Shame you are going to miss out on those Exclusive games coming out next year and I would hold-on to that system until then. Let it collect dust until next year.
Next Month will be Pikmin 3 and follow by in September for Wonderful 101 [a new IP from Nintendo] I hope those 2 Wii U Exclusive will help Nintendo out until next year when those other Exclusive games such as new Super Smash Bros. and Legend of Zelda help out until then.
I'm surprise the ZombiU Bundle Deluxe didn't help with the sales beause that bundle was a great deal from the start but if this is true about ZombiU horrible sales, other Developers will are going to turn away from Nintendo Wii U unless they can get more sales out of them and most of Nintendo first paries games are not coming out until next year and this is not helping at all. I hope Nintendo makes it out of this because the Next-Gen are just around the corner.
Gotta love Gearbox and that Liar Randy Pitchford for milking Sega, took the money from the develoment of the Wii U version and now this DLC, people are not that dumb to buy this DLC after the dissapointment of CM.
Shame, I will be at work so it looks like I will miss the party for the gameplay so I'm sure Xbox 360/PS3 will have the gameplay video on there console anyway.
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