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Fix your Xbox CT blog...how to fix your xb 360 ct and other stuff

Recently I was using my kb and debating the fact to use my xb360 1 year sub or to sell it. Well, as you know, my cter was not working for some time. It had a difficulty reading the wire, it also had difficulty reading batteries. What happened was that the soldered points through years of soda, beer, water, idk corrision and moisture destroyed the soldered pts. I got the cter in 2007, so I thought logically to stick with xblive silver. It wasn't worth buying another cter for another 30 dollars to 40 even. Oh, wait...since I'm an amatuer at engineering I found there might be a loop hole. The xbox 360 batteries need to go on, and since the wire had a faint signal, ie it turns the ct on (same with the batteries), but cycles or kills the connection, I thought just take off the plastic case for the batteries. Then I thought get some copper wire and loop it as much as possible, and tape it to the top of the cter. Then I thought, hey put the weak wire battery on. Okay, Well what this does is it creates a primitive form of electromagnetism. The battery's bottom terminals ie pos and neg have coils built in, yet one large coil connecting the top terminals creates a loop of energy, therefore the connection goes back and forth. The coils on both ends reinforce the battery signal, the faint wired signal will reenforce the batteries or recharge them. This is a swapping effect in engineering terms. It swaps a weak signal back and forth. A weak signal is created via a faint connection. I know because I stripped 2 or 3 usb cords with the same 5 volt reading. Both this or higher miliamps is a good way to solve faultly controllers, with weak soldered points ie heat it up with high voltage, or resolder every pt...i did the 3rd best thing, reenforce 4 pts with coil, using copper wire...ie why are flashlights made so poorly? The chambers don't insulate the battery. The chambers are metal, or use too much metal from pos to neg. This also destroys the battery's outer casing ie creates battery leakage whilst even keeping batteries in a chamber for a long time can create leakage and where airholes might alleviate batteries held for a long time in chambers. I use flashlights with an insulated chamber, ie acryllic, or possibly remove the metal strip. I connect it with the thinnest gauge of copper wire I can find, directly to the bulb from the bottom of the battery. The reason why I thought Ps3/ps4 cters were oddly made, was they perfered lithium, however, lithium is not always the answer. It dies and overheats more easily...creating bad battery signals. With a lithium cell, you can't even jump start the battery so-to-speak unless you buy a specific device. It just remains dead and on the wire all the time. The ports are also too small. However, there are specific ports to do that with in the market, which I forget what are called at this time. One time I jump started an ac adapter with a transformer in it by over heating it. Another ac adapter I resoldered the pts to get to work. Lithium cells are different, they are too small and sometimes built inside the controller or sealed. Lithium cells have ac energy, and it can be recharged, even with a 12volt lead acid. Not a problem, if you can get wires that small.

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<---WRONG ignore project. I go further and drill holes to vent the batteries in case of leakage and put a coil on the top too. The two holes are there for a small wire where it says large coil. Just put a stripped thin gauge copper wire for contact there instead. A standard 6v wall adapter that's stripped with a low Miliamp rating will infact charge even old double aa lead acids over time via posi-to-posi and neg-to-neg. The red pictured wire to standard batteries are all you really need. Tape over the back hole would be optional if your clip is broken. Def remove it, because it won't lay flat on the wire, use tweezers to remove the clip. Oh yeah, I drew coils because you need coils, a small and large winding may infact extend battery life. The small winding to the neg (thick and small gauge wire), the thin and thick winding with many turns to the pos of the battery. This creates minor induction, but do to vibration the electrical signal may jump. So I perfer the twin soldered coil against the stripped wire method. These coils that are soldered should not have cross-sections, once again. It may disconnect randomly, even with full battery life. I prefer twine around the stripped wire method. But to extend battery life, put thin and many turns (pos) to thick and a few turns (neg).

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However, I would rec tinfoil or some sort of sodering wire where the contacts of the wire are. back to the cter wat happens is theres no way to soder the points, so you just put sodering iron down there by curling it up. When you strip the wires they are off center, so you want to make the points (striped copper wire endings) into a little ball. This will prevent disconnects from the xbox's heavy rumble function. Alright gay empire cont. to piss me off today i found out, the sodder was moving left to right an electrical arc was being created...maybe my broken clip was acting as an att idk but i def got curious when a full battery life would dc. gay empire designed the cter with a giant gap, so i glued the wires then put a piece of cardboard inbetween their manufactured 'gap' you know gap as in their brain..empty space Want to know what the **** is wrong with your perfect controller microbitch? DUH THE CLIPS RATTLE AND COME LOOSE DO TO VIBRATION FROM GAMES. THE ALUMINUM CLIPS ALWAYS COME LOOSE. Oh and not to mention the rattling right? WTF do your batteries rattle? Yeah, common duracels. Get cotton, put it in the case, inbetween the batteries to stop a rattling function. FIT YOUR BATTERIES IN A RIGHT SIZED CASE. I looked more closely and the soder was not sliding around. Its blocked from that. So my theory was the clip was broken, and an electrical arc was occuring inbetween gaps..the gap just shouldnt be there. It will create an electrical arc basically. What's next GTA V players that don't roam? WOw. BTW repulsive editing system on here gamespot. LOL the tape clip h ole does nothing. No really though, you need to press a lot of soder for the contact to read well.

PS If you still have an original plastic case with aluminum thats fine: the aluminum contact in the back has pressure to complete a circuit, what the designers did wrong, is not insulate that contact point. The electrons slide up and down the circuit or something. Just put a tape on the hole, it should read batteries fine. You can follow the mod above, or any modder on the internet, but its NOT REC, because the signal will frequently disconnect. The connection insulated reinforces a fairly weak magnetic field from the battery for some odd reason.

MHO on Wikipeda down below:

oh i get it, wikipedia is blocking kids via the header on incoming connections at their corporation. They don't like kids because a lot of them were vandalizing the internet a few years back on their website. No wikipedia for you. No cheap resource. haha. I think this is unfair, if its a direct block someone within their company can target ip addresses. I think nazisfing the internet is bad, but communism is worst imho. Erg, this is just complaints I was having for IE on xbox 360 blocking wikipedia and me having to use the hideme website.

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My opinions on Lithium: I am not a fan of lithium cells, all because it recharges more, and trickle charges better, doesn't necessary mean its better. It overheats more easily. I honestly think, lithium doesn't move the industry at all because of the expensive use, and its so-called better energy consumption. Sure its better, but I have been using my electromagnetic scooter with twice as less batteries for over 500 miles. Lithium is nothing special, its like saying you get a more powerful battery but it dies if you don't resulfate it correctly. Same with lead-acid, yet I can get lead acid for a much better range then your lithium...which imho is more expensive yet lightweight. 2000 recharges does not constitute to 800 yet with electromagnetism, and a coil system 800 can constitute to well over 2000 recharges. Infact infinite recharge and mileage (give or take the capacity of electricity a motor can generate at and refeul an electromagnetic vehicle or emv). That's why the industry doesn't move forward is they are afraid of change. Change can be technical, or a coil system seperating 3 power sources instead of feeding off the grid. Hence electromagnetism or the next wave of electricity will be a pulsating system off the grid not a trickle charging one on it (a power supply is an example of a pulsating system, a two power source device is a trickle charge system, a 3 power source is a pulsating system, ie 2 power sources need the grid). A car for example has 3 power sources, an electric car only two. An emv, 3. Actually if you think about it, even a PC you are currently using uses 3 power supplies (motherboard, power supply, and 120volt grid).

Why is Xbox 360's web browser Good but the Emotional Gay Empire Bad?!?

When I was delivering newspapers I ran across a story, credilious as it may seem, in my home town of reston, a gamer whom lived with his grandmother and ended up murdering her. I thought to myself...after logging on and writing this on the xbox 360 web browser by the time my pc booted up, i could write this...why would my wikipedia page be blocked? As stupid as it may seem the residents of your internet connection may infact block websites from you and not tell you...why would all of wikipedia be blocked from the internet? Well, for one maybe my gaydar told me an xbox employee had fun, and updated the web browser to non-support it...for two..i think maybe my gaydar went back on and told me the web is being blocked in my account by the resident whom owns x-infinity a horrible service with poor disruption issues. Okay, well we know its a service issue. We know, it most likely isn't a web browser issue...will update this problem later. The gay empire loves to think they are right, your sink cable for unplugging, the gestapo i mean your every day plumber, will confisicate it behind your back, thinking he is somehow above god...of some degree...can hold his breath like an animal for a long time. Okay, pt taken. However, this is def an inside job. Blocking internet websites, no matter what the cause, is reason for the gestapo to be born. As i have even highlighted the title with xbox 360, you could see...only a really smart person would have thought about a sink plumber snake, for that sink you've installed in the thousands that can't be unscrewed manually. We live in a world where material possesions can be destroyed by 1 major thing, elementals...and this takes the form of people, unfortunetly. That computer program someone designs as a virus, is created by an elemental, just like the hot air in your room with you not leaving your window open, or you not dusting your computer off. Elements, dust...basically. So, that person is like a flake of dust in the millions...just like you. It can brake by elements from nature or nature itself. However, this elemental may not be a smart virus developer but some gaydar clerk earning 30k behind microsoft, or your friendly neighborhood tenant taking your rent for fun. Unfortunetly I just found out (11.47am) that pos tennent (aka wikipedia.org) is blocking me so I use hideme.be on xbox 360 web browser pos, under IP addy and sig u can't tell the device. But under header it incoming connections will know. Wikipedia is noticing the header which says Internet Explorer for Xbox 360, that would block everyone I think. BTW the plumber didn't take the wire snake I invented....nor will you ever take the belt buckle from a luggage strap idea. The reason given is their fear of 14 year old xbox 360 hackers obviously duh, using xbox 360 to hack wikipedia. They basically don't like kids. Was worknig a few months ago. Okay I'm out.

Xblock 360 virus? Or finger nail scratch against skin?!?

Well, the problem still remains....which made me think, I couldn't access xbox 360's wikipedia website. So, yes the internet even gives consoles viruses, this bad signal is binary code. Its a fact my ct works great, like the dreamcast. The xbox 360 and PC however, gets viruses every now and then. This is do to the fact that binary code can be stored and manipulated, it can even manipulate controller voltage, and usb connections. Unfortunetly, I have to hold my controller at an angel to play xblock virus 340. On my final analysis, yes technology by the fifth race is akin to used toilet paper sometimes and their jobs for supporting their families, a finger nail scratch on my skin. All-in-all, my virus is sueing any company whom tries to profit off of electromagnetic technology or free energy. If you steal my design you are liable to be sued, and I can easily prove a youtube video upload date. However, the other question is...why not copyright it when you steal it&I find out? Yes, my PC got viruses, and yes so did my xbox 360, and work pc again. Yes its fixed, and yes the feeble soul on my skin cell, not even equivalent to frankgrimes did possibly add an entry to the virus data base..get it ******? That's liek a FINGERPRINT. Bad day fixing viruses, and not fixing them...hence xblock 360. Internet is free, it will always be, coward is not. He/she probably needs to pay the bills. Yes its fairly possible within the isolated hidden kingdom of the middle ages, you are infact the virus. Ever come around the mouse usb glitch on a computer in xp? That's a well known virus software, mimicking io devices. Ever no why apple ipods brick??? What about everything else? Binary code, hash in software, viruses by its creators. Okay now I'm out.

What games are good and what games are bad on xbox 360's original cter?

I'm quite a gamer, and must say that the cter's good on games like wot to operation flashpoint. Its joysticks are good for sims, everything about it is for sims. I prefer smaller cters for fighting games though. The larger the sticks, the more the games will feel less like a flightsim. Trust me. I know when a cter needs short sticks or not and playing a 3rd party small cter with large sticks on say...streetfighter 4 was infact an excellent experience, while trying to maneuver the turret on say wot was infact fairly hard.

Resolution...buy a new cter. Oh wait.

Grrr....the above is a seven year old cter on xbox 360 (my favorite cter), bites the dust. Overplaying in games is a reality. Just face the facts. Yet my scooter is 7 years old? But it isn't constantly played on, used, dropped etc. The problem is alleviated with the battery system and wire (magnetic coil ring, etc) but you need fully charged batteries. Yes I have a milamperage system to recharge double A batteries in less than 5 minutes. This is because once again, a coil is there...but I bought a new cter anyways to spend that amazon 3 dollars. It was bothering me...and the connection is not strong enough. It will dc if put down, better than dcing if merely moving...must be internal. Cters have very short lifespans....but not this one. NOt this time, even after 7 years and constant abuse, i've had many cters, dreamcast, xbox etc still good. So I looked closely...wala. Unplug the wire that recharges batteries. Its draining the cter. The wire on the cter was either draining the battery, or creating a sort of connection conflict. Dont trust lithium. Use lead acid. Lithium for lithium charges only. Either or, milamps@24vts of a 12vt fan on a 12vt system worked stupendously and brought it back to life. A magnetic coil, basically, with an aluminum tap on the tip at the head doesn't like current feed.

2hrs later...

Fix it better...k i fixed it, a wound coil heated to 500 degrees, taped. Works just like a mini transformer. Stops the battery from overheating, cycles the lead acid battery though the wire perfectly. An aluminum clip so that the current stays in the coil fits snuggly under it. Should not dc and can work with a wire just fine. Wire should not dc in the first place...even without batteries. The coil in the picture can't just be a transformer coil. It needs an aluminum clip to hold the heat. Transformers are like electromagnetic devices. Their coil holds electricity for later, but it requires a good pos/neg contact, not too strong. Anyways.

Why Xbox 360 cter is a POS and any other wireless device

Well besides for the circuitry being made by a bunch of college students, after realizing my mic went haywire and wouldnt go out, then the extra stuff mentioned (because of a little oil on the buttons!?! tight circuitry huh), I became aware to notice its poor battery life was always there. I found some old lithiums and they last a few hours (always go with lithuims because they arent liquid based and can always be recharged). I went through a new battery pack at the same time lasted 4 hours. When you test a controller for a year by letting the green button on and saying its battery life is that much, that's cheating. Anyways back to point. The battery life of the wireless xbox 360 cter is infact a few hours. They built it to drain the battery life. Its ridiculousy similar to the ill fated ps3/ps4 brands where the technology is just a dumb idea by college students. If wired devices didnt exist, you wouldnt get a bad signal or poor battery life. Almost every wireless device ive ever owned has bad battery life. A wireless mouse that is unclicked for one year doesn't mean that the battery lasts that long, it will last 2 weeks. Your technology just simply isnt there. Its beyond me to think people were possibly thinking about it for electric vehicles. Lol, that's so dumby funny. I have a whole box of prewired overly used console controllers, that work great from nes to saturn. But why do tv remotes work so well you ask? That's simple. The signal doesn't require strength, it doesn't require hours of use. If you plan on playing a game with a wireless device for hours on end, be prepared to exchange double A batteries due to the heat involved or some generic term for weak milamps. The stupidiest thing western civilization could ever do is create a wireless signal device. If you want something done right, get lithium rechargeables..i found a pair from 2002 in a bunch of junk and they work like brand new (a good 1.45 volt recharge at a long interval of gameplay, its now fixed cus the batteries were lose or a little shorter than the double as). No liquid, lasts forever. STANDARD LEAD-ACID DOUBLE A BATTERIES SUCK> why put ammonia in the battery wtf? Why make battery acid leaks? lesson learned. Not even Rechargeable, like lead acid batteries are supposed to be. XBox 360 sucks, the battery case constantly needs to be replaced. Its such a pos, the gay empire made aluminum clips that easily rust mostly in tight spaces for the batteries. Have a large aluminum clip that acts as a non-conductive pos. Check. Have a small acid leak? Even worst. Prepare for taping the batteries on the back of your xbox controller. The end.

3rd and final attempt...Eureka!

The above methods ended up not working, but proved beneficial to battery life. So far my xbox 360 cter from 2007 had stuck buttons (fixed with oil), bad contacts, bad battery life. I fixed these too. The wire for rechargables was having bad contact, and so was the battery life draining. This is alleviated with a high voltage jolt. This will render the cter itself useless, because the rumble function will turn on all the time, just remove the botton with a screw driver (i mean come on, who has tiny star screw drivers anyways?!?). Even though the xbox 360 cter had a problem, the joysticks are probably the best on the market in terms of durability, even surpassing the dreamcast cter in function. I fix'd mine by jolting it with a 12 volt 12 ah pos/neg...because the contact was bad on the batteries..and who would infact bother with resoldering every point. The contact was also bad on the top of the cter where the cord recharges or is used as a cord. So magically, that worked, but I had to remove the bottom casing and snip the motor of the rumble function which went out of control. On the bright side the contacts are now like new, without ability to attain batteries, the wire is used for contacts only on top of the cter. No rumble function is like no mic, not a consequence..given the prices of cters and shotty sellers on amazon in particular, i ordered a cter twice to no avail something went wrong. PS: Jolting the posi/neg with a 12volt battery is dangerous and not rec seeing that the problem probably came from overly oiling the buttons from being stuck all the time. This is infact a circuit board issue, and my emv had the same problem. The cter was heated up and had to either be replaced or find a hi voltage switch like a button instead of a hall throttle. At a time when my keyboard went out (fixed, lost 4 keys in the drain, removed for fkeys to make room for the f8 key and found the lint on the kb blocking circuits), my tire was worn (fix'd always buy road tires, not dirt bike tires for mopeds scooters..wax'd the brakes), and my dreamcast's battery went out (fix'd power surged the dreamcast, yes I play dreamcast reguraly even now). I bypassed my surge protector on my emv that was having a problem with contact. I didn't use the diagram above for the xbox cter, but there was an overheating issue for this method. The wireless battery cord was getting too hot. I put a mini transformer in place of the batteries. My cter had 3 problems (4 problems my mic was always on, without a mic?): sticky buttons, bad contact on the top, bad battery contact...and no starhead screwdriver to boot. I just pried the botton case to fix the rumble malfunction that occurred from the 12 volt jolt (pos-to-pos, neg-to-neg@ about a milisecond hold). A get no battery capability, but the contact cord issue is resolved. I can lift the cter up and down without dc'in. That's right, sometimes I fix things by throwing a rock in the gears. Until then..good night.

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