deiviuxs / Member

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Worst scenario EVER!

Hello everyone. I have terrible news... :cry:

So yesterday was my birthday (10/21) and I received the best birthday present yesterday. My computer broke! After a short circuit I was not able to turn my computer back again. I find out that my power supply has failed, so now I need to get a new power supply. Hopefully, I will be able to get a replacement because I still have a warranty on the PSU (I bought it last year). So now I have no computer (except my Macbook). Moreover, I would not be that mad or sad or angry because my power supply broke down but what makes me really angry is that today I will pick up my Far Cry 2 game copy from GameStop and I won't be able to play the game! The game that I waited for more than a year to play! And finally when it's out I can't play it 'cause my stupid computer does not work!:x

I don't know what to do. It's so ironic that it all happened the day of my birthday and the day before Far Cry 2 comes out. It's sad from one side, but it's ironically funny from the other side.

Wow. I just wish the power never disapeared because I would be playing Far Cry 2 now. Instead, all I can do is to look at the game box and wait for my new power supply to arrive...