Just posting an update of what I've been up to lately.
Besides hard work, I've been picking up some older titles that I used to love playing. I'm far too lazy to go through my now playing list and remove each individual game and replace it with another, so instead I'll just inform people here of what I really AM currently playing.
Resident Evil 4, I found some lovely mods that makes the game look like something that was actually made in 06/07.
I am actually still playing Borderlands, but not much of it, I've already beaten every quest (I didn't even get the steam achievement for doing it... Lame) and I usually only log on now whenI get bored and decide to use a weapon modder.
I'm trying to bring myself to bring Beyond Good and Evil, but the PC port is such a mess. It's hardly playable on the lowest settings.
As for something new, I am going to get BulletStorm sometime today/tommorow. I hope it's as good as some people say it is. I don't even bother looking at Gamespot reviews these days, sadly I rarely find any I agree with.
Although the game is still in the works with updates, one of my friends got me to play Vindictus. After me hammering them time and time again about how it's probably just another WoW style game, I finally brought myself to download and install it. The graphics are AMAZING for a free MMO. Of course it has a cash shop, but there isn't much to buy that gives others a huge avantage over you. It actually uses a new style of gameplay, no more click to fight + kill style combat, when you left click, you swing your sword. When you press space, you dodge out of the way. It's actually real combat, which is not only nice to see, but an amazing choice to add in an MMO. I recommend everyone who reads this (Unless you hate RPGs for whatever reason) to give it a shot.
In other news, the Dragon Age 2 demo was beautiful. Again, more realistic combat, when you run away from an enemy, and they swing their sword at you, it doesn't do a dice roll to say if you missed or not, if you aren't physically close enough for them to hit you, they won't. Also, the gore in the demo was spectacular, it was lovely being able to slice enemies in half and then backstab someone trying sneaking up behind me.
For those of you not paying attention to my raptr or Achievements, I don't play it anymore but PA adventures was a great load of fun, you'll get more enjoyment out of it if you read the comics but it's still good fun for everyone. I think it was probably the best money I've spent since buying Team Fortress.