The Colts are winning not because I hate the bears but because I don't think the Bears can get enough offense. Yes Indy has a bad run D however, they have been good in shutting down power running back which is what the Bears have. Also the Indy D was able to shut down Larry Johnson, jamal lewis, and the patriots running game in the last 3 quarters. Also Indys secondary will shutdown grossman because he isn't a very good quarterback. and if Indy can get a lead grossman is horriable at turning the ball over when the Bears are losing. Also in the kicking game Indy has the edge becuase of Vinatieri and the fact that he was won 2 superbowls with field goals in the dieing seconds. However I do not think that the game will need a game winning feild goal in the last seconds. Prediction: COLTS:23 BEARS:13
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