@Superman_legend @AlwaysRunning @dxshah786 The question is.... what makes us think Sony isn't doing the same thing? They have said they're going to leave the choice up to the developers. That's pretty vague... they can be implementing the exact same (or similar) system and just giving the publishers the choice of whether they want to use it.
Microsoft is greedy and arrogant, but are they stupid enough to do this without some knowledge of the competition make a similar move? Don't you think they publishers that talked them into implementing this system weren't telling them "Don't worry, we're getting Sony to do the same thing... you won't lose customers to them because of it"? I wonder....
@Ravenlore_basic I'm not sure if I can post links here, but Microsoft Corporate Vice President Phil Harrison told Kotaku that the fee will be FULL RETAIL PRICE. So, buying a game used will actually be MORE EXPENSIVE than new... because you pay whatever you're going to pay someone for the disc, then the full $59.99 or whatever to "activate" it. Makes sense, right?
Of course, in the face of the backlash they're dealing with, they have now backpedaled and said this is just a "potential scenario". Hopefully they're realizing we won't put up with this.... or they figured "Hey, we'll tell them it's full retail, then when we tell them it's only half retail they'll think it's a bargain!!"
@amdreallyfast Call me a conspiracy theorist, but we've heard rumors of this scenario for months, and I've always wondered if the rumors themselves were started by Microsoft in order to gauge reactions and see how people responded. If so, they apparently felt like the backlash wouldn't be strong enough to hurt sales too much... but the thing is, most reasonable people didn't think they would actually be stupid enough to really do it. If we did, this freakout would have come much stronger months ago.
@wizemanschaos @Xx_Kares_xX I hate Gamestop and their greed as much as anyone... hell they give you next to nothing for a used game and them sell it for $5 off the price of a new one. I never buy used, and I have only traded in one game this gen (MW3, incidentally).... but this is not the answer. Especially considering Microsoft has officially stated that the fee is not a couple bucks, but the full price of the game. Gamestop can't "lower the price" of the used games because the price of a "used" game is now the full retail price of it new. Buying used? Renting? Borrowing? All finished under this plan. Have more than one Xbox in your house (as we do in mine)? Pay for every console you want to play it on... unless you want your roommate to use your account, and I'm sure one account can't be logged in on two consoles at once.
I would have rather given my money to publishers... in fact I always have. But if they're going to go overboard with greed to this extent, they can kiss off.
@tgwolf I like how you try to sound smart by using words like "pertinent", while you type nonsensical ramblings like "If this were other than on the worst platform". Yes, you're too smart and mature for Minecraft.... which totally gives you away as being about 15, insecure, and trying to prove how "grown up" you are by playing totally bloody games with lots of bad words. But try not too worry too much, you'll start growing hair in weird places soon!
@OreoPoptart I don't buy used games either. Ever. But I do live in a house with 2 Xbox 360's. We would have to purchase 2 copies of every game, or pay an additional licensing fee? What about rentals? If I'm not sure about a game, I rent it... if I like it I buy it. If renting isn't an option, do you really think I'm gonna go out and buy every game to try it out? Hell no... I'll just pass on most of them. I have every current-gen system and every handheld but the Vita. If this is next gen... I might get a Wii U and that's it.
Microsoft needs to just adopt Sony's approach to online purchases; You want to buy DLC, a game, a movie? The store tells you how much it is (in real money, not points so that you can't keep track of how much you're ACTUALLY spending), and you pay that much. No money/points left over. If it's $5.99, it says $5.99, you pay $5.99. Simple. There's not much that I prefer my PS3 over my 360 for, but making online purchases is a no-brainer. Sony got it right.
decepticondevil's comments