 7 selection, but its far more solid than xp. Therefore if a service like an update in 5 years comes around, its going to shut the service down. This and it will never be truly 'free' so-to-speak (this paragraph is a lie).
PS As for the pae tool performance change, there is none, all the ram allocated in the background is used for cache, that means, windows 64 bit will have no performance change. You can even add 8 gb on 64 bit, so upgrading is not rec. You can even add 64 megs of ram. Due to the architecture of 64 bit to 32 bit, the performance doesn't change. It just means your'e using 2 folders instead of one wow64 and then system32 that goes up to 64 or 32 bits in color. Buy 10 gigs of ram, waste money. The Windows 7 performance will always be the same. Even if Win7 is praised to be the best o/s since the dawn of time it still fails. No one in their right mind will want to buy another o/s for games, not for an extra 200 dollars not ever. There is some type of distrust or influx of corporate power here. Not everything is equal, ie the ram issue may be a comprising situation to consumers who don't know how technology works ie the xp users get less ram, the game users don't. This is infact mistrust, and a program would be convenient to tweak allocation of ram, even if the performance gets more unstable due to background cache being limited. People want a customizable experience sometimes. On top of that its quite unfair that the o/s can use more ram. WOw gay empire! Color mode 2578 bits? I never knew changing color res and variations was so important. Neat hdmi. NOT.
Sure in the end my PC became more stable without PAE tool to tweak and allocate ram. The unusable ram was used for cache only anyways, and I wasn't allowing it causing stability issues. On top of that, windows has a bad reputation with start up programs, from office to ccleaner to any extra program that starts up on boot time. It gets in the way of a process when windows ends up collecting itself, and getting rid of cache space will in itself cause instability issues. To go even further, asc always reads below 2 gigs ram used for processes anyways. However, all is at a price and security issues was a big thing on my windows xp days. Especially, if something like data and bank accounts were compromised, and me almost losing 300 dollars one day at the time was a reason enough to fight. The allocation of ram should be a given. One should be able to allocate ram cache to their own will. Also the background update to stop the hack is too evasive, they are most likely in control of something and not telling you. This is where microsoft failed. If there is no difference in ram allocation, I would know. If one buys 64 gigs of ram for their 32bit o/s, they most likely won't want to upgrd or will find out the ram isnt working later. This inturn gives the consumer a compromising situation to begin with. It is a security breach basically. Another example: Say for instance someone on the ivory coast reinvents a transformer I invented 6,000 years from now accidentally uses it and say they call it idk an emv or 'electro-magnetism'. All they would have to do is get an electric vehicle with a custom transformer to the battery built, basically. Split off the secondary and primary coils inbetween the battery to lead into the controller. My invention, basically. Well, I infact cursed them 6,000 years ago and that invention will curse their whole genetic bloodline to the germ or T. While, I'm off scott free but they are unknowingly cursed. The end (another lieing paragraph).
Let's actually move on to the specifications of the curse towards the human race, seeing how actual material indoctrination is fairly inaccessible or you know, paid for by life earnings which I don't plan on doing or retiring anytime soon for that matter. Its more like a prevention of death or a fatal cause that may happen to me in particular. Below I will outline my curse:
Electromagnetism, an EMV vehicle or electromagnetic vehicle built in this fashion:
So here is how the curse is written (incase copyright infringement can't be made, etc)...To anyone on earth whom simply decides to decouple a basic transformer system in an electric vehicle where the primary is posi or neg, and secondary neg or posi (from the battery terminal itself, directly to the controller and interlocking to the pos/neg terminals of the battery), then splits off a section of a battery terminal with a common reed transistor so that to gain a recharging effect with their primary motor to the secondary set of batteries will be cursed. Seeing how the invention is not copyrighted, anyone whom copyrights the invention before this particular date 3.14.2015 will not be cursed. Ever wonder if its possible for your moped to reach a mileage of 1,000 without getting worn? Or out-mileage that motorbike? Here is Proof Emv technology exists on earth. A 72-by-6 turn coilring custom transformer. This system alone ran for a 12volt fan 3 straight weeks without the power meter indicator ever failing or dropping in an area where weather changes occur daily with my decision to cut it off (I needed to install it in my moped for work at the time). Free energy basically, or a battery that can cycle thoroughly and conventionally to even compete with and be the next step in propulsion technology. Be warned though, it gets the central battery hot at times if you go too far which is good cus it resulfates the battery, but it might desulfate because the motor as a generator is too powerful. However, I see no copyrighted material on the configuration as we speak, so it is safe to say they may be cursed even if within governmental laws that do not abide by the constitution for lack hereof to follow the constitutional guidelines eg they would not be cursed, but they would not be able to collectively build the product before this date given. For they would use the same method and take profit from it, basically the individual himself would need give the technology to the human race before this given date.
How the curse works:
The curse would infact need someone to step up before the date given, and copyright the product as their own with proof of creation. Some type of data with a date on it, and or timestamp. For instance if you make a design on your computer, you may have a copy that began with the design last accessed before a given test period. You would need to infact take a picture of the product or screenshot of the access date from which the design is photographed. Then you would need an eye-witness for instance. Someone who verifies that same image on your computer incase its not doctored or photoshopped AND not accessed in example a photograph by that witnessed, from a camera of the same file's access date (files themselves can infact be Photoshopped) not only testimony. You would need some type of proof. For instance, I made the design in early 2013. The curse would take in effect then and work its way up to 2015 with that given configuration of the design highlighted above in explanation of a transformer coil system inside a common electrical vehicle (since there can be many 'copycats' of the design basically). All I am saying is if someone (human) in say china or the new city of egypt, idk anywhere on earth basically, in 30 years or 10,000 years, who knows, decides to couple a transformer even secretively, on their electric moped to gain infinite mileage or sustainable mileage in the way explained will be penalized, not by the law, but by karma until they die...forever and until people they are related to also die. Or I just upload a video with its date, that's an agreement on the internet..duh.
Are Windows Updates still Dangerous? Well 'Pae' me to find out...
There by now you realized this whole article this month was infact me retaliating against the gay empire's security updates which I turned off for 3 months or hinted at skipping. Security updates for march are infact bad. They will not enable PAE tool. Pae tool does infact increase performance, and if you're a gamer, it increases your game experience. For instance, the world's of DC Universe online no longer work slowly etc. You will not notice this in most games, only in dcuo. It's in the dirt basically. So, back on topic. The Pae tool is VERY advantageous for gamers. Not only does it increase ram size, it increases cache and pagefile sys. Yes I spent an hour or so uninstalling updates...okay 5 minutes. But it was so annoying that, a common user will think their computer crashed. On top of that, the gay empire probably condemned a man to death just by doing that nasty update. Think about it, someone who doesn't use their computer for a month, may infact not be able to track these updates down. What if the gay empire decides to corrupt millions of computers? March updtes are fairly dangerous this month. Updates on Xp were always turned off, yet march updates are a security risk that was not present on XP. For instance I still am on the turn off updates button, because updates destroy computer performance and lag to even curropt web browsers...but what's worst is web browsers get easily curropted if no updates occur, and trojans may show up. Here have some 'Gamer Only' wallpaper custom made by me for windows 7. If you don't have games on your computer don't use it. What if a Pc is bought at a store or better yet a new videocard installed? Maybe new ram? You are going to be literally kicking these people out of the gaming community in what looks like better performance...for what? It looks like for money, actually. Having a Windows only 64 bit system would be highly profitable imho towards the gay empire. What if he has a store bought PC and his serial goes missing? What if the uninstall updates cause problems? Watch your back. Updates give poor performance changes. Updates are even known to bug devices such as mice and internet ports. However windows 7 updates are fairly easy&safe to circumnavigate and uninstall. Performance wise they still may be dangerous, however booting up a start up program on win 7 may also be dangerous. The security updates only effect browsers, so unless there is a service pack, there won't be any performance issues...I have to research this one though, because of the security breach in manipulating files within my windows 32 folder. Maybe I will become a clientside target. Basically, I have to 'think about' cutting the cord. Basically, I got windows xp to run flawlessly without a 'snap in' system for 2 years. Therefore I technically can not touch windows 7 because its fully integrated ie snapin will turn off the performance or crash the computer, its fairly protected...which is why viruses would never occur in the first place. I have to think about cutting the microsoft updates cord though. You also want virtual memory to be in its rec setting for your video card to use hard drive space, for instance if your vid card doesn't have rec virtual memory, it will only use 2gb, this can be increased to 3 gb etc. No one has tried to increase the number too high, except 3gb is fine via rec setting...unless a game with bigger environments comes around. As for the gay empire's harrasment last month, i disabled bits, windows update, and windows restore so I can now get 5 ping instead of 25 ping on cs source. However this puts explorer itself at risk, if services arent enabled. As you know windows 7 has live update and snap-in, all integrated. It makes it fairly hard to control the actual functions of the system, so its not rec or required for that matter. I suggest that XP has snmp traps etc that I can turn on which is why I didn't get a virus for 2 yrs straight by navigating on every harmful site out there and windows update services is literally a lie for the consumer to pay money. However, security services are infact required for windows 7 to run without outside intervention ie hash checks and smart cards. I disabled bits, windows update, Netlogon/computer browser and windows restore mode this month. It makes windows much faster. Although most windows 7 functions are automatic, like xp u will find annoying maintenance issues such as blocking all incoming/outgoing connections to stop that browser from crashing and wat not....and yes i did find a nitch of exploitation within their system. If you plan on using a joystick be prepared to not be able to bypass signature verification, be prompted to INFACT BUY software like pinnacle to get that xbox s controller's dpad working on say mugen. I say this because it should have been built in, not profited from in windows 7....and noone wants a 30 mb bot emulator that works in the background. However the xbox 360 controller is infact for some reason the controller of choice (i perfer xbox s for pc though). Want that PC controller to work? Want usb devices that are 2 years old to function properly? Well the gay empire has a noturious reputation for installing these so-called 'optional updates' which infact invade privacy and manipulate system32...and guess what I'm finding out by the day.
What About CT support?!? You know, ctrs, Controllers? (Updated 2015)
Well the ctr on Windows 7 are horrendous in support, because there are none. As you know if you've been alive for the past few years since dreamcast, there have been a plethora of controllers for pc on USB. However, Windows 7 decided to end the support and script it after releasing a 60 mb paid for program much later. Yes, they do work, however the paid for program is not available always hence a monthly fee and literally eats 30-60 mbs of ram. If you for instance, have the best ct microsoft ever invented, the xbox s which is not to large (not made for man-hands) and not too small, not made for fighters or has an option between fighter and know about the xbox s controller. Whilst the xbox original ct does infact work well, the xbox ct is infact horrible for certain 3d games like grawl, you know fast action fps. The cursor moves too fast and the sticks are too short. The xbox s ct though has long sticks, and a small controller spacing between hands. Its infact better. However, windows 7 decided to end this support of universal drivers, which xp had and make the original xbox 360 design the norm. What's wrong with this idea, is you'll get a game like ghost recon and the ct will work great...except one thing...THE TRIGGERS DON't WORK. Maybe you want to play mugen idk, OH WAIT...the GAMEPAD DON'T WORK. Yeah, Windows 7 is horrendous for controller support, and once more I give computers an 'F' for simply not being there. However, this is knocked up to a D because microsoft did release a new console (they should have released the ctr as a small version after you know, the first revision imho). The Xbox system E with XBox One ...and theres something about the xbox one's handles, its good, but its not flight sim/fighter game/fps good. Sony built the batteries so they never recharge, other than that the ps3 ct goes near center, and I like the sony ctr. The ps4 is plagued with the wrist glitch which may give a sim feel for simulators in general ala 3d glasses work but not for everything. The original ctr though is not vertical, its flat on the base. The illusion that its vertical may have opted engineers to create the horror that is the ps4 ctr. The wrist twist or arch on ps4/xb1 is annoying (for fighters in general, maybe fps even, i imagine it works for sims though), the large xbox 360 design is annoying because of the protruding handle-grip bars. Xb ct s is probably grade A material in engineering terms. The ctr can easily do fps/flighsim/fighter game know like the 60 percent market share. Xbox 360 prevails in 3rd person shooters at times though ala wots maybe even side scrollers because the cursor moves slow and the stick is stumpy (A small xbox ct with short sticks could do fighting games, not fps/sim games basically). However, Xbox ct s does all of these genres effectively minus the support for compatible drivers on windows 7 itself. The xbox s ct is also stumpy, however, it has a wider navigation ideal for fps/sim. This function may deter side-scrollers (if no run ability is incorporated, you may turn the stick too far left etc, the right stick will always be a '3d' thing though for right handed individuals ie the POV axis is fine or works well for 2d, wider the pov..more better the 3d movement and aim). A few games I ran into use xbox ct s effectively eg dcuo, warthunder but a majority (like 90 percent) fail. If you play ghost recon for xbox 360 then the PC (without triggers ie driver support), then you will know exactly what I'm talking about. Therefore even xbox s isn't perfect. If xbox 360's sticks were the same and the ctr itself smaller, it would have evolved from the xbox s. Even the rumble function on the older dreamcast controller blows xbox 360 cts out of the water. If one notices the small pats that the motor can do, one will notice dreamcast even destroys the other gens such as playstation etc. On top of that I've owned lots of cts...and decades later only xbox 360 failed. The electronics are too well packed in, sercombing to the environment and to weak elemental forces such as water and heat. My xbox 360 ct had bad contact and its battery drained after a few hours due to it simply being old.
Why keep Windows 7? Just ASC
Whilst you see consoles with a relative clean format, the gay empire's clunky pc by microsoft turns into a maintenance nightmare. In all honesty, if you are a gamer go for a windows 7 was the best thing out there for 2 months, and then the updates started coming in. I would give it an A (and did in fact in previous blogs), but I am giving it an F because of discrete privacy concerns and software manipulation. DO NOT BUY..DO NOT WANT. No microsoft my light is faint, I ripped up the contract because mine is the constitution, i did not buy a 800 dollar pc to play it at a store for 5 minutes. As you can see, the PC of shit degrades after two months, whether it be hardware errors, room temp or bugs and the sad part is even jesus doesn't know why. Every pc ive owned had the same experience. And its not some 5 year old elemental child in the sky, its your friendly 34 yr old neighbor with a mind of a child btw, whom works for microsft. A horrible form of tech in my honest opinion. Worst technology of mankind in general, for a lousy steak dinner to someone you don't even know. When you wake up in the morning and your icons are mixed up, or you have to manually edit out that rootkit from an xbcd driver, or figure out why windows updates do this or that to your pc you would understand too. What do you think about that? EVEN IF WINDOWS UPDATES ARE TURNED OFF IN EVERY SINGLE WAY, EVEN THROUGH GPEDIT, MICROCOCKS STILL SEEMS TO TURN THEM ON. THEN IT CRASHES AND TRIES TO 'FIX' ITSELF...OVER AND OVER AND OVER> My ADvice: WINDOWs7 IS A LIVE POS THAT EVERY USER IN AMERICA SHOULD STAY AWY FROM. If your windows crashes you want to disable signature verification then uninstall every single thing you did last. Its actually more effective than xp, because you don't need a disk, and signatures are like authentication services or 'privileges' so to speak. However, I did infact turn off windows bits, and today it was on, so something behind closed doors has access directly to my computer and security wise, i rec xp over this poj. I did everything in my power to destroy windows 7 but I could every time easily recover the o/s. It does infact deserve in A+ for that. I understand now that, updates come with the territory. Yet these updates also cause multiple issues for gamers, ie freezing of browsers, slowing of the o/s in general because videocards are usually too extensive...and there is NO WAY of not accepting the updates unless you don't want a PC registry program like asc which will make your pc slower anyhow..maintenance problems have to go for these machines, they are ridiculousy too complex for the average user to edit here and there a file to a file. If you have no experience with xp I would not rec this o/s and even give it an F if you do, I would and give it an A. After recovering from my system and realizing bits was not disabled manually, you want to use the asc program startup manager to disable background service transfer. That's my two cents for now. Asc is a liability, for turning on services if you do not have startup manager. The company itself is tricky but its the best one out there ie iobit malware, degraggler imho are horrible programs for windows 7 loading the boot with digital signatures and corrupt files, however...asc in general and start manager is a requirement to counter that lost performance issue virus scanners like avast or avg take away from you. In general Xp could use these programs easily, whilst windows 7 may have trouble. Having Asc is essential because its a malware scanner and bot service whilst windows defender is just a malware scanner. Another thing I noted is Win7 has the ability to use these light weight bot services fairly well (ccleaner, asc, avast) yet added more than three can be hazardous and create conflicts. Half of the programs out there do that (u will run a 30 mb background paid for service to get a joystick to work basically), a tip for developers is to trim down. The actual function of windows 7 is smoother, it may not be faster, but it is a lot less clunky then windows xp. You can infact zip rar files instantaneously, and IE does not break on uploads (whilst firefox cont. to do so). I used to wait 10 minutes to add archived files, from what now is a few seconds.
Why does the Xbox 360 controller suck in the first place? Why did Microcop make such a bad design?
Well, because they want A.) the battery case to stop functioning very easily with bad pin connectors, it will last a month. B.) The battery case to not hold batteries very well C.) the Cter to drain the batteries after more and more use. D.) A possible overheating problem will occur with the insulated circuit board, mostly if you oil the buttons. F.) Its a POS, made for large hands, and even if not the center needs to be shorter or like its 3rd party controllers smaller overall. The joysticks are fine though, unless you play sims, then they could be larger.
Is IE now GOod?!? Or Useful? Google Chrome vs Firefox vs IE round 2
After reviewing windows 7 for a second time, I came to the conclusion that IE was now infact good, like it was with xbox 360. I used it for a month straight with Netflix and found it easy and conveniently inbetween both browsers. On windows 7, it no longer crashes basically, and has the ability to well, run without addware etc. I found it inbetween Firefox which crashes with vertical sync issues on highend cards (you can't turn down the hardware acceleration on highend cards for instance) and google which is slow and dls temp files. IE is excellent for that web browser that you don't want to use as a bookmarking theory is a lot of bookmarks will crash your browser. Anyways I now rec Internet Explorer for reasons of third party not yet penetrating the browser like it easily did so on XP. IE 8 comes with everything from a clean operation, to malware protection. As for windows 7 so far, I have seen no major problems on it, and have not touched the xp backup system since december 2014. A few updates here and there, a few privacy concerns (one time a folder of 4.22.15 turned up a week or two before the actual date?!?...did not save >:c idk computers are wierd..however I recently as of 4.30.15 found out what that was, there are 3 networks, and the work network my pc was on is fairly dangerous, I now use public lockdown network. That or some security updates since jan 2015 reset some outbound fw rules) but no major security issues or concerns at the moment. Also the windows 7 64 bit system I deleted all the folders and edited all the registry settings, yet somehow the graphics card played the games fine...with the web browser completly unplayable or unloadable (after installing iobit malware 2, DNW for windows 7 64-bit DNW..oh yeah and next time pls specify on specs). Firefox may actually not be the fastest, I did some tests with IE for loading, and it seemed to have loaded webpages faster than firefox, mostly heavy duty ones. Yet firefox seems to be the most bookmark friendly, where as IE is not. Firefox is still cleaner and easier to navigate around when it comes to user interface or simply put to configure privacy settings and is rec for public library use simply because it can be uninstalled and installed quickly. As for Google Chrome, iut is not mentioned, but it crashes just like firefox on youtube etc! A brand new PC from 2011 will do this. Um, Google chrome though has an advantage over all other browsers is it uses more than one bot, meaning less likely to get a virus. It is the preferred gamer browser actually. It just won't be as stable as IE or as fast as Firefox, it also saves information onto your PC. However, you are not going to have problems with it when loading websites or going to risky websites ie once again is porn really safe? Google chrome thinks so, because the info saved is temp files under its spec folder, not the windows operating system. My conclusion is this, Google Chrome is in third place due to Netflix, youtube codex crashes, Firefox in second due to random crashes and vertical sync issues, and IE is in first due to maybe a webpage or two not loading. However, the Computer industry can learn a lot from this line alone. All the browsers are somehow for some reason the same actually, really bad in function like the invention of a bike with a flat tire, there is a lot of room to progress here. Conclusion: As for windows 7 in general, I am not glorifying it..computers will never work, its just going to be that way. You want it to work but elementally, a problem will arise in general (from an outside source). Elementally, even if windows 7 or 8 is the best it will never work, and will always fail eg random dcs in games etc. This problem or these problems in general, can not be traced. Its like you gave a little child a toy gun, however consoles will always be stable. Don't get me wrong, I still haven't changed my status on computers being actually good or reliable for more than 3 laughingly short years. My Windows 7 still has problems, ie i can't do sfcscan, random pc dcs, usb dcs etc. Its almost like people took a crap on a really well designed security device, from what could be a science fiction experience turns into a maintenance question mark now. In that regard, yes xp is still better. After 3 months only it just dont work no more. Ever since standby mode was introduced to PCs, it would curropt registry settings, whilst consoles do not have this unfortunate error because they do not have a registry this is a known...however I think I may have found why it does that and why it does the vertical sync blink thing with high-end graphics cards to boot. Whilst my xbox 360 is kicking it since 2007 will travel jobs and plane trips to boot. PCs STILL suck...however I got around with this by simply not using google chrome; firefox. It eats up ram, or does something to the registry only when using standby mode frequently; and this inturn dcs the usb mouse, maybe a js etc. I'll use firefox for a lot of windows or third party sites though, maybe its a problem they can't fix for windows or maybe its sigs ie malware are sigs, browsers can give you malware idk; nothing found...nothing manipulated. I simply use only ie for mainstream sites or keep it clean so-to-speak (unlike my blogs but anyways, that was a work network dcing me the other day, a work network can have someone log on or you know change you computer settings from their local, a few weeks ago I changed it thinking it was safer than public network, itll even change your toolbars and add unknown folders to your pc because some jerk has access oops..well anyways I then disabled the selective power plan under USB to fix the glitch of dcing which windows xp did not have, they only had save power mode buttons). A usb is basically penetrated signatures that do not work on a hot day or wears out over time, because of too much voltage. This is how a computer works, basically if you install a program, you risk destroying your o/s the end. Other than that, windows 7 is A+ in performance with the ability to stop those signatures that may even be connected to these third-party browsers. Seeing how your serial is shared by 10s of thousands of others, PCs are not only unstable but useless. Even if you were to find something out about someones PC, there's a number on the PC that says genuine. It should infact run PC games, even if the so-called gay empire can crash your PC by having a few thousand people running your iexplorer for you through network address certificates, the games will still run fine...yet on the downside, the gay empire's required background updates will still be coming, and they can manipulate your PC (unlike in xp) completly. When it comes to uploads google chrome wins by default. In videos&music its IE, in Bookmarking&youtubing (low quality video) its firefox. All are infact a tie. Until then I may do more blog entries, I may not.