First, thanks to anyone that might be of assistance with my problem.
I and a buddy have each purchased Army of Two for the PS3. The problem is that we can not play any co-op based campaign games (private or public). Getting into a "Quick Match" doesn't seem to be problem (outside of us not playing together as the game was designed to do).
Each of our consoles has it's own static IP address. Each of our Linksys routers have the proper ports being forwarded to our console's static IP addresses. We have even run the static IPs under DMZ mode... in addition to totally disabling the firewalls. Still no luck.
We can each send an invite to one another; receive the invites; but it does not allow us to connect.
Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how were you able to remedy the problem (if a remedy was found).
Again, thanks in advance to anyone that has any solid suggestions. We have been chomping at the bit to play this game together online, but so far have only run into a brick wall trying.
-- Degarmo
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