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deathshead74 Blog
Watch what you say here on Gamespot!!!!!
by deathshead74 on Comments
I had to post these because I feel that this is ridiculous how Gamespot is telling me I violated their Terms Of Service. Two of my postings were removed and for why??? I was not flagrant, or cursing, especially on my last posting. It was a simple question about who else would like to see a zombie DLC for GTA4. So they send me a threatening message?? WTF!!!! I have been a member since May of 2005 and have not violated anything since then! This is fine though, it seems you cannot speak your mind here on this site! What I wrote is highlighted in red, can anyone out there tell me how these are violations? I don't have a problem giving them the middle finger and going to G4 from now on. Just say the word and you can cancel my account, take your threats and stick them! You are not the only site in town you know!
Original item posted by:deathshead74 on Nov 4, 2010 4:04 am PT
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Board:Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare Pack
Topic:Who else would like to see a zombie download for Grand Theft Auto 4?Original Message (view edit history)
Just prodding to see if anyone else would like to see a zombie apocolypse in Liberty City? I don't know if Rockstar has even considered the notion, but that would be great if they did based on how well Undead Nightmare was received.
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Original item posted by:deathshead74 on Apr 20, 2010 9:06 am PT
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Board:Deadly Premonition
Topic:How does a broken game like this, get a 7.0???Original Message (view edit history)
I enjoy getting my information from Gamespot as opposed to other sites, but really?!? I am baffled by the high rating they gave this game, yet they complained about the game being technically broken!?!
This comes from Gamespot's own rating system: 4.0-4.5 Poor "Games that just don't work right and maybe didn't spend enough time in production tend to fall into this category. They simply lack the cohesion and quality that make other games fun". This description seems to be more fitting for this game; I can rightfully say this because I played the game. I personally would give the game a 2.0 because it is just plain broken! I had to take it out of my Xbox after about 25 minutes because I could not handle it anymore. I really had to question how a game can come out for a next generation system, and play worse than a game from 1999! Giving the game a 7.0 just because it has a good story, and only cost $20 is absolutely absurd.
Gamespot even said that the bad qualities of the game are, poor visuals, terrible sound effects, useless map, and awkward controls!! So how do they justify their rating?? They are saying that this game is 1.0 point away from being a Great game?? WTF?? When did gameplay no longer factor into a game being good? Here are some examples of how the game is broken: 1. when you are runnung it looks like the character is ice skating, and feels that way as well. 2. You cannot look around at the environment, there is no free range of motion, so if you turn to the left or right, then it turns a complete 90 degrees, there is no inbetween. 3. Targeting is horendous, you move the analog stick slightly and it turns fast and jerky. There were Playstation 1 games that controlled better than this garbage! IGN has it right, they gave this game a 2 out of 10. My advice to everyone is to save that $20 to put towards a good game, heck that will pay for one third of a game that you will be happy with! Do not listen to the people who are saying that this is some kind of hidden treasure, this should not have been allowed to be released. Maybe the production company paid Gamespot to give it a good review?
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Zombie Apocolypse in Liberty City!!
by deathshead74 on Comments
I am a big fan of the recent "Undead Nightmare" DLC for Red Dead Redemption. Many zombie games have been done, but this is the first entry within an open world environment, no restrictions! Based on the success of this DLC content, I had to question ifRockstar games is contemplating designing a zombie apocolypse for Grand Theft Auto 4. It would make sense that they would at least give it a passing thought, it seems that it would be another success for their most successful franchise. I have been looking for a way to suggest the idea to them, possibly presenting a petition of people who would be in favor of a DLC. Maybe we can use this forum to let Rockstar know that we want this, I will be trying to contact them myself so that my voice is heard.
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