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Why XBOX live service and harddrives are POS emulation spyware..

On March 2nd at night I downloaded one of their 'free games'...apparently to free up space I needed to delete bad company 2. So That's 6 gb. Without that game at precisely yesterday there is 102 gb free of games with 2 gb for saving games....Now that's only 104 gb. The emulation software by xbox hive says I don't have 110 gb. The emulation software alone is like 9 gb, and it infact takes up 10gb from my 120 gb hard drive. Now isn't that some shit? The game I deleted, took the data with it as well. The hard drive no longer has 110 gb, but only 104 gb. The gay empire's service infact not only blocks shit, but it has little 5 year olds with the ability of cheat. Don't get me wrong I like the internet and the information age, as long as youre not on it. Last time I checked I turned on my dreamcast, and it didn't play wacky races when I put in soul calibur. Thx gay empire keep it coming, with that in mind, the internet is nothing more to me then a disruptive little kid, a shitty phone service, that I 'dont really need'

Ok...I see it now....the game wasn't delete fully. So it doesn't detect the space. Watever.

The game borderlands, a shitty game anyways, might as well play jet grind radio...could not be downloaded because they stole somehow my 6gb. Hahaha. funny. Apart from disruptive servers that dc, little kids and modders that cheat, and ...a horrible mic service by people who talk shit rather than help out on the match. Xbox live service is a horrible service, and full of 'unknowns' that should not be there...making PC online gaming into a fairly fun experience. Hi level 5789 on gta v pls? Like I said, I like videogame technology more then PC technology, that doesnt mean internet technology or televisions which mind you are more progressive than PCs and Cars. You can put a computer on a small phone, but you can't make it different. Plasma is a like a computer chip, it controls the screen. The colors are darker and sharper, and the backlight is better. That's why its not on phones, you can't make liquid plasma that small. Computers use simple programs, whilst plasma uses a very sufficicated screen. Without plasma, there would be no cellphones with screens basically. Without plasma you are nothing. Hence Plasma is infact a marvel when you see the size of CRT tvs. Plasma moves that fast. Anyhow I DO NOT REC this service, as to their free games are a catch for cheating and disruption. Tommorrows not going to be any dif then yes gayempire, get used to it.

IMHO: Games like Halo 4&Halo reach have the best coop multiplayer ive ever seen. I think it just irks me when someone can somehow appear next to you without radar etc. Must be a glitch, maybe they are too good. But GTA V has a little too much of these 'glitches' whether its bandwidth issues or simple ones. The game is the most complex game in existence, and shopping alone is a game. Basically, the selections in the game will take forever to go through. The server issues are a given, and I think, people are just naturally good at the game somehow. Um, I can't use a sniper rifle on this game nor on halo 4 etc. However, operation flashpoint and say black ops are okay at times. I still stick to the kb and mouse on this field eg cs source.

Now excuse me while I play warthunder on PC, oops disk error...okay fix steam...okay still disk error time to reinstall. Consoles may have server glitches but they are not a registry eating pos. hmm glitch returns, must be the virus scanner. If i disable it, glitch disappears. No virus scanner, just adblocker and a light weight malware. Disable that wireless bot service under avast! Ahhh, computers!

Important AVAST Web Browser fix update:

PS: I found the gay empire's deal breaker without reformatting my HD...that's right ever since I had a PC It had the ATI DISPLAY driver error as you know...I tried google chrome, internet explorer, firefox you name it...every corrupt pos organization had it, a display that flickers when you use a monitor@1024p because of the gay empire's REGISTRY on a PC...yes...that's right I found one that doesnt FLICKER when using a web browser...its called Avast safebrowser. Not only is firefox generally bad, it disconnects often from the internet, and it doesnt save icons making it a horrible app service for the internet in general. Yes, you can buy a new 400 dollar pc or reformat in general and let the problem come up again a week later. Oops the front page saves your websites, oops, no dcs. Oops leading corporations, oops. Oops I get volume control on the websites. Not everyone is studious enough to do so. Let go gay empire, let go. Stick with

Avast safebrowser or use adblocker for the competing brothers...or idk buy lots more ram and a knew computer...they need money sometimes i guess. Well no virus scanner for me.


[ ] - < I dont know remove desktop gadget, remote assistance, secure line on avast...those are bots but still computers are pos and the verticle sync from ati cards blink...hmmm gay empire having fun with registry like its a sex shop.

Now playing borderlands, a bit hard but straight forward. I actually rec cel-shaded games such as jet set radio and jet set radio future. IMHO dreamcast had about a dozen cell shaded games...but Jet set radio future was the best one ive ever played on xbox original&its a mystery why it wasnt re-released on a better console. The problem I had with cel-shaded games is they get repitious, it just feels like youre repeating something idk why...other than that jet set radio series and borderdown series are highly rec. If you want a good coop cel-shaded fps play borderlands.

Why Computers fuckin' suck in general:

After a week of obtaining stability on my computer all the problems returned in fullforce. Games would crash, updates would not be installed properly ie the developers and their snoops have maybe 3 or 4 locations for the game to kindly put signatures up, for money ofcourse. The problems will return because computers have registries. Basically, the developer, a nazi in a black uniform and a skull mask i guess, can put a signature on an exe file from the company its working at. He or she can than have you download the exe file every time you use the program for an 'invisible' database update. For fun basically, cus WE ALL NO ITS FUCKING BROKEN> Anything with a registry returns, basically, unless a clean format is created. Its most likely your game will crash...and I went to the library the other day, after moving to 2 or 3 locations to use a computer properly eg no sound, maybe no video, no web, idk 'maintenace,' I finally get one that....you guessed it...crashed! BTW I go to the library reguraly, two dif libraries maybe 3...this is wat happens when you give an idiot money, you create bill gates. And here I am a day later from the last update, reinstalling my fucking game, for another update. BTW GAY EMPIRE, students can disable your virus scan, monkeys can do it. Its fairly obvious that its unsecure and ingeneral broken. Now excuse me while gamespot reroutes my ip to geoyahoo before saving...ahhh capitalism. Computers...COM-PUt-ERS. Do to configurations by unknown third party vendors via software and hardware manipulation IE the registry is a THIRD PARTY interface with THIRD PARTY signature access to the registry, consoles step a rank forward in this field. They (specialized computers aka consoles) are often more stable as well. A PC will crash for no apparent reason, a console will not. This is validated in most ati radeon cards for some odd reason.

Why I hate computers volume 2: It will have files like Counters.dat, DAT cant be deleted....idk some roman assho wit a family i guess, a family m an, or some ass with an apartment...idk...you cant delete dat file...you cant delete any of dat under all dat temporary folders. You cant system resto if dat file was there for more than a year...wat...why is it connected to my virus scan? **** you. Although Avast is a fairly smooth browser, you will never fathom the idea of a shift and scroll function for the zoom ability, your computers are simply not even fast enough for that. Yet consoles can do it. Although I do commend the avast browser for being smoother, its def not getting rid of traditional computer problems. These problems can be alleviated though, if you simply reinstall virus scanner.

Cter disconnects...

I just noticed, particularly on gta v servers that my cter would randomly dc. So I played offline for a little bit and it would not. Sometimes, I would turn my xbox paid for service on, and it would CONT TO DC..I thought this can't be hardware related because when Im offline...it does not DC. So I came to the conclusion that Xbox live was ripping me off by not fixing spyware or enabling it themselves. Until they fix it, this post will infact be still up. Regardless of free games they give you, they also have an agenda. And if you create the problem, your supposed to help fix it. Not me. XBOX is spyware, its a pos. They are infact using emulation software. I would buy a new corded cter to prove this, but it happens with the wired cord too. This could be hardware related but i fail to see that, because when dc'd from their service no hardware issues occur. Play online, lithium batteries 8 hrs dcs. Play off line it does not. Now I did tape this atenna seeing how it was a part of a circuit? But wat circuit? Is it an att to switch a cter on and off? Well, the cord

This may infact be hardware related, cus even offline it disconnects. Could be a battery leak in the cter from a past incident. Idk will investigate, maybe not xb is 2009 at least. Nope, no signs of acid leakage. Even tasted to see. Looks like spyware. It started vibrating without stopping basically. The old cter had a vibration with a cord...this one does not. Looks like im going to get my refund. The xbox service in general, and windows 7 is infact Microsoft spyware, and whether you belive me or not is fine. But until my dreamcast implodes on itself, or somehow 'decides' my decisions this is my final conclusion. American software and hardware is strictly for prying eyes, but their ww2 economy will not last forever. It passes like the next day passes. It is very plausible to be spyware. My last computer did exactly that with a mouse. Its called registry files or scrips being dl'd to a console or platform. A console doesn't have a registry, instead it uses the cloud server as its registry. It uses files from the servers themselves. I rec PS4 over american devices, I rec anything that is not american infact. Dreamcast, would infact act the same way but does not. SNES online would infact play a game that's different from your cartridge via an open network of spies. But IT does not. How do I know? Im an electrician and an engineer. No matter how much you like to say this drives without an engine...im here to disprove you and your elemental thoughts. It could be a hardware error actually. If I remember correctly i put I checked my old cter that i manually disabled the guide button to. The cter infact is fully functional, looks like we have a little snoopy in the system. Gay empire at it again. Spyware for killing noobs on gta v. Thk you god almighty, im getting my money back for youre theft ring.

ps: We think, the power button or guide button takes too much energy. Eg the circuit inbetween the batteries actually holds electricity or maybe acts as an att i don't know. The guide button is the verified culprit, seeing how I had a dc issue then used the old cter on cord and it worked fine. The cord is not the batteries. It could be a humidity issue, ie a humid environment, if that's the case we will have to keep testing...the slightest vibration disconnects the controller, it disconnects with the slightest shake. Humidity issue or bad design? I say bad design. The blowdryer method may have infact worked...oh wait it did but thats not the problem. Humidity is humidity...and duh its not good for small circuit boards. Yet the problem is this. I will let you know in the future. YOUR CONTROLLER SUX, THAT ALUMINUM 'CIRCUIT' IS INFACT A POS SERIAL CONNECTION THAT VIBRATES AND LOSES CONNECTION. THAT's WHY PEOPLE TAPE TH E HOLE< TO STOP VIBRATION. WHY NOT JUST HAVE A SIMPLE SERIAL + to - CONNECTOR? What do you think?

What about PCs?

I thought Pcs were better than specialized consoles...

PCs suck too, just today I noticed the spyware timer manipulation, where your time will read differently. Spyware does that. There's no solvable problem on the internet as of yet to get rid of this spyware. Its actually an evasive illegal anti-privacy act. I was infact almost late for my job thinking I had to do work on Friday instead of Thursday. Very abusive, PCs are infact worst then specialized consoles where you give registry control to unknown corporations and internet control to business owned entities. You call them, they don't call you. Junk, Pcs are junk compared to specialized consoles. The only thing that saves them is infact adobe photoshop, winword, emails and some other abtrusive programs invented in the early 90s. Actually imho, Pcs should block the gaming market all together, they proved it themselves. BTW has anyone seen driveclub graphics lately? I can do wat you can do, but I can do it better. Is what consoles are telling the market right now. If you play a console, it most likely won't crash...you can play it for hours on end and at best the server might go down. If you play a computer it will crash, the servers won't go down, but it might freeze up....but this is due to the inexperience of a user, whom doesnt want to spend time tweaking the graphics settings in the game accurately eg YES DCUO will crash if the graphics are tweaked too high. Actually even, if they are tweaked normally usually on an icore 3, radeon etc. Sometimes you just want to play the game, and consoles give you that option. Wat the heck, PCs are infact better than consoles if not equal. But they do indeed lack some Gems. Ex:

PCs boot time: tap tap, click click, configure, upload xpadder, wait for update, sit on dumb desk, or do it manually with a mouse on a comfy couch. Oh oh, defragger needs to prevent my sound card drivers from being defective. Pls change my fuckin' time as well. Console: turn on. Go to game or app. Play. Unfortunetly consoles have worst performance on browsers, and are slower, but in reality noone cares.

Minor update: Don't get me wrong, i like PCs, the graphics are better than console, the fps is better. It will always have the best version of a console game, but due to the fact that I have soo many on one device and so little on the other, I use console more for PC gaming, netflix watever. PCs are generally good, the graphics card is stable, when you get a virus, you will still play the games at full speed nowadays (if you get a virus, hack, helo outgoing firewall connections anyone?). If I get Batman Arkham Asylum for PC, I will buy it. If I buy it for Console I will not. The graphics are just soo much cleaner. Except there's a problem, the artform on exclusives etc, may have better effects...I mean have you even seen witcher 2 on xbox 360? Its just like they were doing something right the PC wasnt. Injustice is better on PC, most fps is better, but it comes around where the devs make every possible effect on a console work. The major fact is this, event viewer on windows 7, xp, etc. Shows exactly what activity goes on from the outside world. Its just simply broken compared to a console. Type event viewer, if you don't have an error, than you have a PC from another planet. Knowing a PC, in the end is a life saver. These people ruin careers, just look at the youtuber leafyishere. Funny, kindergarten mentality, make fun of some one cus they simply exist, I like it. But he was hacked. I give hackers the permission to enter my pc, just to bother them. The end...besides i play console more cus im paying for xbox live, im not paying for steam XD....and Im not paying for dicky servers that b lock youtube and imgur comments when fucking retarded nobodies can comment but not me....cus i...no am not pursued by fbi, 911 was a fact, a standard procedure to demo both towers...but yes get it, I COMMENTED ON WIKIPEDIA ONCE, AND EVERY ONE KNOWS MY IP!?!?!

PS next time call back mfer, without an update, use that idk IP number I dialed to you when I called you with my DNS number. Trace me ******.

PPS yes, firefox released a ram update which seems to work kinda good so my past posts are infact now in question to the stability of PCs. But I kid you not, 2080p no vsync issue. 1080p with high refresh rate no vsync issue, but a standard refresh rate, vsync issue. Only on webbrowser. Now its fixed...but it wasnt a few months ago. This blog is basically to verify problems ie this is why an xbox 360 cter doesnt work accurately, contact problems ie the aluminum clip vibration, and humidity on small circuits. Yes that's right millions upon billions of microsoft users...the xbox 360 controller wireless, still smells like a dirty asshole, where contact points do not exist above the humidity level of 68 percent. Yes, that's GRRRR lets test this on....DA MOON. with small tiny si certs. Labcoat pun here.

Webbrowsers in 2016:

Google chrome is another unstable browser for PC but its SLOW like IE, which is stable, slow AND crashes. Avast safebrowser never crashes, is fast, but not as fast as firefox. It CAN infact save where you were. Avast infact doesn't crash which are usually due to high traffic and/or websites with lots of data such as Weatherchannel and other news sites. Except if you have to hit up a website quickly firefox is the best bet. Computers in general are a blatant security risk, and do things consoles do not...in games, wherever. They crash and that's because they are built to be accessible to third parties and also becus they hav a registry.

Is Gamebooster Good?!?

Do 3rd party programs help boost your pc?

No, infact Gamebooster is not too good. It destablizes your system by turning off crucial system functions. On games, this will lead to unexpected crashes. It also has a bot. I would no longer rec this program. If you use it alone without asc, it may infact be okay. Except with asc, it will cause instability issues. Asc infact does safely help boost your PC..but in the real world, they control your pc. Through SNMP network functions, the gay empire can infact disable your printer's memory whenever they want. The fact is not everyone will go ahead and know to do a memory wipe via diagnostic tools. They may buy more ink...then a printer. Hackers are infact a plague when it comes to PCs. My PC has run into this issue, where the printer of a home-owned small business will infact disable itself and not read ink. The memory unit inside the printer is curropted. When it comes to consoles, this is never the case. Whether it be USB disconnects etc. PCs can infact remain at the top in terms of stability, if you know what you are doing.

The point is...

Anyways the pt of this random rant and hate burst is this, do you want your pc to work like an snes or a glass skateboard?? My PC still infact works like a glass skateboard. Yes, an icore 3 radeon 8gb win 7 operated machine. Why? Well, say you play your favorite game and it randomly crashes. You don't know why. Well, it could be because your PC is broken. It could be vsync issues. Maybe your graphics card doesn't handle that one effect well. Maybe the dashbrowser sends an IHO object to conflict with your own hash files. Who knows. It will freeze. On a console this will never happen, the most you will get is gta v server crashes because people in idk russia are playing on the same server. Who knows. Consoles in stability far outweigh its PC counter-part due to lack of third party access and a lack of a registry.

In other News...

Firefox started running slow so I disabled cache on firefox. Eventually avast safebrowser prevails again. But this would alleviate its potential hazardous or unwanton slow down and memory problems, temporarily. Windows 7 is sick though, the fact is, its the only o/s on the market that can instantly cure a major virus infection by just turning on the windows 7 defender tool. However, through unknowns, it does automatically turn off, just like other programs via third or even first party updates. And through these minor maintenance issues, computers are maintenance heavy. Consoles, only have problems with ram, computers have problems with programs and third parties.