Far Cry Vengeance looks fantastic. If you haven't seen the first trailer for it, stop reading and go watch it immediately. This game looks sick! The controls work so well with the gameplay, I've never seen anything like it. Well, I've seen Red Steel, but this honestly looks more fun. It's more of a run around and kill everybody experience, rather than a walk through Japan and swordfight guys. Both sound good, but I am totally going for Far Cry over Red Steel now.
There ya have it, Far Cry, the first next gen game to truly excite me. It now is in the same class as Rogue Leader, Mario 64, and Zelda:Link to the Past, all these games I got early on for each of their systems; all of them were the first games for their respective systems to get me pumped for that new hardware.
Btw, go check out the water graphics in the trailer, not bad at all.