Yaay- version 2!
Brink- A dissapointment to everyone. Though I wouldn't call it a bad game, it wasn't exactly a good game either. It had minimal content, and the whole agility thing the game was based on felt really under developed... It became more of a hit and run shooter. I've spent roughly 16 hours on this and don't plan on picking it up again till the free content that has been promised arrives.
Honest Hearts (DLC)- Terrible, can't even begin to describe the god awful extentsion that Obsidion dares to claim as DLC. Not worth more than three dollers. Some of the modded content on the Fallout boards has more content and better detail than this and they're free. Good if you plan on spending 4 hours of playing New Vegas mixed with Fallout 3 then getting almost no new gear.
Terraria- Finally! Something brilliant. Now as everyone says, it's most likely a Minecraft knock off, Minecraft however, has not appealed to me at all. I have yet to play Minecraft so I cannot say with certainty of how similar they are Terraria does what Minecraft does, and adds a more 'Castlevannia' feel to it. I got this game as a gift and I've spent a solid 26 hours+ playing. I recommend this to anyone who likes open world adventure type games.
The Sims 3 Generations- Well, I always thought I could rely on the Sims 3 EXPANSION PACKS to give me great content. This was a huge letdown and I don't plan on buying the next one. The stuttering problem most people have gotten with The Sims 3 has still not be fixed. In terms of actual content? You won't find much here. EA chose to add content for the two most despised ages in The Sims, Teens and Kids. The only thing I like out of the entire expansion is that some of the clothes were half decent.
Fable III- A bit of a mess, I haven't been able to run it that smoothly (quite odd since I'm running Crysis 2 on high with great FPS) on any settings. It's basically just a console port, it even comes with the 30 fps limit. Not really any new content worth mentioning, they did make interacting with people a bit better, otherwise nothing is notably changed.
Pokemon White- Ehh, it's a little old but whatever. It was an okay game, basically the same thing as Diamond. If you liked Pokemon Diamond/Pearl then I recommend getting White. It doesn't really offer anything new besides the actual pokemon, but the story was okay. The game was also a lot more animated than the static predeccesors, often making the game look beautiful.
Okamidon- Good, but not enough. I liked it for the first hour or so, then I got rather bored. I haven't felt any urge to pick it back up and try it again, quite dissapointing for a sequel to a great game such as Okami. It's worth the money if you're a huge fan, otherwise I recommend going out and buying Okami for the PS2 (For those of you that still have one).