Well yes and no, I say yes because I have a screenpack of over 1000 characters. I still say no because you can't fight creator owned characters online. As well, I have some qualms about the mugen community. No matter how hard they try they can't outdue the competition which is infact 10 years older then mugen. To this date creator owned characters lack some pisaz. Let me explain, I was a mugen developer for 2 or 3 years from 2006 to 2008. Frankenspriting is a term for getting a base or ripped characters from old games and transitioning them. However, if a character owned frankensprite turns out to be better than say the original marvel vs capcom sprites it will be fairly rare. One or two characters, to name a few, may have come close. One is a Mexican developer of whom's name is Arkady or Comedy HAHA i forget, whom made Jean Grey. The other is a Japanese Developer by the name of Ronin7 whom made Taskmaster. Yet if a DC character were to be made in that fashion it would be great. To make Marvel vs DC is infact a cool task, yet Taskmaster was capcomized perfectly imho. I found another Japanese dev whom made a Black adam and never released it. There is a certain flow they have which infact usually is lacking from most mugen devs. They combine decals with sprite mastery, and have a good voice actor to boot. Yet taskmaster's captain america base is still not in that degree of artistry. Its as if a videogame company has to pay the dev thousands of dollars, lol. However, maybe the decals are distracting. For instance Wonderwoman has dull colors, this is often more appealing then say bright ones. Spriting is a true art form, and hobby of mine personally. I may infact judge the situation by completing my killer croc beta to see what I mean. Scanners, equipment, framework to boot. If you want to avoid viruses, dl the whole DCvsMarvel screenpack@marvelvsdcu.tripod.com and judge for yourself. Enjoy a few brand name characters such as Non, Red Tornado, Modok, etc by creators such as Slotman, Wucash, and Buyogg from the scruffydragon website. Updated seasonly, with minor updates monthly. Oh wonderwoman's stance is still as good as taskmaster yet both lack the fluidity seen on the original xmen cota games. The actual characters aren't bad though. They resemble sometimes fairly complex coding and movement, or what I like to call transitional sprites. Its easy and fun, use fighterfactory online if you decide to build a character. Mugen requires Windows xp basically, so characters won't play anymore without you knowing how to debug them. Or just dl working characters from the website I gave you. Until then catch me on DCUO. I recently updated it, and here are pics below to prove it with more updates to follow:
Also check out http://imgur.com/a/TIxaF for more gifs