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Xbox 360 Connectivety issues: Not really there?!?

As you know, many gamers run into connectivity problems. However, the xbox 360 online service is somewhat flawless, so no need to get paranoid about it. Its called test and error. Many think new cords or cable modems will solve the issue, however it makes it worst, resetting your dns entries without you knowing etc. What the problem is that you face on a game with connectivity issues is two things: Defraging or deleting and reinstalling the files, and testing your internet connection. What you'll find are two steps.

Step 1.) Find out the internet connection problem, ie an overheated cable modem, or a bad wire

*Step 2.) Change your DNS server to a new one like GOogle. Google chrome as you know is invincible and fairly stable, so u can run all types of codex on it. It has its own dns server which is something like 8888 8844 off the top of my head. DNS believe it or not, makes your bandwidth...too fast in some cases. It creates the file integrity of a game to damage, file damage if not followed by these steps will NOT solve the problem. It needs to slow down esp on console. Simply moving a console or pc will create file damage via the hard drive plates.

Step 3.) Delete the game you are having problems with, whether on pc or console. The game's damage is already done via an update or wat not.

Step 4.) defrag the missing space or clear system cache, do this 3-6 times on your ps4, xbox 360 watever.

Step 5.) Reinstall the game...make sure u don't stream on another computer whilst doing so, try to open your bandwidth up as much as possible.

The connectivity issues can also occur in high capacity via your local provider, or limited bandwidth. That's it, that's all you have to do. There aren't many problems to internet connections. Most likely the company is not trying to give you bad service, or get you...let alone care. Getting a new modem may infact be better. Yet eventhough technology always has their kinks they are solvable to a certain extant. Ever have the rain turn off your internet connection or hav the neighbor or roommate down the hall unplug your modem constantly? Recently I always get 800045 errors or watever on xbox 360. None of the apps work and have not fixed themselves. This is called bad service. If this guide doesn't work than you can read below to find out why its a third party or intervener so-to-speak.

*Most important step

Now here's the Truth:

Top ten reasons why you should buy a computer and quit Xbox Live.

1.) The games on xbox live come every 2 weeks, the games on pc are 100s of free games at your finger tip.

2.) The xbox live emulation service (if not hacked) will result in loss of data and space, your 120gb hd is infactgoing to be 110 gigs, then later 100gigs, and later 90 gigs...the more deletes the..well...worst.

3.) Buy Xbox for a year? Be prepared for constant dcs, poor streams, and disconnection issues. Regardless of the game. Onegame may have it the next may not...or just play halo idk.

4.) Be prepared for 4005345 errors that you can block on a pc. On the console, you will infact get no apps at certain days.

5.) Did you upgrade that weapon you made yesterday? Well, the servers will downgrade it for you. That's right the game servers downgradeyour account items and at times tamper with them. Sure you get no viruses, but the emulation software itself is the virus. In otherwords its no ps3 service.

6.) There may be an issue with the paid service, and customer support will not help you. Xbox customer support is often mentioned as being poor. That 450005 error or watever? Xbox will just say deal with it.

7.) Every game that is on PC is on xbox, even if it isnt, it will be.

8.) The Microsoft console is good for gaming, for about 3 months...then usually people throw it away. Basically, their wireless controller is infact a battery drainer. Their console is good, yet it overheats. The big one is, they can't really say the truth. There you have it, the hard drive emulation software is the virus.

9.) That 20 gigs of space went missing? Oh did I mention that TO EVERYONE already?...um yeah but ps4 is 5 dollars a month that's almost pocket change..whilst PC is free its infact not maintenance free and you almost always get a virus and xbox 360 is infact going to be 360 dollars that's like windows 7 times 3. Thats 70 dollars a year or higher.

10.) The graphics are poor...and no one pays for their micromanaging games, no one..even if they enforce it. The fact is, everyone on top of the leaderboards has never got there through paying for their service on top of paying for the shitty xbox live service. Xbox live=60 dollars a year, thats windows 7 in 2 years.

I Could make this argument, however with a streaming service, these problems will arise. Its inevitable, because of the location and people. If you play at like 6am for instance, you will get these problems. If you download too many times, you will also get these data reading errors. However the streaming service is perfect, and its faster than PC at times. Internet explorer is actually more convenient on xbox. So the above is infact, what an ego would say or do. The truth is that you will get a continental dc maybe once every 3 years. This happened a few months ago, but its so rare it doesn't even count. True the graphics are outdated, however dx9 graphics on happy wars isnt that different than a steam game. Ever play wot with a controller? Or how bout DCOU or Warthunder? or CS Source? Sure, a mouse and kb sound good, but youre going to micro-manage poorly...for instance, that pitch manuever will be gone in warthunder. Or that menu bar won't be easily accessed in dcou, where ps4 owners have an advantage. That tanks turret won't even point straight with a mouse, it will be too glitchy. A mouse and keyboard is only good for cs source or fps games, but even then...its only because of the sniper mode. On top of that, all mmo games are crossplatform. What makes it the same is that new games like war thunder are becoming cross-platform (see also my crossplatform article or section under warthunder).

Faulty Products

PS this happened to me recently, when both hdmi ports to my vizio burned out, a brand new tv...so i got a vga to hdmi adapter fairly cheap at around 6 dollars from ebay. This scenario is infact researched to be impossible unless there is a way for the electrical company to bypass a surge under cover during a rain storm. If one has two surge protectors on the given device, their tampering becomes a liability. Creating a super-surge in reality is not impossible. I rec to the industry, not to install 2 or 3 HDMI adapters on a tv because they overheat. Like how a mouse cables cord goes bad when traveling upwards, something about voltage they must understand. It travels through a certain pt. I notice these things, and its ridiculous, it makes one uncomforable. Ie the Hannspree hdmi tv is bolted down, it looks like an hdmi tv but it always pts up lol. A simple nob to adjust it would be great. Or the PS/2 to usb adapters, are not advertised as ps/2 to usb notebook only adapters, but infact common 2.0 pc adapters. They can't run on windows xp, unless you have the ram or wire tape method on your mouse. You have to tape the mouses cord down to get the voltage from an old usb port to work. Its not lag, its the system working against you, via inexperience, ie powerlines are bent and not straight Etc etc. The system is infact perfect. However, I can not lie..if a sick goat sleeps on its back and gets me sick..if it can't wake up, or if it comes home and makes food for me whilst sick to get me sick, i will retaliate. Hence morality ensues with questioning thyself..when was the last time a sick person made you food? Never? Is it 1994 and people still don't know wat the electric car is? A magnetronic device obviously, which releases radiation. So here is the actual problem, the comcast provider replaced the cable modem for a faulty wireless/wired combo (the signal is going from the wall directly to a wireless connection which infact disrupts the signal's wired connection). Soemtimes the 'gay empire' is infact sick morally speaking or lacks some type of background experience. Because this is unfortunately my case in particular, i will steal from their stores to make up the lost money on my xbox live subscription. I will also infact not buy xbox live anymore and rec everyone out there not to do so...not for not paying that 5 dollar free cd bargain from college and wat not but for bad service in general by your company providers new products. Newer is not always better, and wireless wired device combos DO NOT WORK on videogame consoles well because they take the signal directly from the wall and therefore it splits the signal instead of transferring it to a new device such as a router. (nm that was just xbox live's poor service). This automatic split takes bandwidth all the time from the wired signal, with no traces of error or in otherwords gives them more control. Two or 3 devices with their own encryption will prevent cable companies from tracing and tracking you basically, it will also prevent bad signals from occurring on certain devices. Emulation software, etc is a liable culprit, and liable enough for retailiation against the deceptive system. My theft of products and damage of vehicles will become a common act until I think I made the money back. The system is doing it, so I am retaliating. This could land me in jail, however...proof of a crime is hard to trace. Jesus did it, ww2 was started, why not me. Karma can be enacted safely if one stays within the boundaries of dharma. This is a theory, because the problem persists and only got slightly better.

People get Banned?

Ports however can be blocked by the industry...although rare...the cases will indicate a player ban do to one's choosing where someone behind the curtain judges your behavior. This occurs, although rare, it does infact happen and once or twice I was warned for this behavior...of well playing really well...like really really well at times. The xbox employer questioned if i was cheating on the game by thq called homefront. However, the drone is infact a cheating tool. It marks snipers out and gives you high pts of advantages. In otherwords, i'm some wat old school, i played the first gen of red faction's geomod and liked it. I enjoyed rainbow six 3 and sof 2 because well, im a good sniper. I still play cs source, so connectivity issues are nothing new, except I still hang on to those 98-2003 era games on pc for seom reason...being that my ati card i bought blew up back in 2007. That's another issue. ATI cards with ati mb cards ar e a no no, like the irq days of 3, 4 and 7. They might collide. Sure a new computer would be like a pentium iii 733 to a amd 64 2.0, but thats why i got a console. Until then, my computer is staying at the 2002-07 spec range with windows xp. Simple, controllable and tasteless. If someone gets banned, they truthfully&honestly most likely deserve it, and they do so because of hacks etc. Usually people can detect a hack or two...however like in cs:source no matter how much u like to try to say so, the other side is probably not cheating. Magic lasts only a few seconds, fair competition and technology lasts a very long time. Most 404 errors or 3434002E watever etc are group policies not integrated well, or console files being damaged&most likely microsoft doesn't really know who the **** u are...however you can be targeted and the website itself reveals it all. I entered an error code by xb live and it specifically says its a banning code, then to find reason for my dismay I followed their directions on connectivity. Which was basically turn your brand new modem off for 30 secs..duh. I found out discreetly that it will have a poor matchmaking service link. So I then went to test the account on my pc and it says the same thing...then I followed their directions. Ever wonder why WOW servers ban so many people? The error was gone, yet the problem was not solved. Port rerouting and customer server targetting is the culprit...Microsoft will specifically say an error is gone when the problem will persist. Srry for the aggravation but this is reality, people step on other people at times for things like this. Sometimes microsoft steps on the modding community for the same reason...money. This then carries on to deeper meaning, they give prestige to tax paying citizens yet they step on the poor. If you have a loan from college or a payment you didn't make 10 years ago, be prepared to be taxed within a month's time, therefore the payment becomes impossible to make. Be also prepared for this conspicuous behavior by non-other than third parties infiltrating certain aspects of the system with their limited knowledge. Bottomline, don't conform to the system totally, or don't let them step all over you..the money is going into their pockets after all, if they can't learn from it then abuse it, their goal is to disrupt and destroy or create their own system of things in nature and that alone can be dangerous.

Problem not Solved?!?

Has the Gay Empire's problem gotten worst? Is new tech really good tech? As for the actual connectivity issues by your cable company, its possible they made the problem worst. That linksys wireless combo with the old cable modem from 2005 would actually be a good thing. The fact is connectivity issues are minutely caused by new devices unless built wrong. I would imagine a new comcast modem and wireless combo would infact create a data transfer error...no matter how small, its not flawless. My honest rec: keep your old equipment, turning off overheating modems monthly are truly not a hassle or reason to 'go gay'. A wireless/wired cable device will make your problem worst. It has for me, connectivity issues, although diminished greatly with the directions above, became a problem after a new cable modem was installed. Playing certain stable games like halo 3 or halo reach is not why I paid for the xbox live service. Having a wireless signal take bandwidth directly from a wired one, was the result...not only that, the wireless comcast device they give you will not work with that 2.4 ghz internal card from 2007 because they don't use WEP effectively, that easy password system is gone...be ready for a 20 digit numerical one that does not conform with the 16 or 26 encryption code. I am infact confessing that I am a victim of the system being harassed for a payment or two from 10 years ago unmade. The gay empire just can't wait for you...yet they do infact pull a 1985 scifi movie 'brazil' scenario on you, where the victim is the consumer. My theory is you can't have too many wireless highstreaming devices. A highstream of data is infacted a console where the data needs to be constantly flowing via ram. Nowadays there are purposely confined highstreaming devices not only for consoles, but netflix movies etc. The problem is infact unsolvable. However clues give in to data transfer, and setting a router. For instance, if you go to your routers ip addy, sometimes u can set the wireless range, a greater range may alleviate the problem. However, as cruel as it may seem, the bullyism in america has become technological. That guy who had sex with your girlfriend in highschool may still be living with you, and he may even be your own family member basically. You also want to check to see if someone is dcing your service via the router account page. Someone could very well be creating a prank. In mycase howevr, my service was being disconnected by a sony netflix device with high volume of wireless bandwidth being always used when on.

Problem Solved...i think?!?

After years of deliberation, okay only a few weeks I realized this problem comes up for many different services. Someone on the other side is hacking connections and areas to connections. The big bad microsoft corporation seems to be not so big. The server issues come and go, websites go down every now and then and it seems like cable modems can still turn off (via your mind lol, nope, old over-heated hardware...forget what i said earlier, a newer modem is a better modem). Let me explain, the server basically undergoes maintenance, even if you're paying for it. It needs to be controlled. Here on Serversdownrightnow.com I checked xbox.com today and it was down all day. Before the server kept glitching, like it was trying to talk to me? No, really the new router needed to be reset completly it seems, and a disconnection issue was there. So there's the problem, servers by the company go down or not. Network issues seem to go down, if its disconnection just log on to your router page and reset everything. As for the company that your money is going to, they create the server. They control your soul. American music is still bad, jk. Its entertaining, yet some languages out there need to be put in the spotlight. As for why I use group policies on my computer for xp, its because they have a broad base of functions, xbox live is another story. The fact is an update for media playing music before your game starts is infact what microsft can do with their completely controlled o/s and imho its infact their small buying marketing store, and not a true gaming platform. They did this exact thing with my computer before I enacted group policies, except the media update was a virus. The intrusion by the company itself via ads etc is exactly why I am not paying for this service next year and would rec for any other xbox live user to not pay for it as well. The service is horrible and needs to be trashed, infact I will go so far as they choose what games you play, even if you pay for them. With corrupted game data downloads, freezes 'glitches' this can only be a software issue within the company itself tampering with data. They decide, not you. A perfect reason to discont. this service, that thinks it can somehow 'get better' against its greatest competitor sony whom never had faults in their o/s or even control of it. The xbox live is a horrible service yet their programs work flawlessy..if they want it too ie internet explorer works exceptionally well, and so does youtube. With a so-called 'nazi' regulated internet control and trafficking in america, this is indeed the case. Unfortunetly this is the case, with xbox live problems&maintenance issues not occurring weekly, but daily at times. Xbox live customer support even has ridiculous commands as to delete cache 6 times (6 why 6 why not 3?!??). However, this can be attributed to how much one uses the internet as well, or internet problems in general. The service however is far from centralized like the sony service&plagued with issues that ending up harassing the paid for customer. The service is generally just bad, whilst I find I can use my computer at peak hours during lots of traffic, the xbox service usually just finds ways to disconnect. And no one knows if this is their policy controlled o/s or some employee 'having a good time.' Xb live is plagued by open port unknown source attacks ie a weak internet connection on xb live that is never present on your computer is infact an attack from an outsource source, under router settings xbox live can only be able to work via low firewall settings. This can only mean one thing, open ports enable attackers to slow down your internet on unknown devices. And this is truly the services greatest weakness. No firewall, its high bandwidth streaming capabilities and no control over the internet. Ever hear of opening a NAT connection? They want you to do this to have the ability to not slow down your internet, but then they can infact slow it down if THEY want to (the Nat rerouters). I went to my router home page ip addy and I can't open these comcast ports (http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-360/networking/network-ports-used-xbox-live) that xbox customer service says it uses, so the ability itself is gone. The service makes you have a bad time, and is infact bad or built badly like a 60 dollar movie ticket to a bad movie. In other words buy asian.

Here is a good reason to drop your xbox live service:

Gotham City Imposters: Random dcs

Airmech: Random slowdown and dcs

Wot: Random updates that cause dcs, reinstalls usually needed

Rainbow six, etc havent had fun playing these without dcs or uncrowded servers

CS:go is good

Bad company 2 was good, now is poor

The halo series seems to be top notch though, but everyone doesn't only play halo.

My Views

I have been playing cs:source on a pc with only 1g ram and shitty ati graphics card since 2007 (and its ironically 1000 mhz slower than my xbox) and it never failed me yet on hardware problems, go live, stop your subscription now!

These games either slow down or drop off connections, either they are built wrong and their servers are poor, or you are not getting what you paid for, flawless gaming. However, if you can bypass this unknown which is often high traffic volume by your internet provider or some type of weather scenario (bad connections happen during peak hours, or weather like rain etc it seems..it could also be ports being blocked and 2 or 3 wireless different connections) I opt to keep this service for then it would be deemed flawless. The xbox live service itself is infact not bad, if you play gotham imposters, you will notice its like the pc games where you can log on and directly play in a match so its not always crowded. However, this comes with connectivity issues. You will be plagued with connection problems if you log onto a game with people playing at a low ping in say...russia or england...or somewhere far away from your location. This can be alleviated if you check the ping bars on the players. The more greens, the better. I have however witnessed my comcast service slowing down, this was because of high traffic, maintenance within the service, or I might even say...weather...humidity and cold weather causes electrical slowdown within wires outside the system's grid. These problems resulted in weeks of bad xbox live service yet my pc service was not interrupted (due to group policies, restricting data from flowing in and out of your computer will infact speed it up). You can expect these bad service days like you can expect the rain, and unless the service streams well all the time, and xbox live does not give you an answer, I would encourage to cancel your subscription. I also noticed on games like wot and happy wars, they (the servers?!?) will penalize your character or account, they will infact take money that you earned out of your account. For instance recently wot had a premium only deal for all free players that lasted 24 hours. This had me accumulate nearly 200,000 points. The next day that accumulation vanished. Another example is upgrading weapons on happy wars. NO not magic, they infact downgrade the weapon you upgrade at times...however this wto glitch or watever is the unknown, is the gay empire. On my amazon business, I get the same glitch with my inventory, things tend to disappear and inventory I never put up seems to be there. Which is infact an unknown. However, if you're paying for it, its not needed...and I don't believe in ghosts are magic for that matter. I call it server penalities or some type of outside force, which is unexplainable. Which infact at times, even makes me think I'm targeted like they are trying to create a small itch that I can't really reach. PCs are a liability. Yet if I see it, its there...and no I don't know how to time travel. Go gold, go xbox live yet if these problems persist take it up with your cable company and cancel your subscription.