deadlywizard234's forum posts
[QUOTE="d-high29"]y cant you just have fun playin the game without getting rewards or sumthin, and i dont think microsoft would do that because there already doin good and makin money and thats just extra workufcfan1987
exactly. why do you feel the need that microsoft should basically just give you free money because you play their system. gaming is a hobby ,something you do for fun. So you really feel that all the money that goes into making a game should be given back to you just because you get 1000 out of a game. thats to motivate you not to reward you'll be complaining that they should also pay for your xbl since you bought the system right. just play your games and stop wanting. thats all it is people just want want and want.the only thing microsoft should be required to do is fix your 360 is it gets the rrod or the errors.thats it
I can have fun playing the game, but i'm not really caring at all about the achievements because there is no incentive whatsoever. I'm just saying the achievement system needs a kick in the pants or they might as well drop it altogether.They need to spice up the grinding element like with World of Warcraft, people have an incentive to go through all the grinding involved to get a phat looking weapon/armor, increased attack power, or a new mount. I never said for them to offer MONEY for the fourth time.
Microsoft points are not money, I can't buy a new car, groceries, or pay my rent with microsoft points. Just game stuff. If offering $3 worth of GAME STUFF for purchasing a $60 game is just too horrendously socialist in nature, then they could just limit the rewards to cosmetic updates available to your avatar and that would still make things infinitely more entertaining.
You see pepsi and coca cola give away crap for points they give away for buying their sodas. The only difference here is that there is a neat twist in that you have to game for the points.
Why give away free stuff for buying soda, what kind of business model is that? Because in the end the huge increase in sodas they sell far outweighs the cost of the stuff they give away. People buying xboxes and games in greater quantity= more $$$ for Microsoft and gamer companies, and they can afford bigger yachts while the gamers will go out less and play games more.
Why is it going to kill the used game market? If a game is good, people are still going to buy it. Are people going to pay $60 for a game just so they could get $3-$4 in microsoft points even if the game is complete crap, and they will completely ignore a game that has ran out of the statute of limitations but happens to be a great game. I went to a casino one time that didn't offer any comps or promos (even though like 95% of casinos offer comps for playing) and plenty of people still gambled.
And again I never said "MONEY' or "CURRENCY" I said the word points, meaning MICROSOFT POINTS. Sorry to break out the caps but everybody seems to think I said something that I didn't.
I'm not saying that those 3 ideas I put forth would curb all exploitation, but who cares? Are people going to go to extravagant lengths to hack 300 microsoft points to buy frogger or get a phat looking horse in oblivian.
Yes your right, giving away money for achievements would be a bad idea, but giving microsoft points, which just buy addons and games like frogger and doom, wouldn't be so bad. And the arcade games that are better and more elaborate usually cost more, like Braid is 1200 points i think. But you would have to get all the achievements from like 3 or 4 games you bought retail to unlock Braid. That's $180-$240 in order to get a $12 game. I think with the money Microsoft made off those games they could easily reimburse the makers of Braid.
I still think people should be able to buy microsoft points if they want to as well, not saying that that option is off the table if anybody thought that.
I meant microsoft points when I said reward points, I have now edited it to say microsoft points.
And no I never said "money" or "currency". You are erroneous if you think I want microsoft to give cold hard cash for achievements, I never said that.
Yeah when I say reward points I mean microsoft points. Microsoft points aren't like real currency anyways, they are just good for buying arcade games/addons, right? Most of the arcade games are pretty old and lots of the addons are just cosmetic additions to games or map additions that could have been implemented on game launch.
Is giving players the chance to play frogger or open up a couple of lvls of halo through achievements going to open up a new era of corruption and scandal?
Like I said before, they offer comp points at casinos for gambling, why can't they do it for gaming.
I assume that by gaming points you mean Microsoft points. Anyway, people like you need to realize that you don't deserve any kind of reward for playing (!) a freaking video game. It's a hobby. You do it for fun. If you want to get something out of it then become a game tester.nethernova
They offer comp points at casinos for gambling. It draws more business and both the customer and casinos are happier. If they implemented it in the way I outlined I don't see how they couldn't do it with gaming. Do people who gamble deserve any sort of reward for gambling? No, but the extra "promo" has an added entertainment value and draws more business.
As far as renting goes, the codes are only one time use, and they could be put on a sticker on the directions or inside of the box the rental place simply doesn't have to worry about giving the first people to rent their new titles access to the code, since they usually don't include the directions and retail box(do certain rental places include directions and/or retail boxes, I know gamefly doesn't, that's who I rent from).
I could not care less about gamer achievements, most of the achievements are either way too easy or tedious/convoluted, but a reward system would make the achievements (easy and extremely hard) fun. I also understand that it would be very cost ineffective for microsoft to offer rewards too easily, but I think xbox 360 profits would increase if microsoft implemented a reward system in a sensible manner, making more people want to own an xbox 360. Here are some things that microsoft could do:
1) Offer a one time use code on games, so only one gamer (the gamer who bought the game) can get microsoft points for completing the achievements. This so a person can't lend out the game to friend after friend, allowing them all to seep rewards off of a game they didn't buy.
2) Only offer the microsoft points after the person has completed every single one of the achievements, so gamers aren't just motivated to complete the easy achievements, and skip the hard ones.
3) Put a statute of limitations of one month after game release, after which the code would expire. If the person types in the code within one month of game release, they have all the time in the world to complete the achievements. This is so people can't get bargain basement games that have been out forever and get reward points for a game they got too cheap.
I think if Microsoft did it this way they could offer up 300-500 reward points per game. So for every retail game that you buy within one month of it coming out, you get $3-$5 worth of arcade games (or addons for other games) for completing all the achievements. Even if they just offered up 100-200 points it would still make things more fun and interesting. It will encourage people to buy more games and since some of the achievements can only be unlocked through xbox live, it will encourage more people to get xbox live.
These are the three main things I feel microsoft could do in order to offer rewards in a cost effective manner.
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