Just a point of view but what sort of woman would these characters come into contact with, not a defence or an argument but you have a pyschopath, a career criminal and an up and coming career criminal not likely to come into a lot of contact with woman without an issue or two, couldn't see any of the woman I know, knowing these sorts of guys! Not sure how the lead guys doing things unexpectedly out of character can be a flaw, but you expect them to be in contact/spend time with career minded, smart, funny (dare I say normal) woman, just a thought
@EddieDominguez Well said, more competition better games...hopefully by the truck load! Regardless where your loyalty lies, still PS4 for me, but generally good news
@JumpyLuweegee Not sure it appears they backed down, Sony has done XBOX owners a bit of a backhanded favour really! I'll end up with both but PS4 already got a huge amount of pre-orders due to the confused MS PR
@EddieDominguez It will make a difference to sales but, people do hold grudges. Microsoft were kinda forced to do this to be fair, but everyone got a glimpse at how they would "ideally" want to treat consumers, maybe a little to late for some ( You can never please everyone )
@giz802 @deckard_37 And its a fair point to have, it didn't suit everyone! But maybe seen as a sign of weakness and may make PS4 marketing write itself for this generation. They will have to be very clear if they U turn...plus with no region locking how can they manage demand for EU/Asia etc?
@malokevi @Kalbent The XBOX One will sell, and will do very well in the US. I think it will be less competitive than this generation overall as MS will loose to much ground outside the US. It would have been better to have 2 solid options but PS4 for me this time around, personal preference
deckard_37's comments