I doubt you're the only one. I haven't been to this board a lot, but I haven't seen any either.
deepsilence's forum posts
I want the DSi for certain reasons but won't shell out a buck 70 for it. I mean really, I mainly want the bigger screens. The battery even drains faster than a DS Lite. So that's kinda sad.
But if I didn't have a DS phat, I'd probably choose the DSi since I don't really play GBA games at all.
I hear Devil May Cry is easily the worst in the series. So I'm not sure if you want to touch that one. But maybe.....
And I don't really have many suggestions.
Xenosaga is pretty deep but the long cutscenes can get boring after a while. Some of them are reeeeeeeeeally long.
Final Fantasy XII isn't half bad. I recommend that over Xenosaga.
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