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Ps4 update: Pay for PsPlus?

I recently obtained a Ps4 with a psplus account, and I want to give an honest opinion as to why I bought it. As you know, I have a moped, a taotao and an electromagnetic one, I also have a really fast PC (icore 3, 1gb vg ram, 8gb win7), but I opted to instead of upgrding, buy a PS4. Why? Why not upgrd a card to 4gb? Well most game makers now make cards that are way higher, and use at least 8core processing to compete with the Ps4. They never go too far though, because not lots of people are going to buy a 16core PC. So wats the best solution? Buy the console. It will have everything a PC has, with subtle differences in res. And thats wat I did. However, my account is borrowed and limited ie its free, so I got someone to log on to his psplus account and handed me a dozen installed games for me to play games. I do have an account, but its primarily locked cus Im not going to pay the psplus. If you have an xbox 360 account or watever, id rec to get a friend to log on his account. Sure, he may log you out at times, but for online play, this is a good idea. Let's do the math:

Icore 7 400 dollars

4gb card no wow 8gb card 300-600 dollars...vs...

ps4 200 dollars with a free psplus account.

Lets see wat ps4 can do that PC cant, well theres driveclub like graphics...PC hasnt done that yet. Def get the ps4. Get a friend to use your ps4. If you want to keep things cheap ofcourse. Dev never go beyond 8core anyways, they hav to earn profit, you hav to buy the game...ps4 it is.

Consoles and PCs are like comparing graphics..its all about the aesthetics

Say you have bf3 and bf bc 2. We can say bc 2 was harder to level, has less elements, smaller stages, but was more destructive, and the cheese factor was abundant. The game was more drawn to an arcade like feel, whilst bf3 was more drawn to a sim-like feel. Hence, this was not the case with bf3, it went for realism. Bf4 took it further, it went into an actual real world city environment. Overall though, bf3 also made the speed like environement. Its faster and I would choose that. As for ps4, its like an xbox 360 with high fps, and more noticable elemental effects. I was impressed when 360 came out with moto gp, and im impressed with ps4 as well. I have noticed that the games are more well built somtimes...like dcuo is clearly better than the pc/ps3 version. So no matter wat pc you get, its still gonna suck. However, I also noticed the textures are sharper than PC. Like, to a certain extent. Like I don't want to gosh Ps4, but pc has elemental effects that Ps4 doesnt, ie cod black ops ii...is better on pc. However, I do notice one thing...if ps4 wants to do elemental effects it will...and it will destroy the competition doing it. The cter is a sad kick in the face for me...its like a flightstick or somthing. Its worst than pc's xbox s cter i use. The long sticks are harder to obtain a skill by. ie its a pro gamer console cus of long sticks? No cus it will eventually hurt your thumb, and maybe make u a really good sniper...idk. Xb 360 is def the best in the cter department. With xbox s on pc second, and ps4 third. I think these 2nd and 3rd cters...arent that good for one thing. Fighting games, whilst xbox 360 seems universal. I have basically seen wat i needed to see...aesthetics on ps4 done better than the competition, and aesthetics on PC done better than the competition. And im still confused about the hardware part, ie warthunder on PC will be better, even dc universe's injustice, which u can probably pick up for 5 dollars during the holidays...but...even on a dualcore 1gb ram 8gb ram it will be better...yet this system cant play gta v. Lets just say PCs are strange. They require certain parts for that game that you want, whilst ps4 is all there. In the end they are all the same, and dreamcast 2 i mean xbox 360 is still more fun, and easier to use technically.

What about the O/S again? Why would steam be bad?

Psplus vs Xbox gold vs Steam rant..

Steam can be bad LIKE EVERY internet program outthere, if you don't lock your permissions, sometimes you forget or sometimes its in system32 instead of user apps. I get it...okay you can use apps....make things crash, give malware watever, but im just going to block permissions on your dumb ass then set no signature mode. Last time I executed a virus via EXE was well....never.

Well unfort, i misworded how steam is bad...its infact good. I just hadnt played it for a month and forgot signatures was not disabled...so I thought the crash was...you know...steam related...ie faster pc means maybe it runs. Thats not true, if i chose xb gold, psplus or steam...id go with xb gold. But in reality all is the same, and although steam doesnt give you free mainstream games...you do get free games in general and 5 dollar deals seasonally. PCs are just generally bad for making an o/s 100 dollars instead of like 40 or even 60...but don't get me wrong. PCs have steam, and that's free. Psplus and xb gold is not. It would make sense if windows o/s was like 60 dollars flat. Steam is free, it doesnt give you any games. But idk, 100 dollars for a lifetime vs 60 dollars a year and the choice is infact yours to make. IMHO you get locked out of a lot of features on ps4, without psplus...whilst on xb live you do not. So the choice is indeed yours...but im not going to lie, you could have a 70 inch hd tv with just a dreamcast. And id say good choice..but to take it further and put even a psone or n64 on it, would be ridiculously dumb because those systems don't work well with HD or Component. Although ps2 and dc had shown lots of AA problems...they worked well...trees looked like trees, you know etc etc. Cars looked like cars, and even though Nintendo's dogs pulled off quasi dreamcast graphics (without the environment ofcourse), there would be a lack of bumpmapping...which is very important. Before veering to far away from traffic, i do want to say one thing...PCs can also minimize multiple games, and even though they dont have that art style done fluidly like the ps4, its still hard to beat. IDC, really. Steam may fail with signatures, if steam still fails you need to reinstall your video drivers because it is likely you had malware at one time or another and it may have come from ATI itself. That's why I reinstall with no signature mode.

The Truth: Its in the interface, Capability vs functionality

The truth is it goes like this in simplicity and user friendly use. Xbox live for 360 is the best, with ps4 second and PC 3rd. However, in user functionality its The opposite, hence you can't put 360 in standby mode and cont. the game. In PC you can even minimize the windows of various games, putting it in front of ps4 for that. However, Ps4 seems faster. It seems to minimize games at ease giving it a close run. With PC though you can use other programs such as google earth, and photoshop, so in the social media aspect, PC is a natural. Ps4 also never encounters maintenance issues. Yet its ridiculous that youtube needs a game to close. Hence strategy guides is sometimes helpful. PC is regarded the same way, and I think it has an app interface, except it fails against PS4 in quick access for apps, or sign ins on windows 7. On windows 8-10 idk, its better. In the long run PC wins in apps, yet ps4 still remains the superior technology because environment proceeds effects.

Xbox 360 apps do crash a lot for me sometimes. Yet its at best the games fault or the app sux. It will use all its storage space, and Ps4 won't. It may effect gameplay, requiring you to reinstall on updates. However, all in all, Xbox 360 wins cus its the most comfortable interface and you can fit like 20 games on a 120 gb hd, whilst on ps4 its most likely you will fit 4 or 5 on a 400 gb. If a PC is 400gb, it most likely is the best. However, you will encounter reinstalling and deleting steam, and finding out steam doesn't work, 'for no reason' found. Sometimes steam may need to be 'reinstalled' The games will also crash 'for no reason' and update dashboards 'may not run'...This puts PC at second or third place, and xbox 360 at first. So in terms of interface, I would use Xbox live, the Psplus then Steam.

Server wise, its also the games fault. Some idiotic devs decide to make world wide servers. For instance on PC and Xbox 360 Gotham imposters will dc. Sometimes, it gets annoying, sometimes its unplayable. This is becus youre playing against someone from austrailia, or southern russia. Therefore European servers, and US servers are indeed helpful for gameplay. This also makes me ponder as to wat they do wrong. On Warthunder, and WOT they have world wide servers, and Warthunder is Crossplatform. As is DCUO. So I don't actually know why certain game servers suck. Gta v and certain other games are not too good, this might have to do with modders, or admins whom want payment for the game. I do infact put the NAT on. This might be the xbox 360's streaming ram capabilities. Not sure.

Game wise, PS4 gets the cake. Hence DCUO is A LOT better on ps4 then PC and Xb, and so is warthunder, and warframe. The environments of free-to-play games are slightly bigger. And this alone equates to higher polygon counts. Either Ps4 gets a better version, or the same version, I also notice slight scaling on paid for games, that have the environments larger such as battlefront 2, yet rare exceptions are xb1s metal gear solid v. Where PC and Xb1 take prescedence over Ps4 in effects by sacrificing Framerate and size of the environment. If Ps4 is on standby mode it can dl games, and so can xblive. PC can not making xbox live come in first to easy access, followed by the more complex psplus, and even more complex PC steam. Ofcourse, user functionality is in reverse here to interface design. The interface functionality use PC wins, however User functionality is best on xbox live. The capabilities is best on steam. Ps4 is always inbetween.