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E3 2006 - Sony

At E3 this year, Sony showed off a cool little card game using the eye toy.  There, that's all the compliments I have.

They ripped off Xbox Live, they ripped off the Wiimote, they ripped off the GBA-GCN Connectivity, and they dared to spew the word "innovative" when describing their new controller, which doesn't even have a rumble feature!

10 minutes of 1080p Gran Turismo footage was retarded, and their game demos were boring to say the least.  The only game I wanted to see was Killzone 2, and it wasn't there, reinforcing the belief that the game was nowhere near as far along as they suggested it was at last E3.

What else did they screw up?  Oh ya, the price is ridiculous, and the cheaper model doesn't even have the same basic capabilities as the other version!  It doesn't have built in wifi technology, and no HDMI output, which could cause problems down the road for high resolution movie watching, should the Blue Ray discs have the copy protection system that we are being told it would.  Under this system, your cheaper PS3 won't be able to run movies in 1080p anymore!  Even if this ends up being resolved, it's still stupid for the cheaper system to not even have the same ports and such.

Sony is desperately trying to convince me that the graphics are so good on the PS3 that I have to get one.  The graphics are not wowing me, I'm sorry, they just aren't.  I'd happily play Halo 3 and enjoy its graphics on the 360.  Or even the graphics on the Wii, since it has other things going for it.  The PS3 only had one supposed advantage over the competition, graphics.  And now it looks like it doesn't even have that.

Sony, you honestly deserve an F, enjoy.