The reason why games now-a-days has to be standardized or generational like their console counter-part is because of hardware and development. For PCs this becomes difficult, you will have like 10 or so different speeds for graphical capabilities, in turn bringing down sales by the competitors. Graphical issues will infact bring sales down, so there isn't really a term for a 'fast pc' now-a-days with software development taking presidence over hardware capability. Pcs though are centralizing for the most part, yet there are some lack of technological standards. While consoles maintain their performance, the PC market will have difficulties, mostly in labtops, if they do not do a better centralization. For instance, the graphics on a console is infact taking presidence over the effects, or become unique to that console. Witcher 2 for example is worst on PC. Yet, some games like rainbow six ghost recon on a PC will show its directx 11 capabilities, it will be greater in performance than say the fairly newer games such as idk a flight simulator...where as the majority of the market can not afford new pcs every 3-5 years (before 2011 it was every 2 years to even one year upgrades). A gaming pc is required for gaming, a labtop just won't suffice. PCs are generational like consoles, but for the most part need to stay in the box so-to-speak in becoming closer in union to their console counter-parts eg if Ps5 comes out, or Ps4 starts to out-perform PCs (which it already has, eg drive club, and some nice e3 games this year, halo 5, battlefront starwars to name a few on xbox one, ps4) a new generation of directx 12 PCs should also be standardized. Until then I am happy with my direct x 11. E3 itself has become a movie like budget experience, where games such as on xbox one become live action disney films. I think the whole of the videogame industry will go far, and videogames will become PC games as well ie rainbow six ghost recon is coming for the Wii U. Even indie games (games suckier than xbox arcade games), will be infact brilliant in artform. One game I saw was Cuphead which looks akin to a Disney film from the 1930s. I think gameplay though, still presides over graphics in general. Whilst games have the graphics, unlike movies they also have the choice or controllability of the characters, where you are put in that moral position. The moral position can also give the developer an advantage and death, or even might I say pierce the imagination of a book enthusiat and their favorite well written novel. The developers themselves need to keep going outside the box, and leading gamers to emotions without feelings not 'emotions' in general. Games like Brothers tales should keep coming. As for forza 6, imho it can't compete with drive club because of location. In the south you get rain in sunlight. Also driveclub ignores mods etc, they focus on realism. So they could do a southern climate with refracted light, and it would somehow still look more realistic. The forza series simply does not focus on realism, therefore driveclub needs a contender, Gran turismo (anyways isn't driveclub like an offshoot of gt? made by sony entertainment?..its like gt with weather effects or something like what gt is capable of for gt7 ie photorealism). The more complex the game play the more advanced the PC gaming industry.
Some thoughts on Windows Updates so far...
I never trust windows updates because they manipulate your registry and can even go as far as unverifying your guineine windows 7 ie I use sketchy programs like PAE tool, because its 8gb ram, and my gaming pc is infact a gaming pc. However, I did overtime trust iobit asc. Even if it asks me to install two or 3 dif programs. Windows simply does not have tools such as registry defrag, or file organization, and esp ways to stop unwanted services. It also infact does not have iobit malware (now required for installation). A few months ago, I hated this program because it caused complete shutdown and formating. However, now its okay and may be necessary if you want a quick malware scanner instead of windows defender which is slow and hard to find..control panel navigation anyone? It also has no conflicts now apparently because its not 2.0 but 3.2. If you want to dl drivers, why go online? Why not dl them through driverbooster or avast? Other than that, a light pc can have up to 8 programs, where infact ironically...avast virus scanner is the program that takes up the most memory. All of these 'necessary' programs. A.) a third party service which does the following: defrag, turn on/off services, checks for malware/protects browser infiltration etc to run games without running services ie iobit has gamebooster for steam/ etc. B.) a virus scanner of your choice C.) a lightweight third party registry browser cleaner (i started with window washer, registry mechanic and ended with ccleaner). With these you can completly ignore important windows updates, and just have windows background updates on in general. Even if computers are more centralized now-a-days or more akin to their console firmware counterpart, it still requires a lot of do I want 8 rams available or 3? Well performance wise 8, software wise people most may not notice. That 30fps, may infact become 30fps with the so-called clips in the gameplay (cache). However, large environments 'cache up' faster with 8gb. PAE hack tool still rec for win32 bit users in my book. Software still does the job, hardware does the job faster, mostly if your pc is circa 2010-2012 you may want to consider PAE tool on win32 for 8gb. And finally why do PCs need so much support? IE consoles can boot up in a few seconds to go online, they also have a 'funner' or more simple way of navigation. Well its because PCs are made with open explorer. Nothing on earth will change the fact that Windows 95 is built via a web browser from the ground up. That means it runs on iexplorer. Whilst, one could build an O/s like a console, where files are totally foreign. One could also replace every car on earth with electromagnetism. Its just not going to happen do to inconvenience and slavery. Competition requires slavery, that bridge you drive over needs to be maintained, and over decays with a project like that taking over 5 years to rebuild. One must consider the possible rather than the impossible. That's why PCs are victims of hijacks, spyware etc. Because, they are simply trying to evolve. Perhaps one is really small in the great expanse of the universe. Computers are like Jupiter, its going to keep on throwing asteroids onto the earth or that guy flexing is going to run out of energy within a week. Consoles are like venus, they are going to just turn on and for the next 10 years it works. The end.