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Steam Broken? Steam& App Based Software!

Why is Steam so important? Because its app based software is important. If a user uses firefox, or internet explorer they loose functionality of its services. However, if they use steam it becomes convenient. The fact is, steam is like console, yet web browsers on PCs still need that complexity that consoles can't deliver. If you want an app based application to work, it most likely will not on PCs. From steam to silverlight to even microsoft essentials you may encounter 'compatability' issues. This is because Pcs don't act like consoles. They are some what more unstable and broader based. They are still centralizing if you will. Except, here's a good one...a user will rather play steam and google chrome then firefox because firefox is unstable, it won't load pages and videos. However, now adays its how-you-say safer to navigate on 'those' websites. I would say that app based applications are only for consoles, but then I would be lying. Steam has free games whilst xbox live has a better system, steam still is free. I like steam, but it doesn't load. The app based software never loads the store etc. I will try and get an answer as to why..but in the mean time, I'm not about to uninstall 20 or so games. This will be another short blog countering the some what plagued software of yes...once again..the PC. In other words, we like apps, we don't like microsoft updates. Changing power plans and ridulous notions of say controlling 'instability' issues are a thing of the past with a fast machine. Hence your windows might not have that task bar thing to change its color. Windows 7 has an app for that, its called bots and bad performance. Sometimes you don't want those pesky updates from security open again. PCs have instability issues even til this day. Yes Xbox and other consoles such as Ps3/Ps4 are better than PC in that regard. If you turn off the computer and reset it nowadays, it takes it out of standby mode, therefore rearranging the registry in a way that the files read a little better, and wala! Your steam app is back to normal. However sometimes you might be curious why computers are soo unstable or your game stops working. Ever get a malware scanner to block a registry key when executing a game? Well, that key might be the last update. It might be a 'programed issue by the game developer to block your PC from entering the game, because you aren't paying for it. Or maybe they just don't like you. Or it may just be a registry glitch, however they (the gay empire) are adding registry keys to your computer, you might not ever find out why. And aliens exist too, our gods are aliens!?!....lol no stop! Seriously computers aren't perfect, they just make it more imperfect. Consoles are. Yet there are many reasons to think about it. Who knows.

Update 2015

If a game in your steam library is broken, you just have to verify its content under adminstrator, whether this be any game you play. I have had it happening a lot, and have been doing the dumb thing of reinstalling. However, verifying works better, it only installs damaged files. In case I said anything about bad updates or signature issues, its more like a thing I do then I forget, or If I find a paper clip useful on the ground. Maybe there aren't paperclips...idk its part of my job as a parttime Amazon seller. Kind of. The end.