After recently inventing an electromagnetic device and traversing into your cities with the device, I began thinking of the complexities and its simplicities of 120 volt grid technologies. Two of these I own, they are infact consoles and PCs. The PC, is infact a good device, however it is fairly uncontrollable. Every aspect of a pc especially if outdated can be targeted. It is infact a chaotic and primitive machine in my honest opinion like the gasoline engine. So now that we got that out of the way, I haven't updated my pc since 2007 because of this simple fact. The console is infact a real device, it is much like a pc except service is a little more stable. By a little I mean the number one aspect of the PC, the games. The games on a PC can work well, the technology is there, sure it can be worlds more superior in graphics etc but PC gamers lack one thing console gamers have, and that is flexibility. Sure PCs have better fps controls, and although durable, the xbox 360's sticks are still imho too long. Okay, so I can't ever snipe on a console, okay sure I can't have good graphics. Yet here is a plus. More people play consoles. Consoles are like unprivatized. They infact are cheap pcs and give the same gameplay experience. Consoles are infact with exclusives (well okay maybe sony is with exclusives idk). Except here's another fact, consoles are cheaper...and always will be. BTw, consoles are also more universal, more people play consoles. On top of that, even though multi-tasking is just getting there in consoles, and its not as comfortable, it does have its pluses in functionality. Its more simple eg better. You don't ever get trojans from installing new programs on consoles. They are safer. You don't have maintenance issues ever. You simply don't have to learn or lick some guy you don't know who worked at microsoft in 1998's ass so-to-speak. You don't have to update programs or keep multiple programs up to date. You get updates that function and are always stable. If you put a game in, that game will gaurantee to play on your console. Sure you don't have access to like 10 generations of games, but there are sooo many games that you don't need access to them. No one in the world has that much time. On top of that, consoles have debt perception. They are infact modeled on PC aesthetics so the outdated graphics can inactuality be overcome due to developers and new consoles. For instance, I still think Dreamcast's Xtreme sports is as good as say ssx on xbox 360, and I might even go as far as saying Coolriders is on that level (you can catch me playing that game online currently as lkqqqjc). But here's the thing, Xbox 360's ssx is infact made for gaming. Giving the user far more options and easier accesibility to play online. It gives them ability to play against other people, therefore I am not going to go back to my dreamcast to play games...unless may be I stop playing for like 3 years. While on my PC I can just youtube the game I have. Yet the PC is simply not as good because that update on your virus scanner will be outdated and then you will have to pay for it. It just won't guarantee a function tommorrow morning when you wake up for work, and want to get that hour or two of gameplay in. IMHO consoles are like america and japan whilst PCs are like North Korea. Unpredictable. Consoles are a more centralized network and you can go rob a store, come back and the console will still be online (unless there are server issues see previous posts). A PC will infact create a virus out of thin air due to files that are controlled...and those files are then recontrolled. Consoles are infact better. Better yet Consoles are like an M-16 whilst Pcs are like an Ak-47....the PC is unpredictable and doesn't even shoot straight. Consoles are Not only for the gaming community but for all ages.
PS I infact wrote this part of the blog on a console this month, a day after checking the route of my electric current on my moped. I had to understand that the current needs to go into the battery or it will create a minor induction leak. I then had to understand why a 12 volt did infact need to be run by a 24 volt. Consoles are simply better, like a ufo....or electromagnetic technology against the electric car. They won't fail you because of an unstable mind or too much emotion created by the creator's product. They infact remain more stable and outreachable against the competition.
Technology simply moves too slow so its an unknown in the console wars mostly since they disguised the textures, particle effects and framerate since the sixth gen arose ie
Dreamcast - 7m pps
Gamecube - 12m pps
Ps2 - 66m pps (30m texture mapped peak performance speculated to be only 22mpps with effects)
Xbox - 75m pps or 125m pps (unknown texture mapped peak?)
Ps3 -275m pps (unknown, has motion blur though)
Xbox 360 - 500m pps (unknown peak, substitutes motion blur)
Xbox one - 700m pps
Ps4 - 1billion pps
Toy story 1&2 - 2-4 billion pps
PPS: I just got an Icore 3 for x-mas and guess where it is a few hours later, next to the trashbin because it locks up after a few minutes. Windows 7 is trash, and I'm one of those people who don't want to take another IT home school class to revert group policies (which btw seems to be not present on windows 7, a simple hidden function that should be as popular as the chkdsk function or regedit/msconfig tool the to the mass...but is hidden in most microsoft built o/s machines!). Lol, all of this slavery and these creators made a sh1t stain much greater than even the gasoline engine. Computers are broken, and always will be. I decided not to find out what it will do. Computers have been my enemy ever since 2003 when I put my 60 dollar ff7 game in one to play through its emulator and to my dismay having it leave deep scratches within the disk itself (only to somehow finish the game with a ps2 which luckily still read the discs, in particular the second disk was still readable). You know, lightning from sky, bypassing two surge protectors, just those common every day voltage issues! I/O traces idk wat it really is. Happens on consoles all the time...not! Yet still to this day I cont. to use this absurd technology for task managing (updating websites, buying things, etc). However I will be using windows xp on it sometime in the future. What happened was a ram stick was infact different or of a different size. I will give a clear review if I fix this 'minor' problem in the near future. Be warned though progress is slow, very slow.
Part 1 Browsing the Web: How safe is a PC web browser and app wise? Which is better?
PCs are infact not web browser and app safe, this gives consoles a definate edge whilst retaining maintenance free operation. However PCs can infact be web browser and app safe with enough knowledge of GPO tools, those toolbars you never installed won't be showng up...unfortunately this means knowledge of how to disable certain areas of your PC such as hash protection etc...and no one is going to find out where that is. As long as those digital signatures flow into your PC so do those virus's and malware. The only protection you have is deleting those signatures, repairing windows and even limiting functions on your pc for navigation on malware attacks...after a few weeks? Hacking on PCs goes down to an insane micromanaging nightmare with MIME detection, to even devastating attacks on your IP addy via everything from IEEE engineering to Hash file encryption (files that are aloud to overwrite other files, that usb stick you put in u bought from the store can even have a virus). Everything can be disabled for that 12 year old kid with a science essay due tomorrow? Or even that design team's big project? PCs run on files behind files. Consoles are an unknown, not only are there hardware alien and rare, so is their penetration by hackers or viruses. Maintenance free operation is sometimes a must. Whether you want to play a game, browse the web (look at porn even) or use netflix, the biggest problem you will run into is maybe a dns update. On PCs you can infact disable third party traffic easily though via GPO. Except not everyone takes a computer course that summer. If the server goes down, you just check, nothings perfect. However, you don't want to get too paranoid, its all a game. Those settings don't do anything anyways. What happens is spyware may affect gameplay, a stuttering in your graphics card by your motherboard is infact spyware or a virus but maybe its that vertical sync setting you turned on at your desktop tray. Consoles have a big edge in this field retaining an almost perfect maintenance free operation after years of use.
PART 2 Testing...Do people use New Computers? ..and why?!
As bill gates once said, "Computers are like Cars" hence once you become a part of the grid, you become a part of their slavery system..their child is a mouse that squeeks in an annoying tone that only the craziest of men can avoid, everyone dies...yet a gold fish can outlive this unborn consciousness of a dirty mind's spirit by 30 years, theirs is one thing you should know, the boy is unborn, he (jesus christ) was not, happy holidays. The gay empire has many apps and processes by different creators which compete with one another, intentionally creating conflict in your registry. The fact is that if you disable all background services, including bots and apps via asc, and control a computer via group policies you win in the long run. Virus scanners conflict with malware scanners which infact install curropt data. The machine is infact imperfect but can be controlled. Let's move on to a gaming machine review against the ill fated console. Stuttering is not a video card errors or processors slowing down, its infact data packet flow from digital signatures which can be controlled and limited in GPO. Viruses can go as far as moving mouse cursors around and installing toolbars, this function on pcs may prevent it, yet it may even be magic, who knows. Consoles from mho, never had viruses...only minor server issues. Yet these errors are subject to change as win7 and win8 get older...alhtough they are built as xp, they have app folders instead of 'network only' ones where as everything in the network goes into binary code or a set of encrypted instruction sets into these folders & not directly into the registry&the virus is not expected to do anything. Streaming devices do not or can not have these functions. Consoles win once again...Jesus christ.
Mods vs Modding?
As I know games like freedom force etc could be modded and being a big fan and collector of comic books for 4 years I could see the fun in getting knew skins. I was copying, and storing a lot of xbox 1 games with my brother. He had ps2 hds that ran rented games, while working at the local gamestop. Anyways, he infact passed on yet mods were his fav thing. I personally got the idea of dreamcast game copying from my friend in college and later got into mugen coding and modding on my pc. Without modding life is fairly boring, however the mugen community seemed to have died down a little. This is infact not really, i just died down a little, having 1000 mugen dc/marvel characters tells us why. My xbox 360 however is not modded because the art to me has gotten too complex, a year of xb live with free games is all the mods one needs. The xbox 360 itself however literally requires that 120gb drive mod, if its for an elite hd on a xbox 360 arcade gray top...idk paint the top and bottom black with a permanant marker so it wont look so tacky. I also modded or knew of downloadable content on C&C:zerohour such as the soviet mods etc (i grew up with the c&c genre and having seen the best gameplay ever cancelled I too cancelled my interest in that field...and the servers shut down last year). It may be because they used terms such as european union for the faction which may become a copyright issue..and remember that Battlefield 1942 mod of the iraq war that came out way before battlefield 4? Or the star wars mod on it? If I were to say mods on consoles were better I would be lying. Yet even though they do have mods persay its more developer owned or dl content for a paid service such as indie games. Bad company vietnam for instance, I don't know if you can say mod or upgrade. Consoles simply don't have mods...unless you count dreamcast ports of doom and halflife or xbox running windows xp. Usually though, its only hardware related or privatized somehow. However they do have emulators on consoles, which gave me no problems. Emulators on consoles are better, because some pcs burn the emulator wrong. PC mods are much more customizable though. PCs clearly have better games to mod and skins to boot. Consoles however have safer copying issues, and their emulators are usually safe as well. I know this for a fact because in florida when I was on the scene of where Aeris dies I took out my ff7 cd to see why it froze on a brand new pc...idk about gpedit tools, but the thing did infact scratch the disc up. I completed the game safely with the two discs scratched up within the week i got home from visiting my sister on a ps2 instead. Ps2 seems to have played the scratched discs fine. Sure, hdmi ports burning out, ff7 discs being scratched, viruses on pcs may make you think I am a bit biased or its an unfixable problem. The problem with technology though, is I'm witness to these problems, so I can't just say you can float on water. And I have fixed these problems through edit tools or learning about stuff. Its like missing the screw hole in that hd tv's stand with your eye, sometimes you'll mess up and the thing will unbalance then tip. PCs are better then consoles for modding, consoles are better for mods, games and emulators. Yet to me modding and building stages for cs source or ut watever was a hobby in say...2002. Some people are actually getting into it, like wargaming, its a thing that is invented and never goes away. I even modded my electromagnetic scooter (joke). Electromagnetism is like modding, its a successor to the electric car. PCs are always modding though, in hardware etc. They just progress too fast and are unstable. An emulator on a console is simply safer, or done more accurately (is user friendly) without the use of finding old files or using dosbox. Consoles can also have friendly map editing tools and/or developer tools as is seen in some cases with xbox 360's pinata or Battleblock theatre. Its sometimes even a necessity in fps shooters ala halo 3 as well. However with friendly developer tools and more complex map editing features that come with their games PC wins by far in this category. This article gets big...may update this section later.
Can Outdated Consoles compete in graphics compared to PCs?
Do Consoles really excel in graphics compared to PCs? What Do you Think?
Well after surfing the web for some info on competition, I decided to take out the competition with a fairly outdated console to show you why consoles are unique in their graphics functions whether it be particle effects etc. They tend to remain unflat at times through bump mapping. If you take a look at dreamcast, it has a unique gold shimmer or a perfect shine to its reflective surfaces and I was curious how it did that? The gold surface shine was present in Propeller arena online, yet lacked in warthunder, it had a dull look to it, not too bright and signicantly different. I looked around in youtube and saw the nulldc emulator giving a higher resolution. But can it mimick that shine? This video says it can't. you check out Kasumi's hair color, its considerably more orange or brighter on dreamcast...this may be a resolution thing, but the shine is also not present in her wise, PCs do win, they do so in outperformance, but in aesthetics...and detail Consoles may win. I paused at 4:53, both games are the same (pls note fullscreen the window at 720p on youtube to see the details), yet the hair on kasumi shines slightly more. This is proven because both the game and PC are paused at the same exact frame. The PC's hair looks less round and more dull somehow whilst its glow or reflective shimmer remains less. This can be due to the resolution, yet I have a large collection of dreamcast games, and this ability of shining is fairly common on the dreamcast itself...making it rare, like the ps2's particle effects and vector based graphics (which imho look like atari 2600 when put in true vga or game to check for is basically all of the ps2's first gen games lol). PCs have a fairly flat texture, given this the hyperthreaded icore 3 (better for gaming than the icore 5 btw), with an ati radeon HD 5750 2 gig card, proved it. PCs nowadays use quadcore cpus. That means 4 cpus so pcs are pretty impressive and evolved quickly from just a few years ago. However, compare it to a console and you will still have something the console can do in graphics that a pc can't which makes it interesting&fairly complex<;3. Graphics, although I am not new to this, graphics are built by how a card works, a tnt 2 worked as a ps2 did imho, minus the particle effects of the ps2. Consoles are just very alien to me. Yet if you play a pc in 2000 with a game built for it, then one now on a dif pc it will look basically the same with all the settings on high. Back in the day, a dragon soyo board used 4 pipelines, it booted up in 10 seconds, so does the asus 64 amd board, yet custom mboards are defective or seem to have minor power issues (a 30 dollar custom mb will infact be a nightmare compared to a complete 60 dollar one ie custom means like 2 pci ports, smaller size, one ram port etc). The dreamcast console running on a null dc had considerably more dull colors side by side with a vga prepped dreamcast console. Not noticable in most games like shenmue, or crazy taxi because the colors aren't significant, but still can't be done flawlessly. I don't know if its important, but the dreamcast is clearly more brighter than its pc counter-part. This does well actually at low resolution bump-mapping effects and features. Dreamcast can for some reason do reflective surfaces, not only better than pc, but better than gamecube, xbox and ps2. PCs just tend to be more conservative than consoles which are more liberal on my part. However, a PC with the right games, since the 486dx2 days with mortal kombat 1, can also be a fun machine in the living room. Alas you will never find cross-platform gaming on consoles to pc anymore unless they are mmorpgs because the fps functions of a pc move far faster and are far more complex (halo 4 is a great game, however alien rage almost destroys the competition completly in emmersion factors, graphics and gameplay to boot, its simply more faster). Even though I consider Bad company 2 on xbox 360 the best version of the 3, PCs have one thing consoles lack, an ability to snipe fairly easily (game developers should consider auto-snipes). This is a tough call though, because bad company 2 has fairly good pc-to-console mechanics&that favorite game on that outdated pc you bought on ebay will need to be tweaked to the fullest unless you get a new pc a few years in the future or a card of some sort. PCs are just faster machines than consoles with its common ram counterpart lagging behind by atleast 1 gb and windows services such as steam now being game user friendly. Consoles however can infact do that. When playing warthunder on a pc then on a ps4, one will not consider small details such as darker shadows or that extra splash. PCs are more superior, therefore retaining their complexity as being the more powerful machine, whilst consoles are more fun with gameplay over graphics therefore addicting and at often times harder to play.
Update test and review so far..garbage
So today I completed upon setting up the gay empire's baby, its deemed ice machine, the lamborgini of lambos, an icore 3 with ati hd 5730 2 gb ram to test. Even though I liked it without the ram, I thought maybe the computer wouldnt be attacked so after toying around for an hour all hell broke loose. Sure it worked, however for 5 minutes. Windows 7 had constant updates, after finding out my IP addy, they destroyed the machine. Yes, the gay empire can infact do that, and they do. Hard drives can be destroyed, motherboards can have voltage issues, viruses can be created for that 5 dollars from last summer that you owe some kid's dad with a shitty business. The grainy 30 fps no videocard was infact good for windows 7. Then I noticed constant updates, to give me viruses maybe? So next on the agenda is to sell it for parts. I just checked my real pc, the one with group policies, then i checked my xbox 360 that i will not continue to pay for (shitty service, servers go down continentally, games lag out constantly, its just bad see prev post). Computers do not work, they are broken...unless you have that one computer from 2007. I enjoyed that 5 minutes of windows 7 without a video card and I enjoyed the grainy graphics of warthunder to say the least. It worked. It was tweaked well, then I installed the video card and not only did it never turn on, but it infact caused issues. One being the graphics were too sharp and the high resolution was unappealing. The details on the ground are intricate but too intricate, the other being the computer itself can't handle the video card and won't turn on after a 5 minute gameplay procedure. A 400 watt dynex ps simply doesn't fail. Unplugging every component also doesn't fail. Yet a computer cord being stuck in the cpu fan will render it useless. Not only is the video card broken, but the cpu is broken too. After a second attempt and close look to see the updates not booting. A loose cord also fell into the cpu fan to render it broken, and i mean all of it from component to cpu to motherboard...just trashed. From a very careful or careless procedure of entropy, does your computer not work. No not magic, it just simply gets destroyed if handled incorrectly. It also gets destroyed via hacking and windows updates knowing your IP addy from that 5 dollar loan and unconstitutional harassment you got. I am willing to bet every person out there is targeted. If you show me a working computer I will say fake. So why does my 'real' computer work? Because unfortunately my maskless enemy behind the counter updating the pc is a blithering idiot. Here is my history or resume on the history of computer usage since 2001 to prove the inconsistencies in their technology basically. First computer, virus...many of them back in college so constant library use. Second computer constant toolbars, virus, then finally a bricked hard drive because one day the temp in summer got too high, or voltage issues and i/o traces by your friendly gov. 3rd pc, same, voltage issues, mouse dconnects, ?usb problems? facebook account hacks, bank account theft etc (btw i am still in college here). 4rth pc, nothing because i fixed it and am using it right now, constantly every day. 5th console competing pc, owned for a day until everything from air to water destroys it...culprit gay empire. Consoles win hands down. BTw after the first windows 7 updates, i started getting 404 errors immediately indicating hackage and i/o traces&better yet there is no group polices or the pc was already 'configured' to their advantage of spying and wasting people's time. Nm, so far every thing is good around the table, turns out it just doesn't like crts. May or may not update the performance, because a few 404 errors did occur since the review, which indicates some sort of rootkit malware behavoir. All in all consoles are still better because since early days I have never known a PC to plug and play. So everything I mentioned above is apparently true cus my sound did 'burn out', and my hdmi ports also 'burned out'
Why do consoles win in this Review?
It turns out this was just my inexperience, after not using an updated PC for nearly a decade I soon found out PCs are infact run by 4 processors and they are plug and play. They do infact work that way now. Simply updating drivers etc is all automatic. Giving PCs the edge. I was infact impressed with this machine's specs of a i3 hd 5570 with 8 gb ram DYNEX power supply and quadcore cpu. I did however go through the hassles of building it, and running into the same problems I ran back in the late 90s when building machines. Ram needs to be switched, spread out at times. The console's drivers need updating. The 404 errors and the blue screen of death have infact been present, the crt didn't work, the sound drivers needed to be checked and the connectors needed to be rerouted&reconnected etc. I am afterall aware of the industries lack of hdmi support, hdmi infact burns out even through a surge protector. These problems I am infact witness of, so they will be presently known or not be a trick by arabic fakirs from the 13th ce so to speak (lol, inside joke). Driver booster 2 did a great job. However, a console can somehow compete, because PCs require maintenance, something consoles can't touch. Consoles can simply compete in a few fields, and it is not only stability, hardware support&plug and play devices. They are better in exclusives, and they are more simple and easy to use. They are also sad to say imho more fun...when you play games such as ssx on a console or button mashers such as SSB (super smash brothers, and/or a plethora of fighting games out there), they just won't be available on pcs. Another fact is everything is temp and everything goes, esp after you die. They are not great though when it comes down to owning one. PCs also constantly need tweaking and task managing. That is how I got warthunder to work so well on the PC without the video card, through tweaking it looked nicer than the sharpest of graphics by giving a blur effect feel to it. The grainy effect made it feel more like a ww2 sim, with settings tweaked all the way down at low then with the fps@30 and esp with the AA+textures gone. While O/s like windows 8 are infact firmware friendly, they also work like consoles now with a user app friendly interface. However there is still a question about set up installs and the internet. A picture can be viewed a thousand times in some cases, with a virus it can only be viewed once. Consoles will only last a few years, whilst PCs less (hardware upgrds, maintenance, viruses). However, more age groups play consoles, PCs are somewhat confined to certain generation of people due to their expensive costs. Consoles last only a few do pcs kind of with hardware upgrds etc. Pcs also lack in generations and are more maintenance heavy. In the long run PCs are more rare, yet both are the same...gameplay wise consoles however are for gamers with skillz, and takes a little more edge in the competition. Pcs are just too expensive, elite and privatized. Consoles are more centralized. It is however possible to change your PC into a living room gaming machine with controllers and all. Setting up a PC though takes 5 hours, setting up a console, 5 minutes. The fact is is that Hardware, company servers&windows update can control your pc eventually because pcs are well...different. For Graphics go with PC, gameplay enthusiasts however should vote for console. A Tie. However the main reason why consoles actually win in this review is because of something the human race calls the Ebola Virus or unstable hardware. With a console you can wake up in the morning and assure no unstable tech glitch like your accesories folder missing or that game you play dipping down to 20 fps because you happened to install a new game demo (from steam) that manipulated your registry...just a little. Don't worry users you can buy a 2400 dollar pc and have it run for approx 2 weeks at 60fps if a virus does decide to come around. Another reason is most games on PCs have a rating of 7 days playtime to get to the top of the leaderboards. HOwever PCs have leaderboards too, and those names never get deleted from that xbox live user back in 2008 or watever. The weird thing though is, given better graphics and hardware, Bad company 2 alone has only 45 days of playtime average whilst on console is a whopping 300+ days. Hence consoles are just more broad based. Consoles may infact have more users even...hmmm...benefits of things which are less expensive. Not broken, more users=better. If you don't like my review comment below saying you have owned a windows updated pc without a blue screen or 404 error for more than a wait make that 3 months. I managed to get all these problems on windows 7 upon update and first boot. Inepting me to reinstall and reconfigure gpo. And why does windows update give me a blue irq screen and tells me to buy more ram? On a 9gb machine? Maybe its that 1 gb video card which has ddr4 instead of ddr3 who knows. Isn't Irq conflicts a modem issue from the early 90s? It may infact be a marketing campaign. Lol. My PC works great though, it just can't handle 3 game windows (switching inbetween more than one game window...PS4 can't do that, Windows 7 can :P) AND a malware scanner which is infact asking too much. The PC itself is generally better, yes with better versions of games. However, i grew up with PCs and its more of a compromise than an issue. PCs tie for now. User based, or user friendly wise. If you have Windows 7 or 8 they def win. However, even the best PC with fluid graphics will show small kinks and irq bluescreens. If I use an ati with an icore, that's what I get. These kinks I believe are infact incompatible ram, hence ddr3 doesn't work kindly with ddr5 and they give this kink in the armor away by exclaiming irq error (incompatible ram, duh). They can alleviate 98 percent of the PC broadbase audience by releasing this ddr5 ram. My only evidence for this irq blue screen when opening many programs is infact this, no device manager is saying hardware error. This is just a small friction of the amount of hardware problems people run into. Hence hardware wise, PCs definitely lose for now.
Update kinks are caused by vsync off which increase frame rate yet create bumps in the graphics upon doing so. Controlling vsync fixes the graphics basically.
PC wins: graphics and gameplay, evolution (video cards come out now before consoles, earlier in the sixth gen era etc consoles would be better than pc in certain technical categories, the 7th gen era was the last gen to do this..wat makes this more complex is PC was ahead in this field until the sixth and 7th gen came around or the time of when graphics cards became invented or 'a thing'), hardware, software interface, game population, controller functionality, free games service (via steam, this was a close call ps4 has easy access to demos, xblive has free games however paid for service, yet PC has both), accessibility, can be privatized or living room based (win7 game explorer, gpo etc makes it possible), mods, server stability, software functionality, backwards compatibility
Console wins: gameplay, longevity, pricetag, exclusives, plug and play functionality, game functionality, software updates, marketing, can be privatized or living room based, game updates, creative design (long gone is the time when you can knock your snes off the cabinet by pulling the controller cord too hard), age group, maintenance free
Things I may have missed: Cheating and hacks, PC is known to have a lot of hackers whom manipulate the games code in say...c++ or watever to get wat they want. However, I played games on xblive to hav the same effect. Unknowns by supposed designers can infact kill your character at will, or degrade your weapon. You can even cheat by upgrading certain weapons on consoles and downgrading others. Its all too complex in this field, long gone is the game of chess and honesty to boot. The whole thing makes it even more robotic than fun. Yet there is always that pro player whom 'gained' or earned his skills through years of practice. I recently also found out that even though consoles like xbox 360 are native 720p, it has more to do with your display device. For instance a 720p television may scale 1080p, however a crt may downscale to 720p. Even though xbox 360 is scaled, it may remain native on a flat screen crt, even at 1080p. Graphics are simply better because Consoles don't have high resolution, however you will find high end dx 11 games on even xbox 360, for instance witcher 2. The graphics are akin to the PC version in detail. Even then, this genre of adventure action rpg was evident in games like Shenmue where the PC simply couldn't keep up with the art style. IMHO direct x9 on PC and its gen following dreamcast was an honest failure since the radeon 9800 came out. Too many competitors with cards doing too many different functions (ie tnt 2, etc), will inhibit a stagnation with the PC history in graphics design and even greater issues with incompatibilities in their hardware during that time. The PC simply couldn't compete with consoles at the time (from 2000-2007), because the hardware was less centralized, then the dual-core came out, and it became more centralized or faster. Even then though the graphics cards remained uncentralized. Now, it seems to be the basic 4 base competitors on the market. However problems will occur if say you hav a win7 64 o/s via intel with an ATI card. I witnessed great slow downs out of no where. I downgraded to win7 32 and they disappeared? The software and developers are infact more important than the hardware these days. Both PCs and Consoles though now have one thing in common, network gaming therefore the gameplay longevity is much greater than simply just beating a game and forgetting about it. I am also witness to sorcery by the games, or unknowns so I can't really complain. After 10-20 years of gameplaying, I am infact that ant in the great universe. I can guarantee to you though, technology moves really slow, dreamcast is 7 million pps whilst ps4 is 75 million where near the toy story 2 limit of 4 billion pps and by all means no way is it a space shuttle compared to a car just a few years ago, its infact still a car. However, you will notice things on console that PCs and even other consoles miss, ie xbox 360 never has vertical sync issues whilst ps3 does (vertical sync is frame rate stability and monitor refresh rates which can cause annoying disturbances such as blinkage if not properly adjusted).
Minor update on my new PC. The comp tech guy who passed on, always told me vsync was infact bad cus it reduces framerate. However, its good. Vsync is a must because it removes the kinks on your videocard. Maybe back in 2002-2006 it may have been bad idk, unfortunately i always had vsync on for some reason. Vsync is what makes PC graphics into console graphics in fluidity as I recently found out. It also eliminates that irq error I was getting. This puts the PC way above the console 10-to-1. However, only in terms of hardware. In terms of design and software, you see more developers on console with arcade-like graphics. Sure PC can't do the same as a console, but with vsync it can, and this shows how more elite pcs are. They can even become consoles, basically. However Consoles will never be that superior, they will retain that graphical look spec developed by the gpu. Eg dreamcast lighting can always be done that way that a PC GPU card will not do unless it of course is the sega naomi board with nec powervr2 technology. Hard review, PCs win hands down in graphics, gameplay & functionality. Consoles win in exclusives, interface design (disputed win7 can leave 2 games running at once), specific technical capabilities such as bump mapping on the gpu or main stream developer games. Consoles also win in plug n' play capabilities being less privatized. They may not win in the number of online players now too, for some reason PC is never knocked back into third place against popular leaderboards such as bad company 2...and this is with xbox live losing and gaining subscribers yearly. PCs are better in mods too, however, consoles are more entertaining and better in updates. If you play happywars expect an update every month, if you play unreal tournament or counterstrike expect the same mod for the coming years. Consoles simply have less players or a more broadbased gaming audience. The server issues on consoles are like the graphics issues on PCs, they just take time to find out why they are defective. Their names disappear from the leaderboards, yet the population of gamers seems to be far greater. PCs and Consoles are both cross-platform. One can guarantee a console for 3 years, one can't do so a PC, PC software (not interface), via a built in internet browser is infact a liability to viruses. Consoles are not in this category. PCs are built this way via an internet web browser, ie explorer, therefore its only appropriate to call windows 7 the windows live service. However, consoles are worst than PCs in this regard, because mouse aim is far more precise on pc imho...and PCs have xbox 360 controller functionality. EGOISTICALLY even, PC wins because you can have control over gpedit tools, whilst xbox 360 has its service in a shiny box. This means, 404 errors (in the form of 505434523453 or watever) and rampant unknowns which sometimes people say are infact spyware hence new xbox 360 models?!? for a paid for service??? Idk the cause of errors basically because of rootkits and hijacks. However, I can gaurantee from n64 to dreamcast there has been a 60x polygon count increase (dc to ps4 is about that much give or take). Actually, these service issues are bandwidth control via the company or bandwidth use via people living with you. You will not notice bandwidth drops on PC because of the ram and data being non-streamlined. That means not a direct flow. Most streaming consoles are infact built that way, via integrated ram (xbox one...i think, xbox 360). This is a cable company issue, in actuality...they get high bandwidth volume etc (see article below, it was happening a lot for a month straight one time, then I realized it was microsft itself, the servers were hacked in mid-2014). On the bright side, xbox 360 is infact better than ps3 minus the motion blur (it mimicks motion blur), xbox 360 has more pps (500m pps to 275 pps). However, ps3 was sony's worst system to date with plagued slowdown and lag due to ram and/or customizable programming issues, hence it was hard to program for..harder than the ps2 in some cases. Whilst win7 can conveniently repair itself. PC wins in this long unedited review and analysis.
End of review.