de7con's forum posts
Check out Alpha Protocol, EYE: Divine Cybermancy, Vampire Bloodlines, Hitman and the Thief series, for starters. Alpha Protocol is the only one of those with a cover system, but meh, they're all great stealth-focused RPGs/stealth games.PlaneforgerFinished them all except EYE: DC and Alpha Protocol. Old gamer here.
I've tried Alpha Protocol. It feels... wierd. Think I'm gonna give it another try. Any other suggestions?
Hello guys.
I just finished playing Deus Ex Human Revolution (on "Give me Deus Ex!" difficulty, yay), and I was wondering what others stealth games are there? My criterias are: being able to use cover, and (maybe) upgrades. First thing that pops in mind is the MGS series, but I've finished playing it all. I also finished playing Splinter Cell Conviction. So what other stealth games do you guys know? (Similar to those above)
Got that. Thank you once again. Someone may close this
Thank you.
One more question if I may: I remember I got the option to chose one ability from the loyality missions, you said about another one, when exactly I get to chose new abilities for Shepard from other loyal members?
I finished ME2 last night and I got to chose between continuing playing and completing additional missions or restart with the same weapons, resources and alignament. I chose continuing cause I had to do one more assignament. It is possible to chose now to restart? If yes, how?
Yeah, that is exactly where I am. I returned the stone to the priest, but I can't solve that puzzle :\
Nevermind, I'll ask someone on that forum ^^ they should know better
There are about 4 buttons that give you different effects: poisons you, turns you on fire, turns you into a firefly, and one that makes you bleed, I activated all of them. Is there a certain sequence?
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