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PC vs Console apps: Which is dashboard is better? Steam or Console?

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As you know PC has customized to console gameplay recently with steam. I would like to say both are the same interface, when you put steam in big picture mode, it has the ability to adjust perfectly to the xbox 360 controller. The downside of PCs are as given with steam. The prices are often higher, the game demos are fewer, and the selection smaller giving the PC community a run for its money. However, PC has often 9 out of 10 the best version (give or take aesthetics ie witcher 2 was better for me on xbox 360 for certain reasons. PC is infact the same as Console, in and out of the market. Due to the reasons given, steam infact is behind from ps4, xbox 360 etc, except one thing...they all do the same exact thing. In big picture mode, PCs are completly customizable for HDtvs, so what's the real beef? Well there is none. PCs are infact more expensive because in most cases not, its the best version. However, I infact got borderlands 2 for 5 dollars so I might think otherwise. If you want to use a controller go with the PC version. If you want, the honest opinion here is besides for certain games such as exclusives PC is always the best selection. If you need to play games such as Halo 5, or idk Driveclub exclusives then console is the best selection. Say you want games such as the call of duty series, I totally don't notice a dif from fps on consoles or PCs either in graphics and gameplay. PS I still retain the belief that driveclub is up there with cgi, and neither pc or console has developed a game with elements that make future consoles a possibility to pursue ie rain effects and lighting that mimicks a real life environment...take gta v and add detail ie puddles etc. You may get a future PS5 in the works. If the gaming community does not infact pursue these immersion factors in graphics...they may simply not.

Investing on PC Game Cters?!? Why?

Yes, a hardcore PC gamer would probably stick with the steam controllers, as I remember all the way back when the PC gravis gamepad came out, and its successor the sidewinder being really popular. However, I am not an average gamer, and need to cut corners when buying things for 30-to-60 bucks. Mostly if I play a majority of my games on console, and am only one person. I rec if you play say DC's injustice where for some odd reason no one ever plays online with, or say...one or two cter games only such as dcuo and maybe warthunder to invest in..a cheap xbox s cter or something of that nature, and simply download the xbox360ce app which loads an emulation device for the cter. It works on any game, and although not perfect its def not going to be the steam cter basically..it is infact really a nice solution for something that gamers don't use. Just load it into the game's directory (in steam its usually the commons folder under steamapps), and youre all set to go. Play any joystick via this emulation device: google xbox360ce emulation.If you have maybe time to play only a few games, I would also rec joy2key, its really fast and easy without any hassle. Unless you play complex steam games, then I would rec xpadder. Its more accurate. Even if joy2key works immediately. If you need to play mugen or Gotham Imposters, use that app. I wouldn't think about going anywhere else with universal controller software. However, its not perfect and it does fail in say emulating for the steam dashboard app itself.

PCs vs Consoles mop for the final time:

This is an inside joke, basically. Both PCs and consoles are remarkably the same. Infact the holiday prices made me think over the fact that PC games are not as accessible on its dashboard. However, both relatively are very competetive. I personally think consoles work like pcs and etc etc. PCs are just you know, not as fail safe..very time consuming and maintenace heavy. They simply aren't plug and play the end. Whether its a game that gets stuck at say a higher res then your device, or a maintenance issue with defraging the hard drive, or even curroptable files...I just to be honest think, PCs have their chink in the armor on that regard. Not to mention the windows updates and its failures in maintaining older systems. But if you have an option to play Batman Arkham city on console or PC or even GTA V at the same price (idk i think pcs have lower prices in general, but they won't be the same wot for xbox 360 is infact better to me than the pc, but idk, consoles are just accessed so much more easily...i think...once again console and pc are coming closer together), I would choose PC unless its exclusive or not well made. And even now since the Dreamcast came out, PCs tend to be the same in gameplay and graphics as consoles. PC has its immersive factors but with the art overriding technology at times, console is right there. PCs can even do living room setups now adays, but need to be maintained, non-theless. When I play GTA V on console or PC I don't really care or look for framerate or graphics (unless my PC is really bad haha). The DCUO game for instance, stutters something that developers on consoles would never run into. Consoles are simply plug n' play..that is the only really dif. GTA V's liberty city is as we all know New York, or a portion of it. Whilst Los santos reminds me of a santa cruz type of location with elements of San francisco and los angelos on the west coast...or maybe san diego on an island. PCs will remain Elite, but not in that regard via materialistically or in a world of rich vs poor. I think gta v's los santos has elements of san francisco and la in the east coast. It has some elements of weather and poverty which reminds me of miami and worth the 60 bucks. Hence PCs are usually not even plug and play to a monitor device (ever here of the unsolvable ati display error? Why doesn't it occur on consoles? Why doesn't it occur on high-end displays?!? Only on low-end ones), whilst consoles remain to be so.

Some 'better than console' steam games to dl esp during the holidays:

Injustice is one of many cheap 5 dollar games on steam, a 2 year old game that has empty servers yets graphics&gameplay makes mortal kombat look like yesterday's news
Injustice is one of many cheap 5 dollar games on steam, a 2 year old game that has empty servers yets graphics&gameplay makes mortal kombat look like yesterday's news

DCUO (free), warthunder (free), warframe, just case 2, aa, borderland 2, warface, rainbow six, wot, injustice, worms world party etc. However, I do retain 2000-06 dx9 games such as tomb raider, ut, deltaforce x, starlancer etc. and yes i do hav an old games folder for dosbox etc (stunts, terminal velocity, duke3d, decent etc)...remember rise of the robots? or one must fall robot fighter nevermind. You may like warframe if you like robots..Im a dc comics fan and a gamer fan, that is atleast whats in my library right now. My xbox 360 gameplay is pretty severe though. Its all dev basically, hence gta v is not only beutiful its infact perfect in every way, the size of an actual modern city with suburbs. The only thing missing is perhaps an actual suburb (i think the majority of the island lies like inbetween 'other cities' either or it may be a bit small for real-life), water footprints and maybe the water footprints from the a wet shoe but i hav the console version so idk.

Why Ps4 is Superior. GTA V graphics comparison

Well, because GTA V is superior. This game is perfect to scale in competition. Out of all the versions, the xbox 360 is worst and Ps4 is best. Yet Ps4 wins in every arena, while 360 ousts the ps3 in certain effects such as water. In graphics, Ps4 has proven to even be almost better than PC. Yet PC has wind effects and certain elemental effects not present in Ps4. This being said, GTA V is no driveclub either, in terms of CGI mimicking effects. So although PC has proven itself in many arenas, it still doesn't satisfy and GTA V is a cheating comparison for it. PCs naturally have more ram etc so widescale environments are a breeze. What we want to look for is elemental effects on small scale environments, and PC has yet to top Driveclub in this regard. In the environments, there is a blue haze which is not present on PC, even if it has room for elemental effects, ps4 has certain lighting that I noticed which excel over PC. This inturn also is noticed on the ground as a glow effect from light. PC has larger widescale elemental effects such as wind though and the water on PC is far more tame. Lets just say this Large scale environments on GTA V: PC>PS4>PS3>XBOX 360 naturally, small scale (in person) is PS4>PC>XBOX 360>PS3. Xbox 360 has the ability of closeup texture mapping that xbox one would excel at over the 4. Yet these small things are not considered, as to they do not effect graphics. Other unnoticeable things would be flash lightning present on xbox one but not the other consoles, however it seems present on all the consoles. One has to consider these elements as throw ins, and even wind elements. So there's my honest opinion. GTA V is greatly used by the amount of ram, rather than graphics, but even then PS4 excels over the 4 in close-up graphics. These enhancements comparisons are fairly unnoticeable between the 4. During the day time PS4 wins...if you're on the ground. The collision effects, and lighting on the faces etc, the haze and glow effects, simply work...as well the water effects. If I were to choose though, in nighttime and far off distances, I would choose PC hence I chose xbox 360 at times over ps3 because of you will notice better detail and more wrinkles on the character faces. For some reason though, the heli skyview has the 360 at a close second to PC due to shadow cover at the end of the video (scroll 10:04). PC in the end wins, but hasn't proven itself from a developer's point of view. PS4 excels in the damage models of gta v over all 4.

Final final op

Yeah I can't really tell the dif between the two, pcs are better, gameplay stays the same...consoles have exclusives. Rarely do they beat pcs, maybe in like those exclusives that are 'hard to develop'...the joke is PCs are just more maintenace heavy.