Well, to be obvious, I don't like them. I never actually pull off the moves, and there is that ten percent chance my cheese moves get pulled off. Okay, so why do I not like pulling off a punt then like a,b,a,c kick kick punch for a combo? Because the brain works like this, you must infact learn the combo, and you sometimes expect to pull it off. On a side note, another game came to my list recently after I quit xbox live...(financial reasons)...anyways...the game is supermeat boy. In this walk through at precisely the idiot does a jesus type move where you walk on water at a certain time. He basically freezes in midair to avoid the blade. OKAY MAHN, GREAT WALKTHROUGH CUS I TRIED THAT PART 100 TIMES AND I GOT THIS FAR> IM NOT GOING TO HAVE THE ABILITY TO FREEZE IN MID AIR AND DROP DOWN BEFORE HITTING THE BLADE. AT THIS PART ON YOUR WALKTHROUGH< THAT's EXACTLY WAT U DID at 1:49:28. YOU USED BLACK MAGIC APPARENTLY, AND YES THE NEXT STAGE HE PLAYS I BEAT< SO HE WAS REAAAALLLY PRACTICING TO DO THAT> OKAY U FROZE YOUR CHARACTER BEFORE HITTING THE BLADE>THATS NOT A MOVE IN THE GAME> SUPER MEATBOY SUX. Anyways theres a freeze move apparently that can get me this far int he gaaame without using it.
Dreamcast FIX IT DAY...
I can't play tony hawk on dreamcast, its too hard either. Cramps my hand, but works good on certain games. I go back to my dreamcast every now and then, and heard of dream pi. Its basically buying the dreamcast broadband...it sure is expensive. 80 dollars. Anyways...good to see it back online. The rednecks are clearly not on alien front online like they were in 2001, they are in wots on xbox 360 ofcourse! No pun intended. Dreamcast day kicked off after a few months with the pins on the adapter not reading. Then the disc not reading. I just put 2 washers on the right side of the laser lens, and bent the pins for contact on the power supply. The disc's lens now reads perfectly, and the power is flowing through it. To find out, yes I still suck at tony hawk 1&2. Revisited virtual on, and looney toons space race which has major AA problems on HD. Well, atleast i fixed the vertical sync issue on firefox. I just let the signatures pass right through..u know, your pc monitor might blink or watever. Thats firefox background checking, autochecking sigs but esp just refreshing the firefox installation. Anyways, I think thats it.
PS I would never sell my dreamcast not for a 100 years...If a videogame crash occurred, actually...thats the console I would still be playing after 1999. PPS I dont suck at games though, WOT& DCUO are aced imho with GTA V not far behind....and yes for some ODD reason, I was reaaaaallly good at tony hawk back in the day, 1&2. That and Vigilante 8...hence Dreamcast was my first actual console I bought and did not sell, or get stolen. Once again, checkout my videogame channel on youtube at user/dcshooters. Thanx for playing.