deathtok / Member

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Gaming Predictions and Thoughts

The gaming and entertainment industry is so dynamic. Every year something big comes out and changes are made. I'd like to make a few predictions of my own.

1) Sony will re-release the Sixaxis controller with advanced rumble support from Immersion. Much like the dual analog setup of the PSone era, Sony will see the advantages here. So will gamers.

2) The XBox 360 will maintain it's strong sales in the U.S. but continue the poor sales in Japan. With two other (now) current-gen options, expect traditional Japanese developers to lean more support on Sony and Nintendo beginning in 2007.

3) Bouncing back from terrible PR up through the release of the PS3, expect Sony to get smart. In 2007 expect announcements for more Sony exclusives.

4) Bigger hard drives in the PS3--sooner rather than later.

5) Expect a bit of a marriage between the PS3 and PC gamers. With Sony support of USB devices, game developers are likely to give users more options of how to play. FPS's on PC's have usually dominated because of the keyboard/mouse setup.

6) Microsoft will leave 2007 with a console lead mostly due to supply. Expect Sony & Nintendo to make up a lot of ground though. I imagine Sony will have sold 8 million PS3's by next August with Microsoft around 13 million. With huge fall releases for both consoles expect that gap to be smaller going into 2008.

Okay that's enough. Nothing too shocking or crazy here but I'd like to hear some of your opinions and predictions. Let me know what you think.