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deku-shrub Blog

holy ****

i dint get 2 games today,nor 3,4 or 5 i got six :o i gotrachet and clank size matters (very good fun but im stuck on mumbo the boss),god of war(need i say more),liberaty city stories(i borrowed it off my friend once,not as good as vice city,but it was cheap)star wars battlefront 2(it was cheap and below my expectations level wise,the xbox version had alot more levels),monster hunter 2 freedom(and outstanding game,one of my favourate psp games and a amazing rpg,but it now.)killzone liberation(a good game not amazing,but worth a buy none he less)

oh and castlevania want there :cry:

been a long time

god 2 years thats madi have a psp and a ton of games,strangely i never got metal slug,might do though,got my self a psp,and 2 games,had it a while getting god of war and maybe something lese tomorrow because im trading in some games,i got prime then it went missing when my mum tidied my bed room i was distrought,tons has happend as you would expect i got wi-fi so gimme ya friend codes,animal crossing city folk looks incredable well late now so ill make another blog soon, tata

viva la WII!!!!!

the comes out tomorrow in uk (were i live)im getting a wii at christmas(hopefully) i need zelda like i need oxigen


i need a wii badly

i need one im serius zelda and metal slug are calling me and ive dicided im getting zelda and metal slug metal slug is cheaper and looks awsome number 6 looks very cool.america is so lucky there gettin it sooner then us brits(8th december:cry: ) i think games shud go down in price before christmas or i wont get many games

the wii

because i live in england i have to wait till 8th december till the wii comes out but i have to wait till christmas, the game i realy want is zelda twighlight princess im hopefully also guna buy iver exite truck,ssbb or metal slug.i love metroid and zelda but i will wait a while to get prime 3 coz im not guna have enough money!!o how i need more money i want so many wii games but probaly only get 2 for a bit but that good with me as i shud get wii sports but i might not thats whats kinda worrying coz when i got my ds there was ment to be a free mph demo there wasnt i didnt care tho i got mario 64 i realy want wii sports im guna make a army of mii's!!!:D