hard drive full? or have u gone over your ISPs DL limit?chaoscougar1i've got 7.1GB left so no for that And ive got unlimited usage with my internet package.. and its always been this speed when trying to download on 360
delasandro's forum posts
1.dont know sorry 2.Yes 3. 9 4.8 5. Splinter cell enjoy your 360 matehi. i've had my eye on the 360 for a few months now and especially after the great E3 conference I find myself convinced to buy one. but first there are a few things i need to know before it arrives so any help would be grately appreciated. :)
you don't have to answer them all for me. if you're not sure on an answer, just leave the question blank, that way I can't be mislead. ;)
so, here I go:
1. can i play xbox original games online through xbox live on a 360?
2. can a silver xbox live account be upgraded to a gold account at a later date with all the information and settings from the silver account still intact?
3. on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) how good is Halo 3?
4. on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) how good is fable II?
5. which ONE of these two games should I pre-order: a) forza motorsport 3 b) splinter cell: convictions
Thank you in advance. :D
also, I should mention, this is my FIRST post on these forums:!:
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