Ok I'm so frustrated with my PS3 I can't enjoy any game properly. Basically, it's this : My PS3 is connected to my Samsung full 1080p LED HDTV via HDMI cable. The quality is perfect, the PS3 loading screen, menu screen - all fine; IN-GAME SCREEN : NOT FINE. In any game with more than a few game-screen models (e.g. cityscape, moving cars etc) it's like there are jagged edges around anything that moves moving cars, distant objects etc; blurry lines appear with the motion. The jagged lines disappear on stoping in game motion, i.e facing a wall. I didn't notice it in MW3 so much (it's none the less present), but in free-world games like LA Noire it's horrible. I had my PS3 replaced by Sony, the problem still persists. Tried different cables, different HDMI ports still no joy. The problem is only noticeble while playing games in scenes with fast motion, until then the picture quality is ok. Is the problem with my PS3 or HDMI or TV ?
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