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My interpertation on experience with Videogames while growing up..and another Dreamcast vs Emu rant

There is something about the hair glowing on lower res that make the game more appealing on DC. It almost shines.
There is something about the hair glowing on lower res that make the game more appealing on DC. It almost shines.

Basically, I'm your average middle-age guy. I own dreamcast, xbox 360, and hav a basic room setup. I also hav a PC thats a quadcore (that's my ps4)...anyways. My private life consists of a comic book collection from those days, a few mopeds, some fish as pets. I dont like driving, like I hate being on the road for a long period of time. I always looked at videogames through a developers point of view, if the first version of that game comes out on that console or PC, its most likely going to be the best, unless they change the version completly in graphics. Those comparison videos are good to look for kinks, but its all there. My first console I ever bought was 32x, and the genesis wasn't even mine. However, I did start playing ps1 like graphics way before it came out..as early as 93. I also was the kid at the dentist office, wanting to go, becus it had NES. The fact is 32x was my first console, and I was at best, absent during the tough old-school gamer 2d platform days. I played arcade, maybe but that wasnt 2d. I was playing a 486dx2 atleast 2 years before the psone came out. And becus of its 66mhz instead of 33 (even dx4s with 8gb had 33, ie doom at 15fps uggghh) and this granted me the ability to play games like doom and descent, whilst still mildly interested in duke nukem and commander keen. The good games in 1993-94 ie terminal velocity, could and did outdo 3d0, jaguar and psone even. My first real console that I bought though was in college, and it was..yes..you said it, the revolutionary dreamcast. Although I dont like flightsims too much, I was good at it. Iron aces was too hard, warthunder, overg...those games I can play. But I hav a hard time with shooters and 2d platformers ie raptor call of the shadows is hard to me. Even today, people complain about console wars, but in reality...they should be calling it version wars. Like wat version of game is best. I was however, on my family computer, and yes I was the kid who went to his friends house to take part in wolfenstein 3d to control the movement. However, only until 2014 did I own a gaming computer that was good. Since then I had a quasi-good computer that ran c&czerohour well. But I didn't run well...computers are hell in terms of maintenance....and I still think they are trash in that regard to the console. The first ever 3d game I played at my friends house was nascar 98, and I would run backwards on the track just to crash. It was for 8gb p1 computers, maybe even a 486dx4 could handle it, idk. These people that run 3rd party o/s's need a lesson or two on how a console's o/s runs smoothly. Why becus the prostitutes back door is open, and yes...their lies third party affiliates, including those whom run your own virus scans. I only own a computer, to play but I dont play play. Becus its more of a social media machine with 'dumb' vulnerabilities...and wat does that mean? Its their for profit gain. Consoles are not. The first time I saw the dreamcast, I noted the graphics on games like le mans, and sonic could never be done on a PC...I soon found out I was right. The bumpmapping and lighting is verry rare. It uses a technology called powervr2, and even PC emulators today can not fully mimick it. Since the rise of the internet, the PC has gone backwards in the industry, whilst the consoles had remained to go forward. Microsoft did do one thing correct, they made the xbox 360, and some say this console is the dreamcast 2, or a worthy successer. But The dreamcast has bump mapping that it can not do. It has a glowing effect due to the power vr's AM2 adapted technology. They basically, did not cheat, they ran the cpu board without manipulating it to the console, this bankrupted sega. The real truth is PCs cannot do graphics that are not nvidia or ati. Proof is they can not emulate the dreamcast or Ps2, which are hybrids of these cards, accurately. You will not find a ps2 emulator on PC, or an accurate dreamcast one. However, I may infact be wrong about this when I wrote it before, because PS2 and Dreamcast have been well emulated hence dreamcast must be an early version of the ATI graphics card, and Ps2, of the Nvidia graphics card, but I standby the fact that the first version of every game is always the best..unless they make a new version of that game for now.

So basically, consoles have an edge over PC, one such game is the squaresoft game Life is wierd, which looks incredible. BUT PCs can do that. And infact even if the registry b reaks easily from standbymode, apps, malware, third party software, you name it...it can be repaired within an hour using the free tweaking.com's repair tool. It can infact remove the malware instantaneously. I still stand by the best version being the first version of the game. Unless its changed like drastically.