deepbluekarz's comments

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Edited By deepbluekarz

I don't really see what the problem is with female gamers. In fact I find it impressive if a female plays games that are generally thought of as male oriented. It's mainly due to culture and ethics. Women are stereotyped into doing girly things generally, but if you can look past that, women are just as capable as men when gaming. The only difference is that women have to overcome taboos and other nonsense. I guess it's due to ignorance and elitism. Anyway if anyone knows "tossgirl", quite impressive that she can play starcraft (the hardest multiplayer game ever made) and kick rear ends in tournaments. It's simply cuz of the lack of women (in numbers) that's why tournaments are male dominated, just like in poker. Again due to upbringing/culture. Take those away, and women would not be so different. Oh, if any of you played Dragon Age 2, it's not just about men or women anymore. You'll see when you play the game. You'll meet... certain kinds of people LOL.