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#1 dela_kobla
Member since 2004 • 297 Posts

First and fore most, thank you for reading. I just bought the 100 dollar wireless adaptor. Initially my console was upstairs, i connected the adaptor, turn on the console, went to system settings, edit network, and underneath DNS settings, there wireless option is not even selectable. I felt maybe the console was out of range, hence right now, the console is downstairs, literaly right next to the router ( wireless if i may note), and still the same issue. Pls help if uve had a similar experience.

Should i smack the adaptor a bit?

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#2 dela_kobla
Member since 2004 • 297 Posts
u've gotta connect ur component cable in as well so u get sound. Thats the short coming of using a dvi/hdmi adapter. Both didnt fit for me, so i had to cut some of the plastic off my hdmi cable so i could squeeze both in.
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#3 dela_kobla
Member since 2004 • 297 Posts
Yep thats how it should be. Just get all consoles and have ur peace!
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#4 dela_kobla
Member since 2004 • 297 Posts

Hold on son! don't do anything yet. Now, i assume u're trying to connect using HDMI, that is ure gonna use an HDMI dvi adaptor. Well if thats the case,

1. connect ur hdmi cable to the monitor and to ur ps3

2. connect ur AV component cable to ur ps3

3. U need a female -male splitter toconnect the AV (red and white cables) to.

4. There is a middlepiece that u cangetwhich connects speaker to speaker. (both female ends).

They're easy tofind. Go to a radioshack

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#5 dela_kobla
Member since 2004 • 297 Posts

I'd go with 360 but just take a look at the good games out now and coming out in the next year... *** PS3 *** 1. Resistance 2. Uncharted 3. Haze 4. Ratchet & Clank 5. Killzone 2 6. Metal Gear Solid 4 7. Warhawk 8. Heavenly Sword *** 360 *** 1. Perfect Dark Zero 2. Gears Of War 3. Halo 3 4. Mass Effect 5. Fable 2 6. Saints Row 7. Project Gotham Racing 3 8. Forza Motorsport 2 9. Lost Planet 10. Halo Wars 11. Dead Rising 12. Dead Or Alive 4 13. Kameo 14. Condemned 15. Project Gotham Racing 4 16. Guitar Hero II (with exclusive songs) 17. Grand Theft Auto IV (with exclusive episodic content) The 360's lineup is better but the PS3 is still worth getting I think.-MlKE-

Interesting list! Looks pretty biased to me. Do ur research better! Afterall ure trying to help him make a good judgement.

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#6 dela_kobla
Member since 2004 • 297 Posts

And Halo 3 was playable???? Apparently drew more crowds than MGS4????? People have to stop these lame excuses. Halo is as violent as Killzone 2. Secondly saying japanese people don't play FPS is silly. Look at the turn out at the halo kiosks, the crowd was even LARGER than the MGS4 crowd.

Sony made a huge mistake by not making it playable at TGS, and they're gonna pay for it. I wonder how they think! geez, its just Marketing 101. We're going down!! Halo has sold 2.5 million preorders already. Its also moving x360 units. Soon even resident evil 5 will become an x360 exclusive due to the immenseuser base of the x360.Its sad,those who run sony knownothing aboutthe gaming industry...


Yeah right, and Big Bill knows how to take money outta your wallet without you noticing....(Live and all of that crap).

Microsoft never knew anything about just started throwing money in the fireplace to have some fun!!!

U're right, Big Bill doesn't know anything about games, but the desire to be successful is evident! At least their throwing money in the fireplace, hoping miracles occur and its paying off. Sony afterall has been in the gaming industry at least half a decade before microsoft. Sony should know better...

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#7 dela_kobla
Member since 2004 • 297 Posts

And Halo 3 was playable???? Apparently drew more crowds than MGS4????? People have to stop these lame excuses. Halo is as violent as Killzone 2. Secondly saying japanese people don't play FPS is silly. Look at the turn out at the halo kiosks, the crowd was even LARGER than the MGS4 crowd.

Sony made a huge mistake by not making it playable at TGS, and they're gonna pay for it. I wonder how they think! geez, its just Marketing 101. We're going down!! Halo has sold 2.5 million preorders already. Its also moving x360 units. Soon even resident evil 5 will become an x360 exclusive due to the immenseuser base of the x360. Its sad,those who run sony knownothing aboutthe gaming industry...


Seriously WTF are you blabbering on about?

U'll understand soon enuf!

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#9 dela_kobla
Member since 2004 • 297 Posts
Any one heard anything yet?