Lately, I've been hearing rumors that are hidden in San Andreas, for example is BigFoot, many believe that bigfoot can actually be found, maybe its because that one of the people who contributed in making the game was nicknamed as "BigFoot", and if you look closely at the South-East portion of the map, you will see a big foot, No Really... but many doubt that Bigfoot exists due to the constant modding of PC gamers...
Another myth is the Leatherface, if you've been playing a lot of Resident Evil 4 lately, this guy would be much much familiar to you, leatherface is a person who wears a some sort of 'leather mask' and wields a chainsaw. told you he would sound familiar... it is said that he appears every 23:00 - 1:00 in the woods... check him out if you want to ^_^
Another one is The Serial Killer, this guy looks like he came straight from Jeepers Creepers, or somehow looks like The Undertaker, he wears a hat similar to The Undertaker and a long black coat. Although I haven't seen him yet, I have plans to...
But the most hard to believe thing about San Andreas is the rumor about UFOs. Hard to believe yes, but I have seen this Easter Egg myself!! Don't Believe Me?! Oh.. Ok.... Hey Use the flying cars cheat or the Hydra Cheat...
Although some of these 'Easter Eggs' were hard to believe, there are some that are proven to be True... one of them is the Body Bags, where in there are body bags that are found in a hole in the desert part of San Andreas, near the hole is a Bobcat...
Anyway, if you HAVE proven these myths true, please let me know ^_^
Whoah this is getting boring, anyway Thanks!