I'm so confused here. Laura, are you saying that we don't have the right to say a game is bad? I understand what was done with the verbal abuse spamming on her twitter was wrong, but the way this article was written makes it sound like you think we expect too much for Bioware to be kind to its fanbase. The way a lot of customers were treated in all honestly made it kind of expected for people to react how they did. Both groups are in the wrong here but (at least the opinion I got from this) it seems like you feel that the only ones who were wrong here were the people who attacked Hepler. I'm mixed on this, skip combat thing. I think that it should be an option, yes, but I don't think it should be an excuse to create the mess of combat DA2 had. Since now devs could say "Well if you don't like the combat we added, you can skip it". If you want to skip combat that's fine, however there needs to be GOOD combat as well. As long as developers don't use it as an excuse to make the gameplay sloppy, I'm fine with it.
@TheRedHunterr What do you mean pretty good graphics for a RPG? I find that RPG games usually have the better end of graphics in general. There will always be an occasional shooter who has extraordinary graphics (Crysis, Killzone 3 anyone?) but when it comes to consistency, I don't see many ugly looking RPG games.
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