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space simulators and flying games

After waiting 3 years I finally purchased a new computer that can run all of the new shooters on the market (far cry 2, crisis, fall out 3, etc.) so i decided that since it could run those games just fine i would try an older (2006) space flying game or whatever the hell you want to call it. So i got darkstar on since my old computer couldn't run it. i have just got done playing it for 3 hours and it is a good game, but not great. I grew up playing wing-commander privateer and fell in love with those types of games.

Since then there have a been a few games that have come close, think freelancer, and darkstar one was supposed to be a great game, where you could fly as han solo. I gotta be honest with you here, it was a gigantic disappointment. the game wasn't horrible, but it just wasn't as good as privateer. even after all of these years, i still compare everything to privateer. the controls were so much simpler and easier to you use. darkstar one has a lot of great things in it that are better than freelancer for example, but freelancer's control scheme make life so much easier. I am not really impressed with darkstar so far. mainly just really disappointed. like i said, its good game, but not great. wish they would make a new privateer game, that as bad ass.