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Xbox 360 vs ps3: The Real Deal

Xbox 360, or may I say Showoff box 360..my pun..has a plethora of hardware problems. Micorsoft for one does nothing, will do nothing for problems, except take up shares and marketing so I will list them and how to fix them. Economy is now useless in gaming because of them. The system wars...dead. Xbox 360 is what someone would call the videogame crash. It is made out of crap, marketed as a showcase for its neat menu. Its what maybe one person built with a machine in a small factory in mexico. But in the end it dies. Psfree and Wii win. Xbox 3shtty lose. After thinking alot about the marketing campaign..well scheme put up by them I took time to list the problems and the one I ran into. The failure rate can now reach 50 percent with what is listed taking videogame developers hard earned time for noone to play there games, whether it be arcade or not, and most of all money doesnt matter when you cheat in the end. This will be a gamer blog since im a money saver.

1.) The RROD. Bringing the failure rate to 30 percent, RROD means the console overheats. This has been taken care of, after devoted fans of videogames called gamers bought up to three xbox's from microsoft in less than a few months. Really though the engineers did not control the fan flow correctly, where in engineering term's heat is not an issue, see ps3. A minor engineer flaw turned mainstream is all it really was.

2.) The controller. The controller is lifeless. A heaping pile of garbage. What caught me after I realized it needed AA batteries is that the lifespan would go from 40 hrs. to 20 to 12 to finally 5 and maybe 1 hour for third party battery manufacturers. This is what it does in a few months...to battery life and well an unused controller duh.

In my case it was somehow severe. The battery was inclined. The contact inside bent inwards so I lined it with aluminum foil. What is common was the rumble pack shaking the contact of the batteries, and the plastic clamp no longer holding it in place (due to humidity or what is called ?plastic expansion and/or warping? for obvious reasons). What else happened was the joystick. When dry, its rotatory clamp breaks from ground plastic (most will remember the n64 effect:P), so I cured this with a little oil (any type of oil can be used)...misalignment.

To by pass this you need to put tape around the batteries. Electric tape preferably. Not around the case. Batteries wobble and the signal breaks...alot. BTW to not get screwed over in buying so many batteries, buy a pack of duracles, when they are drained, get a used ac adapter, rip the wire open, take the red cord and tape it to the top of the duracle, so you get a new recharged battery in a few hours. Now layer the top sticker of the inside controller with tape so the pressure of the plastic does not bend inwards. Dont forget the tape on the battery to hold it in place. The best solution is to buy the standard usb recharger.

ON a future update, the xbox 360 controller can be lighter without the ridiculous battery charger pack. Basically just fuse the red and black wires and you get a corded controller with a cheap 2 month rechargable overheating battery pack. As well the xbox 360 has slippery buttons which seap in sweat and makes the buttons brake. Ah well, every console's hardware has its flaws, from the n64's cheap joystick, to the ps1's sinking laser to the xbox, and xbox 360's slippery buttons. The weighty controller is only second to the brick we call dreamcast mostly since it can outweigh or reduce weight depending on how you 'fix' the defunct cheap battery recharger. Jaguar is not even a 'key' player. Its just a sucky console and im not too familar with videogames past the dreamcast gen anyways. Psone, snes, and ps2/3 have the upper hands in durability, but not in comfort. This one goes to saturn/genesis 1st place.

3.) The cds, they will scratch if xbot is moved. Why not add a four, the 20 gig harddrive takes up like 10 gigs of 'emulation space'

Just dont move it, not a big deal if you have a nice living room, or not standing it vertically.

5.) The sexbox 36 is in need of a good monitor cable to hide its AA problems. The only thing ATI does well is make...well..good shadows. What saves sexbox is some of those few capcom games. They are perfect surpassing the ps 3s capabilities. Sometimes textures and shadow DO matter. THIS is def. not a japanese system though hardware wise. It is the holocaust of gaming. Psfree is ahead...way ahead. More than it should be...and so is wii...and the dreamcast....and even the snes. The xbot360, its loud, and annoying so get used to it...vga or no vga built in.

6.)The well woven menus of microsofts obvious software legacy is there of course...to earn money and waste peoples time. The xbox 360 is an egoist's heaven...and a gamers hell if not used to pay for. Almost every well organized game is there for payment. The PC and Arcade ports are usually redone with permission somehow but the huge library is worthit. I will give it to you straight microsoft, you are crooks. The only reason Halo was great was not because of the hardware but because we felt srry for you. no jk. Even though Halo is a marvel, technically and always will be the Starwars of gaming. grrr. New xbox's. Can't afford it don't buy it.

7.)The motor box 360's large power supply and system fan is loud. TOo loud. There is no room anywhere. Well ok..this is not true because noone keeps the powersupply in visible view. Plus xbox 360 is loud, but HD dolby completly eliminates that, earphones or not. The xbox 360 is great, but design isnt everything, they did after all release sp, dreamcast needs the devkit boot menu to show up its gen but it shows off its power already, i wouldve liked a smaller version of the xbox 1 too you know. Ah well you can't have everything.


Ps3 from my experience, never looked so good. The only reason companies are releasing games is because they feel sorry for you. They are releasing games which look good on both systems, and play just as good but in reality ps3 is built for HD, not component. Ps3 has what is called AA, and Multi-functional cpu technology not crappy edram. 360 is basically a mediocre arcade machine with a nice cover and cool design. Companies like Capcom do wonders on it, and thats what makes it great. The games are never that realistic to ps3s and shine like a console should...even in HD if its done right, by japanese developers in a good art****. The last american system that failed was 3d0 and here comes another one (albeit original xbox sucks, personally i like xbox for its durability and function, + other reasons which make it unique). Its not great to trick people, but the wii isnt great and it works. It holds its own. Somtimes people dont overhaul a system for good reason. Never has any game company, sega/sony/nintendo overhauled a system and its games. The Xbox 3.50 is Microsofts last console...and vista sux so...Pls retire. Im sorry.

PS: PC Gamers just get a PC made by another game manufacturer.

Now here is the real JOKE for the article. Both systems are great and its preference over quality. Xbox has preference, while Ps3 has quality. Xbox has superior AA, pixel blur, textures and shadows while Ps3 has AA and motion blur (at a cost to framerate, its cpu can utilize blur in the environment as opposed to onscreen blur eg smoke on the car of an ai) with superior lighting and environments. Basically its effects (smoother environment but smaller with no texture loading, usually no AAvs environment (large environment but slow texture loading). Ps3 is the system for graphics, and physics engines with hit new exclusives...which is better on HD though? Judging by the arguments I made earlier and the scaling that xbox 360 has (eg monitor scaling on hd tvs and consoles with low res), apparently ps3 wins hands down on this one or will anyways with developers making gt5 in 1080p somehow..technologically though, by an irrelevant inch:P. The truth here is ps3 will never be able to use bumpmapping effectively putting its funfactor down a notch but this is just dribble. Its always gameplay vs graphics and gameplay has it when it comes to bumpmapping therefore the 360 wins imho, private nudge, curiousity or watever u call it (which is why i stand by my purchase). Its always been textures vs effects for sony and microsoft. Same with Ati and Nvidia with the exception of last gens console, Xbox being far superior than the ps2. Xbox so far has a majority of game ports with smoother fps but that might change. Ps3 exclusives show that it can do more, but doesnt make it as shiny and detailed under a good gamer's eye. Ps3 is good for realism, while xb is good for arcade but imho i think realism is still not real and arcades are just textures being fluid. Sony's brand had always had better colors and environments for their sims but when you see the AA problem in say vf5 on ps3 its the dev. Xbox is the game system for gamers. A huge library, and greatly organized menus. A better GPU vs a better CPU. There is no difference really. If you like xbox get xbox if you like ps3 get ps3. The systems themselves are getting better and this gen is very much reliant on past, present and future gaming. My take, ps3 once warred with xbox 360 and noone cared. Don't forget the Wii for innovation!